Category Archives: Spirit & Angel Photos

Independence Day Notes Inspired by Thomas Jefferson

Surrounded by the loudest, rowdiest herd of July 4th tourists ever to clog St. Paul’s Chapel on Broadway by the WTC ruins, I still caught the security guard’s eye.

Why me?

Because I was the only creature who wasn’t a kid jumping up & down. Or a parent figure snapping photos of the 9/11 rescue workers’ memorial displays or yelling at those kids.

To be specific:
I was the only person meditating. Plus, I was scribbling notes. Dangerous!

I broke with the guard’s quizzical gaze to refocus. I knew by long experience as a Spiritualist minister, a genuine spiritual inspiration was about to arrive. It “hummed” at the portals of my brain.

Since I was perched just yards from the pew where George Washington prayed in the months after his 1789 presidential inauguration, could this message possibly be from him?

…Of course New York’s crazy energies and intense materialistic glint make it hard to picture as a place for receiving any spiritual psychic wisdom. Many see it as one of the Gates of Hades.

But the fact is, General Washington was sworn in just blocks away from where I sat, in what’s now the chilly heart of Wall Street–in America’s first capital city.

Wouldn’t this early history alone indicate a vital role in our country’s karma–and spiritual destiny?

I blocked out the guard and mobs of kids. Whatever luminary wanted to speak, had to be forceful to reach me through all that noise:


“A Message to All Americans

To restore the vitality of the nation, start with this center first. Work outwards from here–New York City.

Restoration of the nation’s spirit. Return to the elegance of true soul awakening.

You must awaken your own inert roots, for the purpose of growing this branch.

Trust this wisdom has many offshoots. Will grow a great many trees. Inspire many faiths. Through the awakened soul, much more is possible.

What is given to you, what is inspired to you, share freely throughout the land.

Speak without prejudice or fears. Speak with spiritual authority, for what is within yourself necessarily inspires others to discover their own true greater growth–of soul and group.

You may recognize when your own spirit pours out, your fruitful harvest to be shared. Give this without thought of recompense.

Simply inspire this moment’s living. This is enough.

And, this is good.

–Thomas Jefferson, July 4th, 2008″

His final words:

“Enjoy this holiday of the 4th! Freedoms hard-won are most often put to good use.

Do not delay these freedoms. Desire to see their native shoots peek above the ground. Bless and nurture them, and let them grow. In freedom and trust; in harmonious balance.”

–Rev. Scott Ufford Copyright 2010