Tag Archives: Maitreya Benjamin Creme controversy

Maitreya the World Teacher: Words of Peace 2012: Love in Action

We know 2012 is supposedly the final year–a date of ultimate encounter with destiny–on the ancient Mayan calendar.

We also know 2012 marks Earth’s onrushing collision of unprecedented economic cannibalism of the “99%” by the “1%”–

its worldwide governmental looting of human rights–

its exponentially increasing military addictions–

fundamentalist religious delusions–

and massive-to-the-point-of-near-suicidal global environmental destruction.

But for every spiritual medical symptom that supports a diagnosis of “incurable insanity” for the human race, other symptoms suggest an accelerating viral rebirth of our humanity, our hopes and our futures.

Ask any woman who’s endured childbirth:
She’ll say, It’s rarely easy, never any fun but the reward is completely worth it!

So, what better way to help jump-start birth of The Power of Our Love in 2012 than share selected wisdom quotes from one of Earth’s most controversial and hopeful speakers: Benjamin Creme, tireless advocate for the coming of a great spiritual leader called Maitreya, The World Teacher.

I leave it to you to investigate the website and decide for yourself about the nature of Maitreya. However, it’s easy to appreciate the spiritual eloquence of his words, excerpted from “Love in Action–A Compilation” at www.share-international.org.


“…Simple lack of Love is the root of man’s suffering today. Nothing but this holds him from the manifestation of his divine potential. All of Godhead exists in man, but without Love nothing but suffering ensues. For long, My friends, have you known this…

I come to show you the simple Path to God through Love, to teach you the techniques of Love, the way forward through Love and Justice, correct relationship of man to man and thus to God.” (Maitreya, from Message No.101)

“By His release of the Christ Principle, [Maitreya] establishes in the world the ability to love. He galvanizes humanity through the power of that love to transform the world. This is precisely what He is doing now, from behind the scenes, and what He will do openly as He appears before the world.

Love is an active force which transforms…” (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Volume Three)

“Consider a world without love; such hideousness appalls the imagination. Why? Instinctively, man recognizes the need for love and soon will understand the need to love. He will come to know that love links him to all others in an endless chain. Tentatively, perhaps, at first, he will begin to trust. Step by step, he will conquer his fear. Then will he enter into that blessed state where fear has no place, where love sits calmly on its throne, bestowing its grace on all who come near.” (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The Need to Love’)

“Goodwill is attainable. It is the level of the energy of love that should not be too difficult for humanity to express. In fact, many millions of people do indeed feel and express goodwill. That is not just being nice, tolerant and decent; all of these are the result. Goodwill is an active force. It is the will aspect allied with the love aspect. When the love aspect informs the will aspect, you get goodwill.

If you think “good”, meaning love, and “will”, meaning purpose, you get good purpose, loving purpose. That loving purpose has to imbue our lives and create right human relations. Right human relations will free us from guilt and fear, will share the resources in the world and create peace. Right human relations is a priority of humanity, and Maitreya will make that one of His major concerns.” (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Volume Three)

“All change is preceded by tension and tension brings fear. However, fear has no place in the heart activated by service and love.” (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘A Time of Change’)

“The reappearance of the Christ in relation to humanity is fundamentally about the birth of the Christ Principle in the hearts of all humanity. That awakens the love aspect. Therefore sharing and justice, right relationship in a word, is guaranteed in this coming age. Right relationship does not happen by itself. Humanity has to make it happen.

The awakening by Maitreya of the Christ Principle in the hearts of all humanity is the method by which His major work, which is on the astral plane, is carried out. This will galvanize the heart response of humanity and awaken them not only to the need for brotherhood but also to the actual expression of brotherhood, and therefore sharing, justice, peace and freedom for all people everywhere.” (Benjamin Creme, The Great Approach)

“[Maitreya] wants you to give your love to the world, and He comes to inspire you to do it, to awaken in you the love which is inherent in the heart of every human being, but which is frustrated in its expression, largely by the unjust political, economic and social conditions with which we surround ourselves. When these conditions are changed, the love of humanity, inspired by Maitreya, will demonstrate in a way which today you probably could not imagine, and will transform the world.” (Benjamin Creme, The Great Approach)

“Here, then, is the cure for all the ills of men: demonstrate love that every man may share the Earth’s abundance. Demonstrate love that wars be seen no more. Demonstrate your soul’s love and bring that day forward when man will be united with man and God.

However he may try, man cannot live without love. This fact will soon establish itself in the consciousness of the race, and lead to events unparalleled in history. Shortly will begin a process of transformation unlike aught seen before: gone for ever the sight of millions starving, the daily heartache of the dispossessed, the everlasting travail of the world’s poor.

Gone, from sight and mind, the threat of self-destruction, the unholy terror which has humanity in thrall. Gone, too, the lack of trust which curbs and limits man’s every action and sets him against his neighbour and himself. All of this shall man achieve by demonstrating Love.” (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from Love – The Way Forward)

Welcome my friend to 2012 as your Year of Hope. Thank you for loving your self, loving your Creator, loving your one human family–and for your courage to give birth to your love!

Rev. Scott Ufford,
The Psychic Philosopher

Maitreya The World Teacher’s Psychic Speech to You, Part II of III

We’re glad you came back for more psychic surprises:

Here’s the first half of Maitreya’s revolutionary Psychic Speech to the World, made in 2003, received by most in our deep sleep state:

“You are entering a time of great power exchange possibilities. Your times of past failures and of highlighted mistakes are potentially ready to be cleansed from your memories and cleared out of your internal channels of self judgment.

What does this mean?

It means, what was correct before fades away as it becomes true that the great changes into greater truths, more natural power principles, for humanity are well underway.

…Nobody likes a loser. Least of all, the person or country or creed who judges themselves as losers.

But those who greatly lack forward thinking, positive thinking and faith, will seek to win at losing.

How does one win at losing?

One focuses on the issues and struggles that have already gone by. Already faded with a passing day. One pretends that those are the vital issues living under today’s sun.

Your only peace of mind will come from living today, today.

Wallowing in the past for the spectator sport of self-blame and pretended self-hate, no longer can get the high ratings from your soul, from your once captive intellect or your ego.

Imagine this condition as true in your internal, eternal, ever-changing galaxy of your self:

Imagine that every part of your self and being teeters on the brink of actual self-discovery.

Imagine that every part of yourself is taking part in the group therapy of realizing more or less all at once, that you are a divine spiritual being. And that you are a part of the divine collective of consciousness popularly known as God.

Every part of yourself is awakening from the most blanketing condition of blankness. From the deadly dull, painful condition known as willful unawareness of your true brotherhood and true sisterhood with the highest Divine Forces.

The reasons for your past and presently fading states of unknowing, are very good ones.

Mostly, you indulge in self-blame, and public and private warrior games.

But you must admit that in your heart of hearts, in the center of your mind, and in the Grand Central Terminal of your soul, you must admit that you are a divinely acknowledged and originated being.

Every part of your being and consciousness, on this very day, awaits further instructions from your free will as to how to deal with the tremendous impact of this fact:

Every part of your self can smell and taste the onrushing, impending complete uplift and transformation of your self, of your consciousness, from one of ignorance and confusion and weakness, into one of awareness which causes freedom.

Freedom frees up changes to happen. And change, guided by true freedom–impelled forward by the desire for true self awareness–leads the way into the revolutions of the worlds as they transform from darkness into lightness of focus and heart.

Meaning simply:
Every part of yourself is now confronted with these facts:

You desire to live in a world where your interactions and agreements are made of win-win situations for every person and being involved.

Nobody anymore truly desires the old war games within family, nation or world.

These warring games are like ancient addictions who long ago, turned into a bitter taste in your mouths. The feedback of pain from your hearts as you have unlearned resistance to positive change, has told you of your true heart’s desire.

From the most negative to the most positive aspects of everyone’s being, the truth dawns that everything, every bit of oneself, is poised in the gathering winds of complete change…”

…CONTINUED in Maitreya The World Teacher’s Psychic Speech to You, Part III of III.

Don’t miss it!

Transcribed by and Copyright Rev. Scott Ufford, 2003, 2010