Tag Archives: God’s Change Energies

“New God” Invites You to the Religions of the Skies

PART 3 of “New God: The Beginning”, a series of eye-opening reports on New God’s first actions on Earth. “New God” is a simple name for the Divine Leader of our Aquarian Age who began His / Her rule of Earth in August 2011.
New God Promises to Revolutionize Every Earthly Religion

Your vital personal question:

“What’s New God doing as He / She starts reign on Earth?

Here’s how to find out!

Very profitably—most profitably—prepare yourselves—by a certain ceremony of initiating yourself & yourselves into a Welcome to His Higher Presence.

Welcome fully His new evolving ways as humanity’s situational history, karmic possibilities and evolutionary probabilities begin to take deeper root . . .

Express your Heart of Welcome to New God in this Advent Season of Newness made Newer, Meaning:

Our New Beginnings.

The “Past God” is of one logically concluded age of mankind. “Past God” or “Old God” passed this baton of mankind’s awareness, for a new level of God’s rulership over Earth to challenge and stimulate our civilization.

(Ed. note: Maybe someday soon we will be civilized!)

Welcome and revere New God. Place this heart of yours at complete joyful service to Him! Or if you prefer to say, to Her!

“I welcome New God. I welcome New God in (Jesus’) Name, Amen.

“I welcome infinite healing services for mankind. I welcome infinite new powers of awareness.

”I place my life’s purpose, my soul, my very being at New God’s feet in glad awareness.

“I welcome this New Divine Presence of Mastery to heal all religions, release all ignorance, error and corruption, and create one Divine Multi-Faceted Experience in their stead.

“Welcome New God, New Christ, New Buddhic Energies. Welcome these Higher Energies engendering familiarity of freedom in love for God, into each and every religion’s provenance.”

Why issue this welcome?

Because you can no more resist these advances of New God’s New Reign Upon Earth than you can resist breathing in new draughts of energized oxygen, no matter where in the world it sweeps down to you from!

Waste little time—pay little attention—to the old strictures as commonly expressed of these Earth-based religions of yours.

Why not?

Because here’s what’s coming now:

The Religions of the Skies.

Embracing every religion’s native, natural goodness. Discarding the “oldness”, as must be done.

Embracing the timelessness of any spiritual well being, as must be done. Seeing where all—where each and every religion—has fallen short—then changing it to complete mankind’s leap into the 5th dimension!

For the instant ending of global miseries occurring via mysteries beyond your control, declare you this day, this very factual truth:

“I am one with New God this day. New God and Old God are unified in Will for this well being of mankind’s freshness. Let all that takes place from this day forwards be for the honoring of God’s purposes upon Earth and for the well being of humanity. In The Most Sacred Name we pray, Amen.”

Pray for the continued efforts of mankind in favor of completed self healings.

Serious efforts—necessary tasks—remain for culmination of ages of darkness and for entrance into New Light Energies. Efforts are not to be ignored. Messy process–but results are to be honored. Magnificent in the long run!

An additional supercharged prayer for you:

“I pray for New God’s powerful healing of groups I am most intensely connected to, and have intimate knowledge of.

“I pray for and project this well being advance for us, in all necessary stages known only to God, as an integral part of mankind’s well being / wellness program.

“And so it is!”

Do these prayers. Use your own words if you like. You’ll feel an incredible connection to the Unified Will of Old God / New God as we accelerate into the positive energy vortex of 2012!

With loving regard,
Elder Spiritual Teachers of Mankind”

Don’t miss “Prophet Isaiah Predicts One Cosmic Religion of All Worlds” — this exciting 2007 prophecy is now public for the first time!

Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011

What Will YOU Say About You When You’re Gone?

Whatever gets said about you in your eulogy is beyond your control-unless of course, you pay a very trusted, very healthy friend in advance to read from a script you write today.

But isn’t something far more important than what others say about you at your funeral?

After all–unless your spirit hovers around for the grand ceremony–you won’t hear a word of it. Whatever good your friendly eulogist reveals–and whatever ill he or she conceals–wont make a bit of difference to your future.

No matter what shocking secrets get told, those who love you are unlikely to love you any less–unless some really tawdry shocking scandal gets ripped from your closet and flung into your open casket.

Nor will florid gushing words of praise carry much weight with those who have scorned you all your life. (Though they might reserve final judgment until the reading of your will.)

No, in fact, the only worthwhile words to consider are:

What will YOU say about you when you’re gone?

I ask this tough question because really, yours is the only voice that counts.

But do you think God does the talking during your past life exam, at your final judgment? Do you think He asks you questions that you can concoct clever answers to? Do you think you can talk your way out of a rotten situation, or bluff your way into a cozier afterlife?

Forget about it. Because the secret is: God only listens.

How awkward is that?

Imagine: you are standing in the presence of Absolutely Relentless Truth–and Absolutely Relentless Love.

Instead of being asked anything, the Total Spiritually Honest Presence of that Absolutely Relentless Truth and Absolutely Relentless Love will simply open your naked soul to It–completely:

It will listen to your life. With you.

Look into your life. With you.

Let you completely feel, and reveal, all your soul secrets.

It will let you observe–for the first time, with COMPLETE PROTECTIVE UNDERSTANDING–the deep-down gritty meanings of every struggle, hope, care and mistake cradled inside you.

Why this crazy, naked, painful process?

Because at the end of this rigorous Absolutely Relentless Truth exam–no matter what your score, however high or low, or whether or not you miserably failed on almost all counts of what you knew was important to you before you birthed into this ignorant physical life:

For precious timeless moments–when you will be bared to God, at exam’s end–you will feel comforted by a whole-souled joyful wave of that sea of Absolutely Relentless Love.

Beyond relief, beyond gratitude, beyond a joyful splash of YES! Thank you! from your heart that any words can express–

you will remember how it feels to BE truly alive.

What happens next?

You can’t remain in God’s Presence, or that of Jesus, or Buddha, or Mother Mary, or Krishna, or Allah, for long.

Why not?

Because you have to continue evolving your soul at that level of quality, of subtle honesty, of refined virtue–that you yourself have EARNED.

You have to go about your naturally assigned level of experience in that brave new World of Spirit. You can only learn from where you are. For example, what use entering a scribbler of mental graffiti in the Master Painter class? Or, what benefit would come from forcing an emotional tightwad into Grad School for Generous Hearts?

Whatever great or humble initiations come to you, you must EARN them. You will pass or fail them by your whole-souled service to God Reality, which is your Soul, and Sole, Reality.

Others may help you–Jesus may help bring you forgiveness, for example–God knows this is a spiritual fact–and your Earthly deeds may help bring you cleansing.

But wherever you are inside yourself today–whatever private Truths your heart of hearts speaks aloud upon demand–that is your future.

We can be grateful that God is pushing us and our whole human civilization–the good and the bad of us, the rough-polished gems and the rotten tomatoes of us–

wisely, lovingly moving us into what the World Teacher Maitreya calls The Age of Spiritual Honesty.

Good news! Because the more Real, the more True, the more Honest our lives get while we’re still alive–the better for everyone’s survival. The better for everyone’s happiness!

Please listen to your True Inner Voice. Hear what you’ve said all your life. Hear what Clear New Messages await your attention.

Listen to your heart. Truly, you are worthy of this act of self love.

Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011

Spiritualism and Your Future Psychic Powers–Evil? Good? Real?

We have but to open a Bible–to the Old or New Testament–to repeatedly find the teachings that though everyone’s physical body withers and dies, every individual’s spirit lives on. This beautiful truth is a cornerstone of Spiritualism–itself, a vital cornerstone of the future evolution of Christianity and all other world religions.

Innumerable demonstrations over the last centuries by sincere, capable, spiritual mediums, or “seers” or “prophets” as described in ancient times, have proven that spirits out of the body (spirits just like you and me, in the future) desire to, and under suitable conditions can, communicate with those of us still in the body.

Studies suggest that up to 37% of all people world-wide believe they’ve had a significant unexplainable intuition, or a paranormal experience where they consciously heard, saw, met, sensed–or even touched–a deceased loved friend, family member, pet–or a being they saw as an angel, spiritual teacher, or Godly Presence–who helped them, guided them, chastised them, comforted them–even saved their lives.

Such remarkable experiences do cut across a broad cross-section of all cultures and religions. They also include Christian Spiritualist church services and message circles where such gifts of the Spirit are welcomed, and capacity to receive them honed.

. . . Skeptics and fundamentalists might ask what possibly could be the “agenda” of supposedly normal people having paranormal experiences? Could they all be deranged or confused by stress? Trying to tear down their religions? Trying to “contact evil spirits”? Trying to shelter themselves in fantasy worlds?

Or one might ask are they having NATURAL experiences–natural for the human race as it evolves & spiritually awakens from its sleep?

What percentage of the normal average human population’s souls does it take, for these experiences to be commonly accepted as real? As vital? And most importantly, as part of everyone’s spiritual awakening and essence–necessary for every religion to be able to initiate and GUIDE its adherents into?

. . . Of course, just as you hopefully wouldn’t heed the opinions or claims of every stranger that might try to bend your ear in the middle of Times Square, you also wouldn’t listen to every spirit being, or sensation, that might approach your clairvoyant “listening senses” or bring you a paranormal experience.

You would only want contact from spirits dwelling on an honorable, honest, awakened level of existence. You would reserve the right to judge whether what they say or do is relevant to you, intelligent, non-manipulative, and done in kindness. You’d want all negative contacts to “bounce off you”, or to just sail past as if you’re living on different dimensions.

You would want to surround yourself with complete loving protection, just as many surround themselves with the “sword, shield and armor” of the great Archangel Michael, renowned in Christianity, Judaism and Islam as the protector of those faithful enough to ask his help.

Wisely, you’d also ask–meaning, you’d declare as your energetic reality–that you receive contact only from spirits from the Highest Realms who accept The Light of Christ. No matter what your or that departed or enlightened soul’s religion, acceptance of reality of the Christ Light (in its Infinite Goodness and Purity) is understood in the Spirit World as a test question that must be answered honestly and clearly.

Only then would you want to proceed. Even then, you’d want to feel free to accept only those results that ring true in your heart, and make sense to your head.

Of course much heightened wisdom is rejected by our skulls though our hearts pound with its power. And many illusions and fancies grab at our hearts even as our brains say no. Growing in discernment can happen only through guided experience.

Despite all our trial-and-error learning, we as a race are entering the dawn of those future days spoken of in The Book of Isaiah, when visions, prophecies and wisdom dreams will come to the old and the young.

But many fear this dawn and these exciting concepts.


Because most of the sacred words of the religions were written down and recited by those inspired of God many centuries ago. Since those days and those prophets are long gone, what happens to those religions as their children grow into more direct access to the founts of wisdom?

Will the religions be twisted beyond recognition of their precious founding truths? Will they be ignored and cast aside? Or will they evolve into ever-greater daily blessings for their members, to provide deeper, more fulfilling passageways through life’s problems and possibilities?

Will God’s Change Energies and the New Christ Energies revolutionize everything for the better?

Peace and Happiness to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford
Copyright 2011