Category Archives: Spirit & Angel Photos

Exclusive Photos: Maiden Flight of Spacecraft, Reverse-Engineered ET Tech?

Historic Lower Manhattan proved the unlikely setting yesterday for the bumpy first flight attempt of a NASA spacecraft, reportedly reverse-engineered from an ET (Orion-based) starship crashed off the Finnish coast.

Just steps away from Fraunces Tavern, where George Washington saluted his weary victorious troops at the end of the American Revolution, this $12.7 billion prototype for flights to Mars, Venus and beyond attempted to circum-teleport the globe by a sophisticated form of “etheric zipline”.

On its first teleportation flight the odd craft, code-named “Chiropterus”, shuddered as it slowly lurched first a few inches, then maybe 10 or 12 feet above the corner of Broad & Water Streets, still strung on its galacto-tensile-strength-rated tethers that stretched into the grey skies.

After a brief bright green flash that my recording device unfortunately wouldn’t register, the Proteus seemed to disappear for an instant–but quickly reappeared, only to clunk clumsily down to the pavement.

According to one of the few onlookers–who seemed a desultory mix of weekend tourists and underpaid Wall St. lackeys–the peculiar-angled, rather menacing black craft almost looked “like a 12th-dimensional bat, trapped in the cave of our greater density vibrations”. Whatever.

A NASA spokesman described this flight as a success, though since no casual observer saw the Proteus do anything except dangle over a quiet Manhattan intersection, it’s hard to confirm or deny their report.

NASA attempted this inaugural Halloween flight of the USS Proteus in downtown NYC because, as the spokesman further claimed, “Area 51 is almost overrun by binocular-wielding, conspiracy-theory-foaming-at-the-mouth whack jobs,” whereas NYC “people are too cool to pay any attention even if King Kong kidnapped the Statue of Liberty…Sometimes the best place to hide a secret is in plain sight.”

Above: Brave female crew leader Hanna Solo looks on after her post-flight debriefing. It’s no picnic to consider that this global circum-teleportation effort could have left her snagged in a dangerous trans-dimensional loop, with her body parts strung painfully across five continents’ ziplines. We can only assume she might be up for a Congressional Medal of Honor.

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Happy Halloween!
This spoof’s been fun, but:

Come back next week for a REAL series of mysterious astronomical photos.

Completely authentic, original, remarkable images of the moons & night skies above NYC like you–and I–
have NEVER seen before.

Copyright 2011 Rev. Scott Ufford

Raw 9/11/2001 WTC Memorial Poem: YOU DIED

A raw memorial poem I wrote in NYC in 2001 immediately after destruction of the World Trade Center & the slaughter of 4,000:


My heart is ripped open.
Gouged open.
I am in shock.
I am grief.

* * * * * * * * * * *

My brain is pounding pounding
My pulse is crazed
Everything is askew
Gasping breathless.
I’m spinning.
Who will catch me?
What can heal me?
What is real?
Where are you now?

* * * * * * * * * * *

No words to cry.
No one to hear me.
No way to cry.
My blood runs away.
Painfully sweet.
My pain flows like warm honey
Into your hive.
Into my full memories of you.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Incredible loss.
Horrific waste.
No comprehension.
I will never see you again?
My heart recoils at the thought
Like a gunshot aimed
In a terribly
Wrong direction.
Look, I’ll prove it.
With my eyes closed tight right now,
I can still see you . . .

* * * * * * * * * * *

Into my wretched heart.
Heals it like a
Long-vanished ocean tide
Returning to bathe crusted shores
To wash away my grief.
I am so grateful to you.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I can feel you grinning with relief.
At me.
You live in stunning new dimensions.
You see me finally
Waking up.
On my side of the ripped veil.
We are both going to be
In the morning, my tears taste

* * * * * * * * * * *

Bloody History of this Raw Memorial Poem

These few words about slaughtered friends,
about unexpected sacrifices, losses, grief and redemption
at NYC’s World Trade Center and across America
were written one gray morning after September 11, 2001.

Pinned to the sagging wire fence at Union Square Park–

surrounded by heaps of sad flowers taped to hopeful notes
pleading for any word of the whereabouts of loved ones lost in the confusion–

lit by nearby pools of candles burning in memoriam over smiling family photos of the doomed–

abandoned to the elements just a stone’s throw from the Dalai Lama’s
scale model of the Twin Towers wreathed in carnations and tears–

half hidden next to park visitors’ unforgettable words and pictures of anguish,
anger, prayer and pleading scrawled on a giant public paper canvas taped around all the paths–

two weeks later to be rolled up & shipped to the Smithsonian for what?
for safekeeping?–

my simple words lost in the miserable maze heaped
below the 145 year old gray equestrian statue of Washington
inscribed in bold chalk letters with the message PEACE NOT WAR–

this little memorial poem somehow got scooped up & quoted
on sites dotting the countryside, such as
Tulsa World.

Is it all just about luck?
About the Divine Hand?
About when it’s your time to go, you go?

By the grace of unseen guidance I and so many others survived.
Others did not.
We still remember them.

The blessings and lessons of our lives go on.

Scott Ufford
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2001, 2011

Angels Do Exist in NYC: Photographic Proof

What might be more convincing proof to you that angels exist in New York City:

Photos taken by a Hollywood film wizard? Or randomly taken by a technological Luddite from 270 feet in the air (the 27th floor) during his grave-yard shift lunch break (at 4AM)?

As you look at these pix, I’ll let you guess which category I fall into.

These ethereal photos were taken in April 2009. What I saw at the time was a barge anchored next to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal buildings at New York City’s southernmost tip.

But what startling reality the camera saw on the roof, I didn’t–until later:

So far, people’s responses have ranged from “Really beautiful!” to “Is that a reflection or light leak?” to “Spooky!” to “Gives me a feeling of peace.”

What do you feel?

This photo, taken 7 minutes before, from my exact same perch at the exact same angle, clearly reveals no sign of any angelic-like being or any light leaks. No reflective objects appear on the roof, which is gray and featureless except for what by day look like a couple low curved steam vents or chimneys set far apart.

Experts say a real (non-manipulated image) reveals more details, not less, when it’s zoomed in on. Case in point:

This breath-taking photo was taken of the angelic image when magnified more than 2x on my monitor. (On your computer, you can also hold down the Control-Shift keys and press the “+” button several times.) You can see the vast luminous energy field, at least 12 feet in diameter, contains five or six sections that arc out like petals from three distinct orbs or centers.

“Almost like the soul of a butterfly,” one person said.

Another commented, “Looks like a giant Mickey Mouse!” (You’d have to imagine the two smaller points of light as his ears.)

I’m sure the spirit, or the butterfly soul, or the angelic being, would be amused by that last remark. When you decide to “go public,” you’re prepared for almost anything.

One level-headed friend asked, “Why would an angel just appear on a rooftop to you, in the middle of the night?”

Good question. Maybe because they knew I’d be looking. Also, who else do you know takes photos of New York Harbor from 270 feet up, at 4:10 am? Everyone else is napping, or partying, or busy making soon-to-be-regretted-purchases from late-night TV infomercials.

One person explained away the image, saying, “But you always attract these sorts of things.”

It’s true: as a Spiritualist minister and naturally somewhat clairvoyant, I’ve seen blissful lights and startling things that others haven’t. Or maybe Western culture has been so busy making money off trying to scare us from the unknown (depicting the subconscious as a dangerous Hell-like place, etc.), fear has hypnotized us into not consciously acknowledging what everyone’s brains do sense.

Such habituated blindness might keep anyone from noticing the evidence right in front of his or her face once it’s downloaded onto their computer. Or might lead them to mutter, “That’s a mistake”–and delete it without a second thought.

Either way, my collection of unusual photos includes brilliant spirit-lights at Trinity Church on Broadway, tiny glowing orbs at Bowling Green, solemn faces ascending jellyfish-like in the air near Verrazano Bridge in Brooklyn–and the unforgettable multiple moons moving over New York City. But this blue angel picture is perhaps my favorite.

Why? Because it’s like a doorway–and a reassurance.

For if one angelic being exists, many can–and they do according to the sacred scriptures of all spiritual paths from Christianity to Hinduism, to every indigenous culture on Earth.

Trust me, any sign of angelic presence is very welcome in New York City’s rough-and-tumble environment. This indicates that an angelic kind of caring–of help available–really does exist. Not just as a happy imagined source to bring us relief from mental or emotional stress.

It suggests there really is a purpose, a mission, one or more–and a spiritual hierarchy dedicated to well being of mankind and all creatures. Not just a race or species dwelling in its own separate, unimaginably glorious world, but interacting with ours–here in ours.

It says we’re not alone. No matter where we live. And that’s good.

Angelic being, cosmic butterfly, whoever you are–thank you for showing yourself to us. Thank you for the gift of this visible proof. And thank you for loving us.


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See more genuine Photographic Proof of Angels in NYC!

Peace and happiness,
Rev. Scott Ufford

Copyright 2011