Tag Archives: spiritual justice

A Prophecy as Parable: The Tibetan Deer and The Chinese Dragon

“The Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people are like innocent deer confronted by a cruel dragon in the same field, on the same mountainside.

The deer must not anger the dragon too much. And the deer must continue to feed their own souls, even though the dragon starves his own.

The day will come when the dragon’s hunger grows too great to deny.

…On that good day, the deer will teach him how and what is good to eat.

Great restraint is required for the deer to continue to feed their families’ souls while in the dragon’s midst.

Great courage is required for the deer to keep praying for the dragon’s true hunger to ripen.”

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Let us continue to plant seeds of whatever is true and good and of peace in this world. Let us be glad to grow it.

Whether honored or scorned by the powerful and the rich, True Food will someday feed all hungry hearts.


Because we are entering the Age of Spiritual Honesty. Soon, no one will even DESIRE to deny what is Good Food…The Infinity Prayer can help bring you and our world that goodness:

“Your Infinity Prayer

Let Infinite Good fill all the needs of all human beings and all sentient beings on Earth and on all planets, in Christ’s Name. Amen.”

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Divine Code Rule Number One best expresses The Infinity Prayer’s hope for our world’s complete transformation, secretly happening…

Once their spiritual desire ripens, few people of any religion will desire to avoid the breath-taking vision of Divine Code Rule Number One.


I received a vital update for Divine Code Rule Number One on January 7, 2011. This is a true breakthrough. Applicable through early 2012. I’ll make it available here and on FaceBook with its new Introduction & unexpected surprises.

Peace and happiness to you.
Rev. Scott Ufford
Copyright 2011

Prediction Shocker II — Follow-up to Beyond Teenage Sex “As We Know It”

Thank you everyone for your questions, which most of you have been too shy to ask me except in private. Must be the topic.

First, I’ll say this prophecy stands on its own. Refer to it directly for your own insights. It’s a unique, powerful, strong statement of part of God’s Higher Plan. I only recorded and shared it.

It will come true.

Everything beyond the prophecy itself is what I intuitively get now. Just to help you grasp the possibilities of this approaching revolutionary change.

Believe me, even for me with my clairvoyant background, this is unusual…

Further Explanation of the Prophecy:

“…Pockets and then waves of teenagers, primarily, as they emerge into adulthood energies, will have their deeper internal God-identification pathways “unblocked” at the time God appoints.

This “unblocking mechanism” will cause their growth to merge into surprising but completely natural healing pathways that will reinvigorate humanity.

Their wildly creative maturation energies will move holistically from unhealthy OVER-identification and expression in fragmented sexuality play, into a kind of mass GROUP SOUL OF HUMANITY initiation.

Pure unbridled energies of joy — not necessarily of sex — will be felt, accepted, understood, eagerly embraced as healing and natural.

After all, the dream of our separation from God and each other is meant to be awakened from. It has to start somewhere in earnest.

The sincere purity of young people’s energies, brimming on bursting, is the most natural centering point for the Creator’s CHANGE Energies to focus.

These CHANGE Energies will be triggered by the intensifying mass of all humanity’s yearning for completeness — by all our self searching. By all our crying out for transformation. By every tiniest drop of healing for individuals and societies that is prayed for, given and received.

For the last thousands of years, this yearning keeps accelerating, and in response the World keeps spinning new futures.

It’s as if all of Life patiently dances with a drunken, ignorant but beloved partner–humanity.

Today’s global and private catastrophes reflect the turbulence of our race’s decongesting internal circuits — the results of our seeking a better way, a more beneficial way to live, to love. To create in greater harmony with each other and within ourselves. In connection with greater planned Creator CHANGE Energies than we have imagined…

Why do I mention the awesome power (that can cause catastrophes) of the collective human soul and emotions while they’re out of whack?

Because it gives us a hint at the mighty changes that’ll revolutionize ALL of Earthly society & our environments once we’re rolling like a car with all four tires balanced, aligned and new.

Understand, this is spiritual metaphysical reality: the pain generated by living out of balance — and the desire aroused to get REAL again — causes our prayers & feelings to rise up like sacred smoke into the Creator’s sacred blueprint for Earth.

The alchemy of these rising aspirations connects like an energy trigger switched ON in mankind’s voluntary free will growth condition, so that, as planned, the Creator’s CHANGE mechanism tumblers in the “evolution lock” for mankind can click to UNLOCK — to OPEN.

Future fact:
The key for the next stage of humanity’s evolution as it turns in Heavenly Reality, will systemically trigger the unblocking of the mechanism located in certain peoples’, mostly teenagers’, physical-spiritual-sexual energy circuits.

A remarkable, never-before-seen mass change since the days of Atlantis etc., kind of “kundalini rising” effect, or outbreak releasing Divine Christing Energy Effects within kids individually and in groups, will spring up like the sunspot storms that well up from the sun’s core to refresh & revolve its surface.

Not just subconscious and dream-state telepathy will result…

Soon, conscious group telepathy and group FEELINGS and eventually WISDOM BURSTS amidst collective URGES TO CHANGE Earth for the better, will arise to sweep teenagers’ and then EVERYONE’S hearts beyond any dull, congested-energy governments’ or corporations’ or gun barrels’ power to suppress.

This Divine Initiation Process will greatly enhance or replace all societies’ initiations for the maturation of teens. Almost everywhere, cultures have devolved from the heart-based wisdom of higher indigenous & spiritual societies to now mindlessly push teens to accept demeaning-to-the-soul orgiastic rituals of shopping, consuming, violence, & screwing. All in conformity with spiritual mediocrity.

Important: It’s our job to let all kids know that our Creator is complete benevolence and Intelligent Love for everybody.

It’s also definitely time for us to see that an active Higher Plan really does exist.

More and more people recognize that the purpose of mankind’s surviving past all the old prophecies of doom and gloom is to return to our higher Christed Consciousness, whatever one’s spiritual path.

It’s our job — our challenge — and our hidden inner desire — to find, see & accept this Infinite Intelligent Love as our reality more each day, through all our conditioned habits, struggles, griefs, desires.

Clearly, the more responsible & caring we are towards kids, whether or not we’re parents, helps bring a happier fate to the human race.

You can guess at the possible whirlwinds to result from this awakening as well as I can. Surely changes will revolutionize the lives — and uplift the energies — of us all.

Just like the rising sun, evolution doesn’t play favorites–eventually it shines on everyone.

Naturally, we have to expect unexpected fireworks along the way.

Someday, the awakened generations might even be likened unto a new race upon the earth, except that they’ll remain “our kids”. They will be “like us”, but different.

Not to worry — humans will always find ways to enjoy their sexual energies — but in an ascending plane of meaningful life.

Kids will lead our world into a better future — so now, it’s up to us to lead them with all the love & wisdom we can share.

After all, each of us might someday reincarnate.

As one of them.”

Blessings to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford
Copyright 2011

How to End Our Global Addiction to War — Conquest — Slaughter

by Rev. Scott Ufford

Why does mankind seem hot-wired to plunge the blade of violence into the heart of hope?

Why our worldwide nonstop addiction to war mongering? Why the spastic twitching of fingers on triggers and death-buttons when we could more profitably reach out to shake hands?

When do we start storing up ammunition to make a Great Peace instead of yet another Great War?

If only answering these hellish questions was as easy as asking them!

But here’s a hint:

Of course, our tales of woe began long, long ago. Everything began long, long ago… Makes it easier to pin blame on somebody else, when today’s bloodbath started before recorded history. Meaning, beyond the reach of our self-control.


Because nobody can exactly explain, with plain logic, exactly where the milk of humanity went temporarily sour. As a result, the pains of our aggressions and victimhoods lie tangled up in a welter of incoherent emotional records:

“Why did you murder that nation’s leader?”

“Because he tried to kill my daddy.”

“Why did you invade that country?”

“Because we deserved to exploit their oil for them!”

“Why did you jail and kill people of that religion?”

“Because five hundred years ago they invaded our religion’s lands because five hundred years before that we invaded their religion’s lands because five hundred years before that they invaded our religion’s lands before their religion even started, which makes them the devils, you see…”

And so on. And on. Combatants with endlessly different names, faces and histories but with the same blood in their angry eyes. Antagonisms fueled by different excuses and different struggles but fueled with the same pathetic malice.

Different battle plans, weapons. Whether by poisonous gas or ambassadors’ pens dipped in the ink of deceit, it makes no difference. Whether by sharpened sticks and stones or deadly bombs dropped from unseen wings, it makes no difference.

Only the scale of the violence has changed. The false logic that’s led to these slaughters, pretends to remain unchallenged…

Because the secret belief in humanity’s helplessness provides ourselves, our neighbors, communities, countries, religions and races with endless ways to pretend that violence is proof of great strength, instead of weakness.

It justifies our sufferings today.

Faced with history’s innumerable hurts and wrongs inflicted and received in all directions, who amongst us can untangle the karmic mess?

Do you believe mankind was born into sin — just naughty by nature? Or conceived in an ancient alien race’s test tube to create an enslaved race? Or that we grew up soaked through with the moral sense of a blob of algae, just given more complex oceans to spawn in?


The secret spiritual fact is–and I fully expect at least half of you who read past this point to jump from my blog in disgust, never to return, so I give you my full blessing in advance to abandon ship, and appreciate your dropping by–

The blunt facts–explained to me by Spiritual Teachers–are:

We attack others because we want them to love us, to approve us–but we despair of them doing this voluntarily.

At heart, EVERYONE wants to receive kindness. (Have you ever seen even the most vicious, hardened, crazed criminal who didn’t secretly wish for a drop of kindness or compassion to ease his pangs? I think not.)

But who wants to make the effort to GIVE kindness?

Who’s going to give kindness first? Who’s going to break the karmic stalemate with a brave act of Higher Power love? Who’s going to take the challenge and say, “Yes, mutual win-win results are possible here. I’m willing to taking the first step. I’m going to stick with this process. We can work this out, and we can see this through to a success we can both agree to.”

Or will both sides battle to outdo each other in their brutality and waste, only for the “winner” to later dole out a few well-publicized drops of generosity to the loser?

Can you conceive of practical ways, in your own life’s battle-hardened situations, to change the tide of “victory through violence”?

Please meditate on this possibility as if it’s already reality. Imagine a world in which the battles of the past are forgotten in the mutual win-win, forgive-and-forget, heal-and-be-healed world of the near future.

A near future we must begin to call “today”.

Imagine the New Christ Energies can empower you to this peaceful everyday practicality. Ask inside yourself for clear guidance.

Do this and you’ll find your first step.

Imagine the words of ones such as Jesus, Lao-Tzu, Gandhi, Buddha, Mother Mary, Amma, Maitreya, Krishna–all inspire your private world and your civilization into confidence in the power of kindness.

Imagine the sacred blueprint of Divine Code Rule Number One that’s leading mankind–yes, our own bloodthirsty, ravenous, deceitful mankind–up a ladder of spiritual self respect. Our foot hesitates just below the next dynamic step up, wondering…

My friend, please pray for peace. Work and play for peace. Be the peace; through all your own struggles, be the peace you want to see shared across the globe.

Give the world’s children a fighting chance for peace.

You’ll discover that the peace you give is the peace you keep.

God bless you for trying.

-Rev. Scott Ufford Copyright 2011