Tag Archives: Cosmic Bill of Rights

A Prophecy as Parable: The Tibetan Deer and The Chinese Dragon

“The Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people are like innocent deer confronted by a cruel dragon in the same field, on the same mountainside.

The deer must not anger the dragon too much. And the deer must continue to feed their own souls, even though the dragon starves his own.

The day will come when the dragon’s hunger grows too great to deny.

…On that good day, the deer will teach him how and what is good to eat.

Great restraint is required for the deer to continue to feed their families’ souls while in the dragon’s midst.

Great courage is required for the deer to keep praying for the dragon’s true hunger to ripen.”

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Let us continue to plant seeds of whatever is true and good and of peace in this world. Let us be glad to grow it.

Whether honored or scorned by the powerful and the rich, True Food will someday feed all hungry hearts.


Because we are entering the Age of Spiritual Honesty. Soon, no one will even DESIRE to deny what is Good Food…The Infinity Prayer can help bring you and our world that goodness:

“Your Infinity Prayer

Let Infinite Good fill all the needs of all human beings and all sentient beings on Earth and on all planets, in Christ’s Name. Amen.”

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Divine Code Rule Number One best expresses The Infinity Prayer’s hope for our world’s complete transformation, secretly happening…

Once their spiritual desire ripens, few people of any religion will desire to avoid the breath-taking vision of Divine Code Rule Number One.


I received a vital update for Divine Code Rule Number One on January 7, 2011. This is a true breakthrough. Applicable through early 2012. I’ll make it available here and on FaceBook with its new Introduction & unexpected surprises.

Peace and happiness to you.
Rev. Scott Ufford
Copyright 2011

Revolutionary Spiritual Facts according to Jesus Christ & Mahatma

Recorded by Rev. Scott Ufford

Together Jesus and another Great Soul identified only as Mahatma, spoke these revolutionary facts which cut to the essential truths of our spiritual reality.

Maybe you never thought of your inner relationship with God/ Higher Greater Source in this clear, focused way. If so, you’re in for an eye-opener that can help you disintegrate your fears:


“Fear is a form of worship.

Love is a form of equality.

A true love drives out the desire to fear and replaces it with the pleasure of healthy respect. Whether you like or care to associate further with that respected thing, or not.

You cannot respect any thing simply by observing its outside. By knowing that within this thing is actually some form and reality of godcreation, you move past fearing its outside.

Seeing only its outside can lead you to fear its unknown potential to harm you or to deny you your rightful loving experiences.

The aspect or quality of any thing which induces your fear is an aspect which you believe to be lacking or imbalanced within yourself.

What you fear encountering in yourself, you fear encountering in the world.

Since the world is physically much larger and more capable than your self, you can only remove your fear of the seen world by entering into awareness of the unseen world and the true, unseen reality within all things.

You cannot glimpse these fear-destroying laws of inner reality unless you believe that some wise and capable Source exists, greater than your current awareness of your self.

This Source must at heart be as actively motivated for your well being as It is for any other thing’s well being. The law of innate equality and value must exist for your self as well as for that feared thing.

All inequality is only the result of fear and misunderstanding of the real nature of oneself, as well as of the other.


If you believe that you are meant to remain limited and suffering from the greater aspects of other things, you will experience this until you stop enslaving your self to these fears.

The knowledge that:

You consciously exist, for infinity, in some way;

No physical self destruction can remove this eternal consciousness from you;

Consciousness by definition is always growing and changing and experiencing; and so

Your experience of that helpful, Greater Source self is also infinite;

leads to the constant capability for the progressive removal of your fears of your self, of other things and of that Greater Source.

As all things ease into realizing that everything simply IS, the removal of fear removes all reasons for physical sensations of fearful aggression and fearful victimhood.

The removal of supposed reasons for fears allows your own strengths to emerge from within your hidden unacknowledged self.

As you see and remove your fears, you acknowledge that your help in doing this comes from that Greater Source which is forever available to your self as well as to all others.

As you grow, you stop fearing the fact that you have fears about any given thing, including Greater Source and your self.

You do not need to compete for, qualify for or fear the lack of that help from that Higher Greater Source, since It has no fears of you whatsoever. It sees you perfectly clearly, or at least thinks It does.


You are free to continue seeing and experiencing a clearer and more helpful relationship with that Higher Source.

Any aspect of Higher Source which seems to mirror any of your fearful or unkind or blind characteristics is an aspect which you are free to see past.

Any aspect of Higher Source which seems unwilling to help or to understand, or to behave charitably towards your self, must be encouraged to behave towards your self and Itself in a way more like An Even Higher Source.

{This means you are free to talk to any aspect of higher reality which seems to fail to see you clearly or charitably.}

You are free to reach past these limiting aspects of Higher Source up to that which is good for you.

This way, whether those limiting aspects of Higher Source are only products of your own limited perception or are of Higher Source Itself, your respectful exploration of fear removal puts you in a growing state of awareness and into an inner reality of happiness and strength.

This state will manifest in your physical surroundings to some degree because a realized truth is realized everywhere in your existence.

You will learn to appreciate and enjoy the degree to which inner reality manifests in your outer life. This experience is another form of the loving respect, or at least respect, for your self and for all things—because this verifies that your fear removal is real and working for you.

This is true for the infinity that you and all things exist.

No saint or sage has found clear enlightenment within his fears. The light lurks around, beyond and before his fears. The trail of his fears is a trail of tears in the process of drying up and transmuting into tears of laughter.

You are free to emerge from fear, and so from worship, into love, which is a state of happy equality.

You are free to do this in your own time, at your own healthy pace, in your own unique and necessary way, without any fear of judgment.

All of the results of your efforts combine with all of the results of every other being’s efforts.

Together, you are changing your world and your reality in good ways.

This spiritual evolution is an absolute and revolutionary fact.”

—Jesus Christ / The Mahatma

recorded by Rev. Scott Ufford, 7-15-1997
Copyright 1997, 2010 Scott Ufford

Divine Code Rule Number One Is Now Public

Dear Friends,
Today we’re sharing with you a remarkable spiritual document accurately channeled from Angelic Realms, titled:

Universal Divine Code Rule Number One.

Given to the world by The Crystalline Ones, the Hierarchy of the New Age.

(Please Note: You can access the great wisdom of The Codes, completely updated for 2011, and their new Introduction here.)

Divine Code Rule Number One, unknown to most humans’ conscious selves, is making a world-wide revolutionary impact.

Why? Because Divine Code Rule Number One unveils a breath-taking, comprehensive “God’s-eye-view” of mankind’s spiritual development on Earth. This living blueprint reveals the amazing exponential growth process of your personal evolution as well as of your future collective spiritual, educational, religious, legal and justice systems.

Its 12 main principles unveil the legal, that is, spiritually rational, higher basis at work for every soul’s progressive expansion into Higher Dimensions of Reality, God Awareness, Christ Consciousness, Buddha Awareness. And much more!

We’ll also mention that contact between humans and ETs is ruled by the tenets of Divine Code Rule Number One. Can you see how this alone makes The Codes infinitely valuable for your future?

The Codes’ sublime logic and order obviously are no figment of anyone’s imagination. Life’s short and truth is precious–so let’s be blunt here:

Divine Code Rule Number One is recognized in the Highest Spiritual Realms as the genuine living, evolving sacred blueprint that applies to all Earth humans–yet it’s also a metaphysical reality that some lower entities and Old World Order groups don’t want “rocking their boats”.

So if Divine Code Rule Number One looks intricate at first glance, that’s good. Because God’s Plan is well-thought out, to say the least–it’s constantly tested and refined. Grown through the ages like an infinitely rugged oak tree by the Highest Sun of Intelligence.

It’s layered like that mighty oak’s concentric living rings. Each successive principle’s meanings and applications radiate from the central pith to the outermost rings, and reach back in again to the core.

For you to glimpse The Code’s beautiful inner harmony is a pleasure. But even to glance at it or puzzle over it is an honor.

Why? Because, again, this is the living soul charter–the sacred working document–that’s directly applied to you ever since the Creation of your Spirit!

Let’s make this clear: it’s all about you NOW. Whatever your spiritual path. Whatever your challenges and whatever qualities make you unique. Whatever twists and turns your spirit has been taking since its sacred origin timeless centuries and lifetimes ago.

Believe it or not–that’s OK.

Why? Because your soul of souls recognizes clear truth.

To recap Divine Code Rule Number One’s background…
Completely respectful of, yet impartial to, all religions, the devout group in High Spiritual Realms known as The Crystalline Ones, the Hierarchy of the New Age, labored to bring you this English-language approximation of Pure Soul Law.

Yes, these are your manifest enumerated Soul Rights as you grow through life.

To read these, and share these, is to lay claim to your “Cosmic Bill of Rights”, so to speak.


Because to read and consider Divine Code Rule Number One tears away the historic cloak of unknowing from your conscious personality. To see it is to sign your name to the best possibilities open to you–no matter what your position in life.

No matter whether your life situation’s bad or good, healthy or sick, beloved or hated, scorned or praised, joyful or miserable, evolving or stagnating–you are valued by God so much. You are in fact completely loved.

Pray about this. This can mean a new beginning for you. Give it a little or a lot of thought. Sometimes life-changing insights break through the clouds when you least expect them.

Thank God, the fully updated 2011 version of Divine Code Rule Number One with its Introduction is now published. You can read it here. (Code Rule Number One versions were first given and transcribed twice in 1998, then in 2008.)

Please help make this TRUE LIVING SPIRIT DOCUMENT go viral! Fly around the world. It’s worthy of the greatest scrutiny by people of all backgrounds. It’s of the highest practical, philosophical truth–far beyond any human’s capacity to create.

Please read & share–because honestly, it’s already changing your life & the life of the world for the better.

The Crystalline Ones look forward to your response in your soul and on this site.

Thank you so much. Happy Future to you! And if you desire, bless you in Christ’s Name.

Copyright 2011