by Rev. Scott Ufford
You say you’ve never had a real conversation with Jesus Christ?
Relax: what’s mine is yours too. As you’ll see in a minute.
Here’s my Letter to Jesus Christ, written in meditation during a time of intense turmoil–and His profound response:

I would like to be at peace with you. I would like to know you better. I would like to know, in my heart, why you are here.
What is your real role in All This? Are you important? What are you doing here? What are you in relation to other spiritual leaders, now and in the past? To ETs? To Moslems and Buddhists?
I would know these answers and have peace at heart.
Jesus’ calm psychic reply, as recorded:
“You are never alone. You are always with me. You are my son, as much as any. As prodigal, as any. My enemy, as much as you believe only. My friend, more than you could possibly believe. My worshiper, my doubter, my ally, my press agent. My insignificant speck and my gem on the finger that marvels every eye.
You are my son and my daughter and my estranged widow. You are my Doubting Thomas extraordinaire and my eager acolyte.
You are my humorous source of laughter and my irate child. You are within me, within you within yourself, within the world. You are outside and beyond fear.
You are the trembling in the knees when looking in the face of the beloved suitor.
You are the wind that blows ill and good, that listeth where it lieth, that sneezeth when it prayeth–and spits, or harrumphs, when it would better listen–and shuts up, holds its tongue, when its lies, once spoken, would uncover self deception.
Speak your lies. Speak your ill untruths. Do not hide your hatreds and your fears under a bushel basket.
From where, then, will shine the light to burn those fears away?
…The nonsense of the ordered life when the soul screams to breathe. The folly of conformity when you would dance with two left legs, but dance with honest joy. The pangs caused by fears held precious, made subservient to a clawing need for sanity as a rigid imposition rather than as a joyful in-breath of God…
These, and all things other, you are to breathe through, work through, live INTO.
Do not worry who am I. Who are you? Do you have cause to worry? The Father has given you life, the Mother sustaineth you, and I am your challenge, your tormentor and your best friend.
You are millions of doubts to be subsided into a sea of harmony. You are the fish of a man, arms crossed, shaking your head “no” at the vile prospect of having to leap deep back into the sea. “It isn’t my home,” you declare–even as your gills flex and pant for the comforts of the deep blue.
Abandon your scales of judgment of self. Abandon your hatreds nurtured into such green-gray gardens. Give yourself unto the lust for life, the living of the moment, the deep gulping in-breath of love and the out-breath of sharing. Give yourself with abandon into your heart.
Abandon your pretenses and back away from the precipice of self destruction.
I speak to you as one man to one other man. I speak to you as one heart of billions, for all are one great heart of humanity.
Abandon your faith that man is evil. Know your evil, that you may abandon it. Give yourself into the holy sacred heart of the present, of the presence of knowledge within you.
Know that you are every man, cumulative, yet all are unique in the extreme.
Give yourself unto your heart. Give no thought to doctrines. The Word is printed in the heart of every man and woman.
Do not worry–give yourself to your heart and you will have come unto me.
Josephus, Scribe Aspect of Jesus Christ”
Copyright 1995, 2010 Rev. Scott Ufford