Tag Archives: future of Christianity

Spiritualism and Your Future Psychic Powers–Evil? Good? Real?

We have but to open a Bible–to the Old or New Testament–to repeatedly find the teachings that though everyone’s physical body withers and dies, every individual’s spirit lives on. This beautiful truth is a cornerstone of Spiritualism–itself, a vital cornerstone of the future evolution of Christianity and all other world religions.

Innumerable demonstrations over the last centuries by sincere, capable, spiritual mediums, or “seers” or “prophets” as described in ancient times, have proven that spirits out of the body (spirits just like you and me, in the future) desire to, and under suitable conditions can, communicate with those of us still in the body.

Studies suggest that up to 37% of all people world-wide believe they’ve had a significant unexplainable intuition, or a paranormal experience where they consciously heard, saw, met, sensed–or even touched–a deceased loved friend, family member, pet–or a being they saw as an angel, spiritual teacher, or Godly Presence–who helped them, guided them, chastised them, comforted them–even saved their lives.

Such remarkable experiences do cut across a broad cross-section of all cultures and religions. They also include Christian Spiritualist church services and message circles where such gifts of the Spirit are welcomed, and capacity to receive them honed.

. . . Skeptics and fundamentalists might ask what possibly could be the “agenda” of supposedly normal people having paranormal experiences? Could they all be deranged or confused by stress? Trying to tear down their religions? Trying to “contact evil spirits”? Trying to shelter themselves in fantasy worlds?

Or one might ask are they having NATURAL experiences–natural for the human race as it evolves & spiritually awakens from its sleep?

What percentage of the normal average human population’s souls does it take, for these experiences to be commonly accepted as real? As vital? And most importantly, as part of everyone’s spiritual awakening and essence–necessary for every religion to be able to initiate and GUIDE its adherents into?

. . . Of course, just as you hopefully wouldn’t heed the opinions or claims of every stranger that might try to bend your ear in the middle of Times Square, you also wouldn’t listen to every spirit being, or sensation, that might approach your clairvoyant “listening senses” or bring you a paranormal experience.

You would only want contact from spirits dwelling on an honorable, honest, awakened level of existence. You would reserve the right to judge whether what they say or do is relevant to you, intelligent, non-manipulative, and done in kindness. You’d want all negative contacts to “bounce off you”, or to just sail past as if you’re living on different dimensions.

You would want to surround yourself with complete loving protection, just as many surround themselves with the “sword, shield and armor” of the great Archangel Michael, renowned in Christianity, Judaism and Islam as the protector of those faithful enough to ask his help.

Wisely, you’d also ask–meaning, you’d declare as your energetic reality–that you receive contact only from spirits from the Highest Realms who accept The Light of Christ. No matter what your or that departed or enlightened soul’s religion, acceptance of reality of the Christ Light (in its Infinite Goodness and Purity) is understood in the Spirit World as a test question that must be answered honestly and clearly.

Only then would you want to proceed. Even then, you’d want to feel free to accept only those results that ring true in your heart, and make sense to your head.

Of course much heightened wisdom is rejected by our skulls though our hearts pound with its power. And many illusions and fancies grab at our hearts even as our brains say no. Growing in discernment can happen only through guided experience.

Despite all our trial-and-error learning, we as a race are entering the dawn of those future days spoken of in The Book of Isaiah, when visions, prophecies and wisdom dreams will come to the old and the young.

But many fear this dawn and these exciting concepts.


Because most of the sacred words of the religions were written down and recited by those inspired of God many centuries ago. Since those days and those prophets are long gone, what happens to those religions as their children grow into more direct access to the founts of wisdom?

Will the religions be twisted beyond recognition of their precious founding truths? Will they be ignored and cast aside? Or will they evolve into ever-greater daily blessings for their members, to provide deeper, more fulfilling passageways through life’s problems and possibilities?

Will God’s Change Energies and the New Christ Energies revolutionize everything for the better?

Peace and Happiness to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford
Copyright 2011