Tag Archives: Spiritualism

When Life Kicks You Out One Door, Prepare to Get Kicked In a New Door

3 Hard Facts-of-Life Warning Label:

No matter how honestly you try to make a difference–

No matter how “right” you are–

No matter how positive your intent–

FACT: Close-minded people will resist and resent your open mind. Even if their hearts are opening, their minds will snap shut against you like the jaws of a bear trap. Particularly if they have something material to gain by clamping down on you.

FACT: They will invent all manner of wild excuses and concoct the most twisted versions of reality against you–they will scheme to trash your integrity, misrepresent your good intentions and they will resent you–

FACT: Finally, they wont be able to tolerate your presence due to the delusions congesting their minds–

But that’s okay because they’re just “rounding up the wagons” to make themselves feel good. Which is fine, because in the big picture we’re all family and we’re all learning from one another, finding our way slowly past the family feuds…

If someone treats you with extra doses of falsehood and viciousness, IN A WAY that’s okay because you learn about–you feel the pains jab into your heart & you contemplate–the effects of falsehood and viciousness on EVERYBODY–and your heart grows.

Your own spiritual system is purged if you choose to let it. As long as you find your way to the point where you can stop taking personally other people’s chosen blind spots.

Sometimes, you’ll work harder & harder for the truth only to find people feel more & more antagonistic–not because you’re wrong or because they are–but because you threaten their sense of comfortable coping with the difficult truths in life, which is everybody’s challenge.

Sure it hurts, but the UPSIDE is:

Sometimes people treat you with hardened hearts & self-serving vigor because God really is using them to get you out of that situation–to EJECT you from that situation–which has become inappropriate for you and them together.

Why? So that you’ll leave & never look back! So you wont waste another drop of effort trying to continue with people who for no one’s fault, neither you nor they have anything to give or learn from each other, except:

“Thank you, God bless you, I forgive you (in whatever length of time it takes to reach that forgiveness)–and GOODBYE>”

Why might this harsh scenario happen to a good-hearted, well-meaning person like you?

Maybe because a better doorway in life awaits your brave entrance.

Maybe because the momentum of your shocking ejection from one outworn situation is NEEDED to PROPEL you into the new–the more evolved–the more DESIRED doorway that God’s been secretly creaking open for your timely arrival!

May all your pains be soothed, your wounds healed. May you make your way peacefully down the road to a happier, more suitable, more powerful place. God IS with you in your walk–or your flight. Trust in this companionship!

Bless you, & keep your soul strong,
Rev. Scott Ufford

PS –Have you ever found yourself surrounded by relentless scheming knee-jerk opposition? Looking back, did you think this was “karma”–some kind of cosmic pay-back for a consciously forgotten misdeed?

Was a Higher Purpose possibly at work? Or did your “opponents” just want to remain blind, and were glad to try to club you into submission & kick you out, to keep their minds snapped shut?

…Peace be with you my friend. Right now, take a deep breath. Say a prayer. Give up the whole situation to God. Just drop it! Be glad a new day and a new door await you…

Copyright 2011 Rev. Scott Ufford

Seven Surefire Ways to Know You’re Clairvoyant, Not Crazy

By Rev. Scott Ufford
In this peculiar day and age, it feels good to reassure yourself that your growing clairvoyant gifts are real.

More to the point: that you’re probably not nuts.
(I say “probably” because if you get a borderline passing grade, you don’t quiz your teacher over specifics.)

Many brave psychic seekers over the years have asked me how they can be sure about their own sanity amidst amazing paranormal experiences.

To help out, here are 7 controversial but effective points to help you decide whether to teleport yourself into Fort Knox—or into a private stall at the funny farm.

If you’re clairvoyant, not crazy:

1. When you pray for peace, you can feel genuine love encircle the globe but you don’t expect the world to kiss your feet.

2. When you do your best “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” imitation before sleep, you know the floor actually will get mopped & the dishes washed before you wake up—and you’re right.

3. When your angels tell you you’re not crazy, they’re not wearing tinfoil hats.

4. When your teakettle whistles, you don’t spend more than five seconds wondering if it’s really a message you should decipher from the president of Alpha Centauri.

5. When you buy your lottery tickets, you already know you’re going to lose. Or, you know which friends & relatives you’ll probably lose when you win big.

6. When you step seamlessly into an alternate reality, you’re not paranoid about the spy who’s cleverly followed you by walking in front of you for the last twelve blocks.

7. When you find yourself staring at invisible friends under the sofa that even your cat can’t see. Or, when you find yourself jumping at red laser point dots on the wall even after your cat’s turned off the pointer and wandered over to her supper dish. (Whether these mean you’re sane or not, I don’t know. I suggest you ask your cat.)

Seriously my friend, just remember:

Don’t be anxious for strange and mystic experiences. What is real will prove itself, over time. What is false or temporary will crumble.

Don’t be too eager to enthrone or overthrow any person, belief or fantasy. Know you are exploring. Surround yourself with God’s light. Move wisely ahead.

Know that your intent determines much of your life’s content—particularly in the psychic spiritual realms. Seek to be the very best you can for yourself—and for others!

Also, no matter what storms you pass through in life, treasure your deepest sense of truth.

Daylight always comes in time to reveal the right way…

Want to share your unusual experiences or questions? I’m happy to listen.

Happiness and peace to you.
Rev. Scott L. Ufford

Copyright 2011

Was Mubarak’s Downfall Prophesied by this Dead Turkish Sultan?


Did II Mehmet, the noble Turkish sultan who lived from 1432-1481, actually prophesy controversial Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak’s downfall?

Consider the evidence:

In a psychic inspiration given on November 11, 2007 while I prayed in Istanbul’s revered Eminonu Mosque, Mehmet Bey’s great spirit introduced himself.

He spoke of a coming age when “the spiritual forces of Islam” will balance “in harmony with Christians and Jews.”

The sultan explained, “A great spiritual awakening must first enter the hearts of everyday men and women.

“You will see a spiritual revolution sweep the Earth from its four corners. This revolution shall uplift all religions and all races.”

Could the Arab Spring unrest–including the common people’s revolt in Egypt–really be about much more than decent jobs, food, and civil rights? Could they be planting the first seeds of a spiritual revolution? Not a revolution where one smiling dictator or violent belief replaces another–but one where the people’s hearts are heard, and obeyed?

The sultan spoke wisely about blind rulers of the world failing to defeat all their opposition:

“Enemies are not to be destroyed in military conquest. War is impossible for true victory. You may destroy your enemies’ guns: good. But until you change his heart, much life is lost and little victories, won.”

Are the days fading when any dictator’s threats of violence and cruelty to the innocent can silence the honest and the hungry? Isn’t Egypt a great testing grounds for this hope?

Hear II Mehmet’s stirring voice:

“The God that guided Mohammed must return to guide the hearts of your everyday men and women.

“From these citizens shall come leaders with visions. Their eyes opened into possibilities of peace with prosperity, of community with sharing, and of teamwork with excellence.

“The God who made all people, blesses all people, guides all people…desires them all to be well-fed, and decently clothed, housed and taught.”

Aren’t these good gifts of God what every governmental leader, whether elected or not, should try to provide? If he or she isn’t willing, is the sultan suggesting they should and will be removed from power?

II Mehmet then finished his prophecy, referring to Turkey and so also to Egypt and the entire Middle East:

“You will recognize when the signs of struggle and worry in the eyes of the common man and woman are replaced by a clear light, a peaceful understanding, a warm compassion—the times of these predictions are coming.

“Every word here is true in its essence.
All of this is a true prediction. Voluntary for the human hearts to fulfill!

“This spiritual revolution will transform the essential life of many known, and so far unknown, spiritual centers around the world and this religion.

“You shall see! Peace is the power unsurpassed…”

Blessings of happiness and peace upon all the people of Egypt who hear his words.

Many are the people praying for fulfillment of words like this prophecy of II Mehmet, the most enlightened sultan in history.

Rev. Scott Ufford

Copyright 2007, 2011