Tag Archives: psychic guidance

Is Maitreya a Saint or The AntiChrist?

On this holiest of days in Christianity, Easter Sunday, I was asked point-blank about Maitreya.

Is he a saint? A savior? A delusion or a fantasy? The AntiChrist?

I’ll do my best to respond to this question clearly, despite my sugar rush lingering from eating one too many marshmallow “Peeps”.

More thoughts might come to me in the days ahead & I’ll share them in a more informal way than in the past.

First, there are a few different teachers out there claiming the name of “Maitreya”. Each appears to do good work on his own, but this question refers to the Maitreya spoken of by Benjamin Creme as “The World Teacher.”

The World Teacher is supposedly an Elder Brother of mankind, here to guide us into our new astrologically derived spiritual age of Aquarius during the next 2,500 years or so.

When assessing a stranger’s character, what’s better than your first-hand experience?

How does a Spiritualist minister or any modestly clairvoyant person experience a non-physically based being?

Well, we do have the advantage of being conscious of a few extra sensory inputs into our minds that most people only experience–but DO experience–on subliminal levels according to their comfort zones, shall we say.

My first-hand experience, my first impression of the one called Maitreya, came at a public lecture by Benjamin Creme in Manhattan in 2001, shortly after the WTC attacks.

In preparation, I had mentally invoked Christ guidance and protection of the Spirit of Truth–of Christ’s presence–for myself & the entire event. As St. Paul said in Corinthians, “Test the spirits”–don’t be gullible or flattered or threatened or seduced into mental acquiescence in any way, at any time.

Though I was very much on guard, the energy in the room and from Mr. Creme felt very positive during his talk. I was keenly aware that he was indeed overshadowed, or perhaps overbrightened, by a form of higher consciousness. I didn’t know if this was Creme’s higher self or superconsciousness speaking through him or if a higher being was speaking to Creme’s higher self.

Either way, illuminating words were indeed flowing down the pipe.

I felt Creme to be both a genuine mystic seeking to serve the higher welfare of mankind, and a bit of a lefty in political outlook. He spoke with compassion and with some seeming harshness about any United States’ response to the 9/11 lunatics.

Creme said in effect that we “should get over it”, which seemed unduly undiplomatic and rude, since many of us in the audience had lost friends & family in the terrorist attacks just months before.

(Later, I came to understand that he (or the being speaking through him) was not slighting the American people at all, but warning us against launching an orgy of violent reprisals that our military industrial complex, as President Eisenhower called it, was hungry for.

As we soon learned, unfortunately, Bush’s political & war machine manipulated the wave of public grief and world sympathy sent to USA. In short, they USED us.

Let’s be clear here. Almost immediately after 9/11, Bush & his henchman Vice President Cheney, plotted, lobbied, bully-pulpited & threatened their way–into what?

Into a brutal, completely unnecessary war in Iraq, to neutralize “weapons of mass destruction” that they KNEW did not exist! To capture terrorists they KNEW were nowhere near Iraq!

What would YOU call it when a brutal, completely unnecessary war is declared that slaughters & starves a quarter million innocent Iraqi civilians, kills a huge number of brave American soldiers and maims for life several thousand more?

Wouldn’t you call this an evil act? Wouldn’t you say those leaders who dragged us into this war were indeed war criminals? If not, then what’s it take to get a leader called a war criminal these days? Just not be an American?)

Anyhow, we can see Maitreya’s curt warning in the light of the ensuing miseries that were inflicted upon the world and America.

My most powerful clairvoyant impression regarding what Mr. Creme called Maitreya the World Teacher, came at the end of the talk.

By then, I’d satisfied myself that Creme was not crazy. Nor was he a hypnotist or a cheap con man.

He in fact had spoken with a kind of calm, poetic urgency.

As Creme walked down the center aisle towards my seat in the back (late arrival), I was scrutinizing the energy around him.

Was it like the energy of a pretender? A mesmer? Or an AntiChrist?

No, not at all.

I suddenly saw a brilliant flash of intensely warm-hearted light around him, so much that I could barely see him at all. I sensed a completely translucent, ego-less, glad and decent presence with him. One of an almost sublime level of intelligence.

The fact is, this bright presence around Creme was more like the complete absence of any malignant or malicious or lying nature!

I kept observing this presence for several seconds. I concluded to myself that if this being around Creme at that time was Maitreya, then Maitreya was the most simply joy-filled, peaceful being you could ever imagine inhabiting this Earth.

Observing this, I have continued to scrutinize Mr. Creme’s statements about, or said to be by, Maitreya over the years and can only conclude this:

Whatever he has said, whether I agree or disagree with it–
I can find no spiritual or ethical fault in his words. Not one drop.

I therefore cannot find any manner by which Jesus himself would find fault with these words. Or ever consider Maitreya to be an AntiChrist or a fraud or an enemy.

As Jesus once answered his disciples about another holy man in Palestine, not following Jesus, who also was performing miracles in the Name of God at that time:

“He who is not against me, is for me.”

Food for spiritual thought, and hope…

Peace and Blessings to you on this Holy Easter,
in this beginning dawn of The Age of Spiritual Honesty.

Rev. Scott Ufford,
The Psychic Philosopher,
Copyright 2012

Meet Your Higher Love Tonight

When you lay down to sleep, do you imagine any guiding, protecting source watching over you?

Do you imagine a human face? Christ? A God or Goddess?

Your lover–
or future?

Any kind of wise, friendly or inspiring source?

Do you sense any warm colors?

Or do you “see” a feeling, like a peaceful kind of well-being that’s hovering just beyond your mind’s eye?

Or hear any music that’s invisible to your physical ears?

Maybe you haven’t tried this before.

Lately, maybe you’ve been too busy. Too stressed even to relax before struggling to sleep.

Maybe you’ve yelled or worried or argued yourself into troubled exhaustion. Too distracted by your outer life to really connect up with your inner vitality.

Tonight’s your chance to change this unhappy scenario.

Let me invite you to do a little experiment that can really surprise you:

Ask your higher self, your deepest inner soul before you completely drift off to sleep, for whatever FACE of INSPIRATION, PROTECTION, HELP makes you feel good.

Imagine it above your head, as if you were laying below a bright golden lamp.
Ask for that one to smile down on you.

What do you see or feel?

Is it the face of Jesus? Mother Mary? Buddha? Allah? Krishna? Amma?

Is it the face of a beloved pet or best friend, here or gone? A grandmother or grandfather?

A living role model?

Is it a totem animal? A whirlwind? A blazing star?

A simple shining point of light in the center of your mind’s eye?

This is your personal private exercise.

You’re inviting your higher guidance to speak to you.

Instead of a welcoming face, you might see a face that troubles you.

That represents some one or some thing that emotionally or karmically stands between you and what you desire:
a happy pure clean connection.

But don’t be afraid. Because beyond that obstacle, help is available to get you past it or through it. Just ask for that help.

So, whatever face you “get” is good.


Because it’s a starting point.

It shows you where you are now.

Remember, every minute of your life,
all your growth–
all your hoped-for happiness–
all your desired success–
all your struggle for freedom from suffering–

has always started where you are right now.

And no matter where you are right now–
no matter how low or how high you feel–

Where you are right now is where you must live your life, grow your future, welcome your destiny.

Please welcome that face, that image, that first answer to your desire for higher guidance tonight.

You are worthy of this exploration.
You will make progress.
Things can only get better.

Enjoy tonight’s little experiment.
And always, always, feel free to seek higher.
To learn from what you see and to seek beyond it, past it through it.

Promise yourself you will see–
you will find–
you will meet–

what is good, and very good, and most loving for you–
What makes you in your heart feel good–
what will break through all obstacles to welcome you–
what will rise up to meet you.

It will shine down on your sleeping head.
It will shine with peace into your resting heart
Tonight, your life gets better.

* * * * * * * *

Pace & happiness to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford
The Psychic Philosopher

I Promise to Stop Procrastinating, Sooner or Later: New Year’s Resolution #1

A. The Historical Problem

Maybe you’re familiar with my “sad condition”. It’s called “procrastination” by some, and “a sure sign of genius at work” by more enlightened critics.

As a Master Procrastinator, or The Procrastinator King, any excuses I invent for my own slack behavior are far more clever and self deceptive than any my supporters might concoct for me.

“We know you have a lot of stress”–
“Everybody is too busy these days to finish everything”–
“It’s just because you’re artistic and you meditate a lot!”
etc. etc.

(Amateurs! Well meaning, but amateurs. They probably never goofed off a day in their virtuous lives, so they don’t realize they’re being played. Or, they’re compensating for me because they secretly wish they could be as slack–but that’s another story.)

Fact: I am far too diligent in my slothfulness for anyone else’ kind alibis to work.

Fact: Only the master of his own jail cell may convincingly portray himself as a prisoner…

Lounging comfortably on his tattered bunk, with unlaced scruffy boot he pushes his prison door key out of sight under threadbare rug when sympathetic visitors come to his cell.

B. Some Brutal Solutions

Probably the most compassionately brutal thing you can do for the self-educated & self-imprisoned man:

Use tough love.

Like a Sherlockian psychologist, deduce his weak point, find the key to his deception.

Threaten to uncover & steal that key.

Convince him of your sincerity, at least he’ll lose his crocodile-like torpor for a second. Leap up in half-hearted defense of his right to waste his life…on his own terms.


Without the comforting fact of his capacity for self-escape, his confinement would soon prove intolerable!

So if you want someone to get off his or her lazy butt, just find a way to threaten to make his self-confinement WORSE or IRREVERSIBLE.

Or, refuse to visit his jail cell.
Refuse to send monthly care packages reminding him how nice life would be if he were free.
Refuse to make sympathetic excuses for his procrastination.
Refuse to accept his apologies for not following up on his dreams.

Eventually, he might creep mouse-like out of his cell when he thinks no one’s looking…just to sneak a fresh breath of that strange new air called “life” coming in from beyond the jail.

C. The Shocking Results

Who really knows? That’s why life is a freedom and freedom is life.

But one thing you know–
tough love works.

Just be careful how much you use it for others–
they might catch on & use it for YOU.
Because nobody’s perfect, you know!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

My Post Script & Pre Script–
What YOU Get Out of This:

I promise to post more regularly in 2012.

Twice a week. Shorter posts.

With more of my philosophical & political views,
more of more quirky sense of humor,
& more of my wild-eyed creative knee-jerk responses to the events of the day that concern us.

I’ll invite you to get more out of this blog & its growing community–
including surveys & contests,
& share special inspirational secrets.

Why? Because I believe you have special qualities–
you have special potential you WANT to tap into THIS very exciting year of 2012.
God knows these gifts are waiting inside you.

When you tap into your uniqueness with daring & with hope–
miracles can happen.

And I want to help.


Rev. Scott Ufford
The Psychic Philosopher

Copyright 2012