Tag Archives: Jesus Christ return

Are We Still Playing The Game of Fragments?

Brace yourself:

I’m about to tell you a radical, probably shocking secret. (But I’m going to make you wait.)

In a world as topsy-turvy as ours, any claim of the ability to shock us might be considered presumptuous. Maybe even egomaniacal.

After all, we’re stuck in a “civilization” that wallows in the deepest slime of corruption. Groans under the weight of horrid slick tales of blood-splashed brutality and greed-splashed stupidity.

We’ve penned up the world’s healthy wildness, humanity’s ingenious native wisdom & bull-dozed them into cesspools.

Are we waiting for every last remote chance of their revival to dissolve?

Are we “the 99%” actually teamed up with “the 1%” to turn Earth into a shanty museum where the most beautiful and good lay frozen in panoramic exhibits of the past?

Are we waiting until that silent deadline when the simple clarity of enjoying living blue seas, of non-slime-slicked oceans, of non-cracked, non-fracked, non-heart-attacked lands with more beasts thriving than monster bugs & rats, has slipped horribly from the fringes of our reality?

Are we blindly waiting until livid red volcanoes of subconsciously suppressed hate, denied fear, unbridled toxic intent, so swamp our cities with psychic lava of hopelessness that humanity’s forced to cower in a prison corner of Creation?

Let’s be completely honest with ourselves here. Nobody’s watching or judging us in this moment–
except, of course, our most scrupulous exacting taskmasters–
our inner selves.

So we must ask ourselves, because to avoid these harsh questions is to embrace the most deadly mediocrity:

Will we continue to curdle our ethics so sourly that the most shallow behavior, most self-congratulatory criminality, most imbecilic violence are celebrated with no sadness?

Can’t our jaded eyes see how our personal integrity, holistic usefulness & sense of community suffer by being reduced to embarrassing court jesters performing in the royal courts of the rich?

Can’t we see how we–
from the most religious to the most atheistic–
from the most advanced intellectuals to the most incurable simpletons–

all of us seem stuck in a unexplainable waiting game?

For sure, our wait’s well-camouflaged. By sheer cleverness of denials and sheer urgency of private worries.

As a result, some of us, frozen, await Jesus Christ’s return.
Some of us expect the next Buddha, the next Iman Mahdi, the next great Caesar to relieve our responsibilities.

Some of us pretend to expect the next great President, the next great corporation, the next great Mayan 2012 calendar date to force our hands, to cleanse our festering wounds–
or the next great & horrible enemy to slap us awake.

Some of us await the landing of the UFOs or the all-saving kindness of our Space Neighbors to revive us, or the next stupendous drug to make us less stupid–
or so stupefied we won’t feel our pain.

Or, the next 1-chance-in-77-million of winning the lottery, the next fated sweet encounter with a soul mate, the next corporate bail-out, the next public hand-out, the next death of an unknown rich uncle…

But what are we waiting for?

Are we really happy with waiting for a dozen different quantum reality versions of a Jesus to wave his wand & decree with finality to each of us in turn,
“You, bad…
You, good…
You, losers…
You, the champs…
You, the chimps”?

Or to distract us with fears of suffering beneath the lash of the next “You’re fired”, “You’re too old”, or “Guess what–you’re doomed, you’re damned & you’re dead!”

Now we’ve force-fed ourselves these tough questions, here’s Part One of that radical shocking secret:

Our waiting time is over.
Our waiting game is already up.
Our ancient tired legends & prized excuses have already surrendered their vitality.
Collapsed like sacred but useless sands of time slip-sliding into the hourglass’ bottom.

The clock already strikes past midnight for the human race.

What does this mean?

It means our past is dead. Our denial is dying.
And here we are.
Crying out for our Mamas & Papas.

But here we are.
One human family, utterly bored at playing The Game of Fragments.

Can you sense the return of your trust?
Can you feel a strange new calm?
Can you feel your fears of abandonment dissolve?

Can you feel your first deep stirrings of an ancient competence?
Can you admit you believe in your own soul’s wisdom?

Can you abandon your fears that our bridge to The New World is too shaky, too endless, too painful to cross?

Can you stop theorizing about what awaits you on the far side?
Stop squabbling about who deserves to cross & who deserves to stay behind in the Old Darkness?

Can you just be happy with putting one foot in front of the other?
With helping your neighbor who feels too lost or afraid, too ignorant or worthless, to take his or her next small step?

Can you taste your desire to emerge safely on the other side?
To reach new lands & dimensions of greater adventure?

Can you picture with your inner eye & your hidden hearing & your unused heart strength, what it might be like–
no, what it WILL be like–
for you to set foot on that promised shore?

Do you dare imagine the sweet new taste of your freedoms?
Your soul’s secret delight at everyone winning The Game of Fragments?
Can you imagine the awaiting Game of a higher, healthier, happier Reality?

If you can, are you willing to arrive safely–
are you willing for us ALL to arrive safely–
whatever the nature of this Promised Shore–

on that peaceful Island Earth whose pure freshness tugs at our attention–
whose lightening gravity demands we command & commit our energies–
to unchain our futures from self punishment and recrimination
over ancient memories of Paradises Lost–

No matter what the cost?

Are you ready?

I believe you are ready.

I believe I am, too.
Because Reality demands this.

I even believe some of us might already have arrived.
This very minute, crowded around by unseen angels they wave & yell for us.

To snap us from our self hypnosis.

To guide us by the crystalline ring of their voices until the low fog lifts
and reveals that far shore, now startlingly close.

Almost at our feet.

To quicken our steps on our way back Home.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Let me know any way I can help.
Peace & Happiness to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford,
The Psychic Philosopher
Copyright 2012

Judgment Day$–Tests of Faith–Prophecies from May 21, 2011 to December 21, 2012

Breaking World Prophecy News:

In My Opinion:

“But what about the MONEY?”

Sincere, self-styled Biblical scholar, “Doomsday Prophet” Harold Camping, who’s reportedly whipped up quite a profitable frenzy of followers for his alleged $18 million business empire–

thanks in great part to his dire drumbeats of Judgment Day crashing the Earth’s current uneasy wedded bliss between that age-old bickering threesome named Hate, Ignorance & Greed, not to mention smudging the rosy futures of their all-too robust offspring, Faithlessness & Tomfoolery, on May 21, 2011–

faces another difficult test of his own faith:

If Camping really does believe the world faces a horrific 5-month Judgment Day period starting on May 21st (just 2 days away from this time of writing), during which would escalate a horrific degradation and destruction of the human race–or at least, naturally, of those not faithful to his sect’s version of Christianity–

what’s the most virtuous–not to mention pragmatic–thing to do with his wealthy organization?

Business decisions, decisions, decision$:

If he hangs onto his media empire, and Judgment Day DOES kick in on May 21st–won’t his business value crash?

Because, what with an unprecedented accelerating doom of the evildoers of the world (a category that seems to include most humans, but naturally not you or me, dear reader)–

won’t general mayhem incinerate global property values? Or crash our world’s vile economic and satellite communications systems?

Won’t Jesus Christ’s return under such inclement weather conditions trash the dollar’s value even more dramatically than the wildest misdeeds of “Helicopter Ben” Bernanke, who once famously jested–or not–that he’d throw greenbacks to the masses from helicopters if it’d save the U.S. economy?

Of course, if the world’s economy is destroyed–just for starters–Camping and his compatriots could provide invaluable assistance by selling their business properties now, & investing in seeds and plowshares to help later replant & rebuild a shattered planet.

But no, that would be a fatally unfaithful scheme.


Because–in Camping’s misguided zeal to prove the literal accuracy of the supremely spiritual & mystical Book of Revelations, he says God wont be satisfied with heckling, humiliating & slaughtering all the below-average-in-faith folk–

Instead, He’ll then completely smash the planet to smithereens like a petulant child tired of stacking his building blocks (wait–do any children still play with building blocks?)…

He’ll completely wipe the wheezy memory chip of our planet like a shaken Etch-A-Sketch (wait–do any kids still play with Etch-A-Sketches, either?)…

All the good people will survive. Of course, not many Muslims (too temperamental) or Buddhists (too blase) or Jews (they blew their shot) will sneak past God’s Praetorian Guard, because He has sharp eyes and, what with the Obama administration and Schwarzenegger’s follies, He’ll have completely run out of patience.

Which forces the inevitable first question:

If God says the ways of this world are hopelessly atrocious & doomed, what might be the new ways of His New Heaven and Earth?

After all, with no more destructive capitalism (no Walmart left to sell Jesus a cheap pair of flip-flops made by Chinese slave labor?);

no more militarism (no endless rotating list of mortal enemies left to attack or defend against, or to sell weapons to & then attack or defend against?);

no more sickness or death (them’s that’s gonna go, is already gone, and nobody’s who’s left is likely to give or get AIDS anyhow?);

no more greedy pharmaceutical industry (goodbye, AMA & your licensed pill pushers?);

no more ecological devastation and starving children (sorry, Monsanto, all Frankenfoods & Frankenfertilizers are banned; sorry Nestle, mothers’ milk will do just fine?);

no more tyrannical governments (not when God can run the world quite fairly & efficiently with His tried & tested Republican tribesmen?);

and perhaps most important, no more BAD cultural ideas (let me not be blamed for tainting your innocent imagination with any visualizable examples?)–

will we–sorry, THEY–be reborn again by God into a–gasp–COMMUNAL, PEACEFUL, BLISSFUL dimension of Earthly reality–that is, into the New Jerusalem (again, without those Arabs & Jews cluttering up the golden streets)?

Back to the point, more or less:

Does all this untidy change mean the value of Camping’s business, er, religious organization, will collapse once they leap into– (yes, you heard it here first) –the New Age?

The faithful Camping’s dilemma:

If he really believes his own Doomsday claims, why wouldn’t he sell his church’s business interests now, before May 21st, for top dollar? Distribute the proceeds to the poor of pocket & spirit in a last push to enlighten & save more souls?

(I’d buy it today, for a dozen silver dollars–not to sound Judas-like–just to show my faith in God & mankind)

On the other hand, what if the unthinkable does occur?

That is, what if May 21st, May 22nd, May 23rd, all meekly twitter past us, excuse me, tiptoe past us in a row, with no more than the usual recent horrific dosage of terrible earthquakes, tornadoes, nuclear meltdowns and Charlie Sheen revelations?

Will Camping’s group admit defeat? Disband? Pull a Rev. Jim Jones, Jonestown-style exit to avoid facing their embarrassment? (Let’s hope not!)

Or Heaven forbid, will they fall back to a new defensive goal line stand for their fearful Judgment Day scenarios–

“Excuse me, faithful flock, did you know the Mayan astrologers were actually the three Wise Men in disguise?? Onwards to December 12, 2012–let’s keep those donations rolling in for another great fear-mongering year!?”

In my opinion–and I mean no disrespect to Camping or his followers–what they suffer from is a nasty condition that afflicts us all, every human being, from the most faithful to the most hopeless:

Our common human dilemma:

Yes, we–the entire rabble of us–instinctively DO know the world is plunging into revolutionary–some would say calamitous–unpredictable dangers and opportunities.

But as our world pushes past the brink of what feels like tolerable changes, can we see a hopeful future–beyond our darkest visions of fear?

What New World do we want to invest ourselves into?

What imaginative new visions can we embrace?

Most importantly, how can we picture & work for a New World that’s not only defined by what’s gone–by no more war, no more hate, no more tyranny or taxes or terror–but BY WHAT GREAT VISION WE CAN SAY YES TO?

What YES will we freely, gladly give our resilient hearts, souls, beliefs & sweat to?

I trust that you who read this screed after May 21st–and there will be many–will not at your moment of literary breakthrough be sipping a sarsaparilla at the Pearly Gates, or gargling jalapena hotsauce in Hades. Instead, like all the prophets of Apocalypse and their followers, you’ll be wondering:


Bless you, your hopes, your prayers and your dreams.
May God guide you, and Camping’s followers, and our world, to reap the very best destiny we can possibly sow!
-Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011