Tag Archives: Spiritualist minister

Welcome to the Spiritual Olympic Games!

Dear Potential Future Olympic Gold Medalist:

Let’s ask a tough question:
Do you sometimes wonder why you’re here?

Do you understand that you, as an eternal spirit, are alive on Earth today VOLUNTARILY?

Yes–the fact is, you eagerly volunteered for your beautiful expansive spirit to hop down into the limited dimensions of a weak human body. You worked hard to qualify for an open position with a mother and family circumstances at least a little bit suited to your karmic condition (your past-earned level of experience), and to your desired new love-growth experiences.

Finally, you qualified!

Because you are a beloved creation of God–no matter where you are or what conditions you’re enduring–your existence is always meaningful. You ARE meaning itself, in search of ever-growing purpose. This means your life HERE is a PURPOSEFUL GOOD CREATION.

Your presence here on Earth’s surface is a welcome one–an honored one. You are an important participant training in harsh arenas guided by a gigantic–and benevolent–Master Plan.

Your life is worth all your athletic efforts to survive and excel. You, sweating and struggling to do your very best, are a vital part of Earth’s Reality Games. Whether you think so or not, or feel too weak or flabby or undisciplined to “compete”.

Do you feel like your challenges in life are unfair? Do you feel forced to be here? Maybe you feel soul pressure to BECOME something–to “score points” for what you believe in–to make a real difference–NOW?

What kind of a difference are you here to make? Surely you’re not just here to try to make big bucks, win your battles, get your fair share of fun & then kick the bucket when your time’s up?

Of course not–but what you ARE here to do…

Vital question:
Do you understand that to incarnate on Earth is a great, rare privilege?

Humpph. How rare can it be, you might scoff, with a teeming mob of 7 billion family members–and hundreds more popping down the fun-slide into this dimension every second?

But here’s the truth:
If we could see everyone lined up in a row–all the eager souls waiting to be born here, hoping to qualify to play The Games–they’d stretch in a near-infinite blur far past the boiling surface of the sun.

Why come to this tragic struggle? Why vie to qualify? Why not stay snug and secure on some peaceful, happy planet instead of jump into this madhouse?

The answer, my friend, is because our humble Mother Earth is the site of the biggest Spiritual Olympic Games.

No bigger extravaganza anywhere in the Universe–at this moment!

And you–yes, you, are a starring athlete.

Whether you have a clubfoot or no foot, whether you have the IQ of your shoe size, whether you can’t throw a discus any farther than you can throw a doghouse, whether you have an interstellar police record longer than the Congressional Record–you are playing here on purpose.

In this competition, the race definitely is not only to the swift, and the battle not only to the strong.

You made this team for a reason.

You’re being trained. You’re being taught to listen to your coaches and your higher instincts. You’re learning from your mistakes.

You’re learning the spiritual discipline and building the spiritual stamina of a champion.

Why? Because the Universe needs the kind of champions Earth’s Spiritual Olympics are making!

Maybe that concept makes you giggle. Or makes you feel depressed by comparing yourself to “everyone else”. But think about this fact:

A mysterious, holy process is unfolding–free will spiritual evolution is accelerating here on Earth–under the watchful loving eye of the Divine Creator. That makes you important–that makes your whole 7 billion member family important!

But what are these Spiritual Olympic Games all about? Why makes this tiny dusty planet so important to God? Why do so many wildly different new and ancient groups, belief systems, karmic patterns, emotional vibrations–burst sizzling in every direction like fireworks gone wild?

Because here is home to an incredible drama: a planet and human family starting to crackle with sacred ascension energies. That’s rare! A beautiful process vital to constantly renewing the Universe’s heart…

And what happens as Olympic Games progress? Old scores get tallied up. Mistakes get learned from. The competition heats up. Dramas and dreams are on the line…

Why not ask yourself:
“If I am here in some kind of unusual Spiritual Olympics of the Universe, what kind of athlete am I? What’s my biggest strength–and biggest weakness?”

“What’s my “main event”? What would be a Spiritual gold medal? Could I really win it? Is it possible to lose? Maybe what counts is just playing the game as good as I can–with trust–and leaving the rest to God?”

Peace and Happiness to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford
Christian Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011

The New Lord’s Prayer from Christ Jesus

This unique, startling version of The Lord’s Prayer was received from Christ Jesus in November 1984 by Gloria Grayson, the great psychic channel. (Later, during the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, ancient Atlantean masters in the Spirit World who also worked with Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, would bring through Gloria the marvelous Seven Healing Rays system):

“My brothers, my sisters,
You are all as flowers
ready to spring into blossom.
You are as rosebuds upon a single stem.

Each one of you is ready to burst open your petals. I am afraid once what you let into the world will be the more beautiful for the fact that it is together as one unit, that you will all give forth in the total sum of what you are.

Children of my father, know that the stem shall not wither and the blossoms shall unfold slowly, completely and the divine fragrance shall reach the throne of the Almighty God our Father.

The New Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who is in Heaven,
Whose Name is hallowed,
Whose Kingdom is coming,
Whose will is being done,
it is being done here on this
and in all the planets
as well as in the cosmos and in Heaven…

Who is giving all their needs each day.
Who forgives you as you forgive Him.
Yea, He too is in need of thy forgiveness,
and as you forgive your fellow man,
so do you forgive God and He in turn
returns it to you…

He leads you on every path which you go
and delivers you from the pitfalls,
the bitter path…

For His shall be all kingdoms
and always the power is in His hands
and the glory shall be forever and ever.

So I say unto you, dear ones, thou art healed. For thine hearts be pure
and filled with the radiance of Divine Love.
Peace be unto you.”

Christ Jesus

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Please note: I studied the Seven Healing Rays with Salahddin, whom the Atlantean Masters chose to spearhead its teaching. This enlightened healing discipline is simple, clear and very effective. I recommend it out of gratitude without reimbursement.

Rev. Scott Ufford,
Christian Spiritualist minister

2011 Prophecies — Unexpected World News Headlines:

August 17–
Obama Drops Dreaded Peace Bomb on Middle East; Global Repercussions Mushroom; World’s Evil Dictators & Warlords Throng United Nations in Silent Hunger Protest — Reuters

August 18–
Peace Bomb Update — Untold Billions of Innocent Violent Emotions, Hateful Thoughts, Sadistic Schemes, Nasty Plans and Vengeful Plots Feared Vaporized or Missing Worldwide; Hopes Dim for Their Recovery; Trained Search-and-Rescue Units Report Finding Few Survivors – BBC

August 24–
Massive Ripple Effects Seen: Moslems, Jews, Christians and New Agers Join Hands on Jerusalem’s Holy Temple Mount; Kwanzaa Songs Echo Through Dome of the Rock – Pacifica News

September 3–
Israel Apologizes to Palestinians for Brutally Mistreating and Starving Civilians; Arab States Apologize for Repeated Vicious Attempts to Obliterate Israel; Germany Apologizes for Auschwitz; China Apologizes for Tibet; Australia Apologizes for Kangaroo Hunts and Vegemite; Russia Apologizes for Lenin, Stalin, Pogroms, Czars and Sending Puppy into Space Aboard Sputnik — AP

September 29–
Reputed Torture Centers in China, Bulgaria, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Burma, South Park Emptied; Former Prisoners Pardoned, Given Medical Treatment, Counseling – UPI

October 17–
Dubai Converts 29 Million Square Meters of Empty Luxury Towers into Pan-Islamic Rape Crisis Centers, Safe Houses; Saudi Arabia Turns Scores of Attack Jets into Flying Fashion Shows – Al Jazeera

October 31–
Multinational Corporate Heads Confess Losing Desire to Screw Consumers, Subjugate Poor Folk, Rape Land, Pollute Air, Construct FrankenFoods, Exterminate Endangered Species – Mother Jones

November 25–
Lucifer Issues Heart-Felt Blanket Apology to Jesus Christ, Pope, Indigenous Peoples and All Sentient Beings; Claims Misbehavior Was Just Temp Job Assignment; Claims His Hordes Suffered Childhood Trauma; Posse Enters Betty Ford Clinic – Huffington Post

December 3–
Top Pentagon Brass Privately Complain Peace Bomb Explosion Might Have Triggered Unstoppable Domino Effect of Collateral Damage: “If this Peace Bomb virus ripples back to completely infect America’s military, our brave fighting men and women might lose their brainwashing, stop blindly obeying stupid orders to arm & then attack foreigners with strange accents who live over oil wells in the Middle East. Plus, 100% elimination of the defense budget might force our architects of death to take on kitchen remodeling jobs.” — WikiLeaks

December 12–
The Peace Bomb Was AntiChrist; Nobody Will Want to Buy America’s Weapons; Now Jesus Might Not Come Back; Oprah Is to Blame” – Fox News

December 13–
Millions of Parents & Seniors Nationwide Treated for Shock as Teenagers Act Polite; Teachers Report Overcrowding Crisis as Students Flock Back to Classrooms, Demand More Math & Science Homework — Google News

December 31–
Perpetual Sunny Skies & Pleasant Showers in Forecast; No Tornados, Flash Floods, Tsunamis, Blizzards, Earthquakes, Volcanic Activity, Sunspot Tantrums, Indecent Exposure, Starvation, Drug Addiction, Murders, Meanness Or Mayhem Expected for Next Twenty Centuries – The Weather Channel

Are these headlines really my prophecies? Absolutely!
So, you ask:

What’s the April Fool’s joke?

Simple—they’re scheduled for 2012, not 2011. Giving the evil forces of the world a little extra time to prepare their complete apology, capitulation & adaptation to the Forces of Divine Light.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Hang in there my friends! Every bit of good you do counts!

Peace and happiness to you,
Copyright 2011 Rev. Scott Ufford,
Christian Spiritualist minister