Tag Archives: spiritual justice

Why Not Write a New Chapter in Your Life?

A new chapter of your life begs to be born. Can’t you feel it?

Haven’t you gone through a lot of struggles lately? Everybody else has. The challenges of these upward-leaning times means that no matter what your struggle, you’re not alone.

But you have to decide…

You know your aching heart feels like this:

You just can’t give any more!

You’ve spilled all the ink of sorrow you can possibly pour into one aging chapter. Its pages sag under this crusted crimson ink. These same pages of tired text, repeatedly thumbed back and forth through, pondered, praised, scorned, rewritten, crossed out, scribbled around, edited and agonized over and over throughout this age, could collapse with any more…

Enough of the time-worn blood of this same old chapter.

Worries, misgivings, goals, prayers, dreams–fought over, sweated & schemed for. Some battles lost, some battles won, some permanently on hold like an anchor dragged behind a boat that’s trying to set sail…

Don’t you want to start a new chapter?

Don’t you deserve to write it? Or would you rather hand the pen of responsibility to someone else? Do you really want to waste precious pages of your life, settling for whatever themes and plot twists–and climax–someone else writes?

Be they sad or sweet words–why would you want to surrender the power of your story?

Instead, it really is time to turn the page my friend. Time to bundle up the last of the harvest you’ve gleaned, throw away the chaff–and move ahead.

I do have great trust in you.

Your angels have complete trust in you.

Your immaculate, untainted, undiscovered Heart has total trust in you: when it’s time to turn the page to the new chapter, when it’s time to pour out the fire of your love–you’ll do it with ease.

You’ll do it with prayerful, strong intent.

You’ll do it because you have to.

Because you want to.

Because you are you.

Because you hold the pen of power.

Begin to dream the next new pages of your life. Daily, nightly, make the effort. This way, you plant the seeds of the virtues you will harvest.

Benefits sprout up day by day, as you write–as you act–in trust.

Be glad for this new chapter of you. With each newly considered word, you propagate a new species of trust in yourself.

Just start to write with a lighter heart.

Don’t imagine that past chapters’ mistakes define you. Instead, if you let yourself learn, your victories will spring triumphant from your failures.

Do not fear–never fear–that you might run out of good words. Create with greater confidence in the well being of your story. Give thanks for whatever harvest will be yours, and be at peace.


Because the same unmistakable mysterious power that urges you to plant wiser seeds, to grow beyond old limits, to aim for a higher healthier harvest–that same power today drives our whole world to complete the past, to reach for the future, to take a mighty upwards leap!

Trust: your bravery will bring seeds of wisdom from the higher source for all humanity. A fever-pitch of insights–sometimes in your dreams–will welcome your dawning imagination.

Soon you’ll be so glad, because no matter what the cost, no matter what the fears:

You dug deep into your soul. You listened in silence to your heart. You heard the word, and you obeyed.

You turned the new page. To the new chapter. To the new you.

You began to write.

We–your friends–your teachers–your unseen loving family–challenge you. We respect you. Most of all, we congratulate you in advance, for we know the good urges in your heart.

We welcome you to brave new words.

Peace and blessings,
Rev. Scott Ufford

Copyright 2011

When Life Kicks You Out One Door, Prepare to Get Kicked In a New Door

3 Hard Facts-of-Life Warning Label:

No matter how honestly you try to make a difference–

No matter how “right” you are–

No matter how positive your intent–

FACT: Close-minded people will resist and resent your open mind. Even if their hearts are opening, their minds will snap shut against you like the jaws of a bear trap. Particularly if they have something material to gain by clamping down on you.

FACT: They will invent all manner of wild excuses and concoct the most twisted versions of reality against you–they will scheme to trash your integrity, misrepresent your good intentions and they will resent you–

FACT: Finally, they wont be able to tolerate your presence due to the delusions congesting their minds–

But that’s okay because they’re just “rounding up the wagons” to make themselves feel good. Which is fine, because in the big picture we’re all family and we’re all learning from one another, finding our way slowly past the family feuds…

If someone treats you with extra doses of falsehood and viciousness, IN A WAY that’s okay because you learn about–you feel the pains jab into your heart & you contemplate–the effects of falsehood and viciousness on EVERYBODY–and your heart grows.

Your own spiritual system is purged if you choose to let it. As long as you find your way to the point where you can stop taking personally other people’s chosen blind spots.

Sometimes, you’ll work harder & harder for the truth only to find people feel more & more antagonistic–not because you’re wrong or because they are–but because you threaten their sense of comfortable coping with the difficult truths in life, which is everybody’s challenge.

Sure it hurts, but the UPSIDE is:

Sometimes people treat you with hardened hearts & self-serving vigor because God really is using them to get you out of that situation–to EJECT you from that situation–which has become inappropriate for you and them together.

Why? So that you’ll leave & never look back! So you wont waste another drop of effort trying to continue with people who for no one’s fault, neither you nor they have anything to give or learn from each other, except:

“Thank you, God bless you, I forgive you (in whatever length of time it takes to reach that forgiveness)–and GOODBYE>”

Why might this harsh scenario happen to a good-hearted, well-meaning person like you?

Maybe because a better doorway in life awaits your brave entrance.

Maybe because the momentum of your shocking ejection from one outworn situation is NEEDED to PROPEL you into the new–the more evolved–the more DESIRED doorway that God’s been secretly creaking open for your timely arrival!

May all your pains be soothed, your wounds healed. May you make your way peacefully down the road to a happier, more suitable, more powerful place. God IS with you in your walk–or your flight. Trust in this companionship!

Bless you, & keep your soul strong,
Rev. Scott Ufford

PS –Have you ever found yourself surrounded by relentless scheming knee-jerk opposition? Looking back, did you think this was “karma”–some kind of cosmic pay-back for a consciously forgotten misdeed?

Was a Higher Purpose possibly at work? Or did your “opponents” just want to remain blind, and were glad to try to club you into submission & kick you out, to keep their minds snapped shut?

…Peace be with you my friend. Right now, take a deep breath. Say a prayer. Give up the whole situation to God. Just drop it! Be glad a new day and a new door await you…

Copyright 2011 Rev. Scott Ufford

NEWSFLASH! Divine Code Rule Number One 2011-2012 Update Is Here

You’ll be excited to know the newest stunning version of Universal Divine Code Rule Number One is about to go public–you’ll be one of the first people on Earth to see it.

You’ll be a part of a history-making moment that promises greater personal power for you.

Not every historic revolution starts with a gunshot or press coverage.

Sometimes, like now, the revolution starts in the highest reaches of the Heavens. Quietly it pours down tier after tier of waterfalls until it anoints human hearts.

For us, Universal Divine Code Rule Number One is that Pure Water of the Soul.

Universal Divine Code Rule Number One, or “DCR1” or “the Code”, as it’s known throughout the Universe, is the original, surviving blueprint that forms around itself the exoskeleton of all religions and spiritual pathways.

DCR1 is the clear, delineated tool for mastery of your soul lessons and issues.

With this precise update–meant for Earth inspiration through the exciting early months of 2012–we discover how to easily grasp this powerful tool.

We invite you to invoke The Pledge of Pure Goal Words, your potent new prayer to God. You can find your Pledge of Pure Goal Words near the end of 2011’s updated DCR1.

We know that by speaking this Pledge aloud or in your heart, you will find amazing breakthroughs in your relationship with the Divine. No matter what your religion or spiritual path or personal history.

Why? Because you’re destined to hunger for more God Reality in your life, and God wants you to be well-fed and happy.

We’ll let you know as soon as the new 2011 version of DCR1 and its Welcome Introduction are ready for you. (ed note–It’s here now)

In the meantime, please spread the word around and always–always–keep your faith.

Peace and Blessings of Hope to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford

Copyright 2011