Tag Archives: collective spirituality

“New God” Invites Mankind to Avoid Self Extinction

PART 1 of “New God: The Beginning”, a series of eye-opening reports on New God’s first actions on Earth.

The Aquarian Age's Divine Leader, or "New God", changes everything starting Summer 2011
Maybe you know, the reins of power in the Heavens and Earth transfer this summer to our Divine Leader for the Aquarian Age. He / She can simply be called “New God”.

“New God” can be seen in the skies, pouring beneficent energies across mankind.

We’ll witness vigorous re-establishment of higher energies for the masses, more than ever felt before (in recent racial memory).

New God’s energies are establishing harmony with plant / animal kingdoms—a productive harmony—more independent in its own right—for Nature to be no longer so subservient to mankind.

Why? That mankind might learn the errors of its ways.

This “Judgment” is one of release of ignorance—for enhanced viability of each ecosystem & species unto itself—because no longer may mankind command Nature as he seems to believe is his due, these past centuries . . . Nature had tilted to fulfill the unholy actions of mankind’s mind into an unwieldy sort of harmony.

Now—in the nick of time—before humanity causes widespread mass-species destruction beyond repair, Nature is done talking softly—it is beginning to no longer walk softly—it is beginning to carry and wave “a big stick” again.

This means mankind must learn the ways of divine action that govern Nature—including his and her own nature.

You may experience these events as horrible in their own right—or as fulfilling Nature’s predominant right to well being—or as cleansing.

Shift—calculated by New God—governs bringing mankind back into necessary harmony with what is—with Nature as originally intended; with mankind’s rights as originally intended as well as newly cleansed.

These cleansing actions though they may be unpleasant to mankind include reasserting Mother Earth’s native intelligence.

Again, no longer is it necessary for Her to “bend over backwards” in accommodation of mankind’s peculiar interests. With resolute determination, all that is asserts its divine right to be—in a well being as necessary to mankind as to every other creature, sentient or otherwise.

Why this action?

Recalculations are necessary to prevent natural energies from sweeping mankind into the dustbin and crevices of known history.

Would you prevent mankind’s naturally self-induced extinction from your planetary surface?

Please join us—Elder Teachers of the Natural Ways and Means—to scour the ignorance from mankind’s brain cells, to return him / her into right harmony.

How will this be accomplished?

Every time ANY member of humanity seeks to do that which is in harmony with natural elements, the regressive path of human evolution relaxes its stance, a little.

Consider this fact:

Nature’s centers of wisdom open their doors a little more each day for your natural scientists to study. Biologists, ecologists—any master synthesizers of understanding Nature’s newly emerging ways—not so bound by Her old measurements and calculations as to limit their scientific experiments into the now-unknown—are necessarily your societies’ focus.

How can you help, though you are a nonscientific sort?

For example, when you hear of a natural disaster that draws your interest—slow down; review this event in your mind. Ask, if you will, of Mother Nature’s as well as New God’s unknown “ambassadorships”, what is best in these situations.

Ask also what is best for you to do in your community as well as in your life—in small ways that affect the environment.

For example:
Pesticides? Ask for a better way.

Hormone-driven meat and fish? Demand better judgment.

Profit-driven agriculture? Sense this abhorrence for the natural well being implicit within Nature’s cycles. Demand a better return to these cycles—quickly.

Or else?

You shall see freakish monster developments in Nature . . .

Don’t miss Part Two of “New God: The Beginning” !

Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011

Breaking News: New God to Rule Earth–The Ancient of Days Completes His Reign

In a shocking, beautiful new development, our Deity known as “The Ancient of Days” is completing His / Her Earthly assignment and is leaving for Sacred Service elsewhere in the Universe.

His Sacred Replacement, called “The Youth of Ages” or “New God”, is seamlessly assuming the reins of global command for mankind’s new level of struggle to ascend back into our primeval kinship with God.

Thus begins our new spiritual revolution.

We are invited to welcome New God, to guide us into this new, so-far unknowable relationship with Sacred Purpose. We have every reason to joyfully celebrate His new tutelage of us.

We are also urged to give great inutterable thanks to “Old God” for His supreme loving devotion to us.

Our Ancient of Days sustained us for near-timeless generations, beyond any historical record. Without His every dedicated moment, humankind–as well as all Earthly life–would long ago have gasped its last breath and shriveled away.

Old God was handed the reins of responsibility by Even Older God, to sustain humanity through the worst of all possibilities we would encounter when we left the Garden of Eden, metaphorically speaking.

Though Even Older God knew full well our self-appointed meetings with painful confusion that loomed ahead, out of love He permitted our free will experiments with descent into games of lower dimensional reality.

Into levels distinctly below our naturally experienced stature as spiritual creatures and mini-co-creators.

Old God’s job has been to sustain us through these clumsy leaps of curiosity, through these ill-advised immersions into experiences that awaited outside The Law Of One.

The Law Of One is the Divine Decree that maintains all universal life explorations under the umbrella of Pure Loving Wisdom In Action.

The Christ Energy, Christ Force, Christ Presence has been that Wisdom In Action that periodically stirs the soup of our cultures’ complacent rot.

Endless is the effort to reawaken and uplift Earth, through every spiritual path, to bring us Sacred Guidance through Enlightened Leaders.


To bring us back up, step-by-difficult-step, from the rock-bottom results of our games of pretended separation from God.

Both “New God” and “Old God” are unified in the seamless transfer of power and purposeful direction change for humanity.

Also unified in this effort are the supremely universal levels of Divine Creator above our God, and the levels of Divine Command below God such as the angels, sub-deities, avatars, bodhisattvas, saints of every religion, and other awakened souls dedicated to human well being.

If you picture our Earthly regions as a vast omni-dimensional game board, with different ancient contests being grappled over between different interest groups, soul families, collectives of experimenters, etc., you are correct.

Understand, every game involves certain levels of capability required, certain challenges to overcome, certain other groups to struggle with for the highest scores–as well as certain rules, dangers and rewards…

Your progress as an individual depends upon what you have committed to, what good you have done, what insights you have learned, what your hopes for the future are. Most important: how much you care, and share!

Now that New God has arrived, He / She has tallied up the current global game scores, begun to measure the results and consider the New Level of Enactment of Divine Plan for Earth.

We are invited to welcome New God in this way:

“I welcome New God. I welcome New God in (your savior’s) Name, Amen.
I welcome infinite healing services for mankind.
I welcome infinite new powers of awareness.
I place my life’s purpose, my soul, my very being at His feet in glad awareness.
I welcome this New Divine Presence of Mastery to heal all religions and create one Divine Multi-Faceted Experience, in their stead.”

We are urged to declare this factual truth:

“I am one with New God, this day.
New God as well as Old God are unified in Will for this well being of mankind’s refreshment.
Let all that takes place from this day forward, be for the honoring of God’s purposes upon Earth–
and the well being of mankind.
In The Most Holy Name,

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011

Japanese Quake Survivor Shares Crisis-Healing Meditation

Surprise Guest Columnist:

I live in Japan, near Tokyo, due south of the nuclear disaster area . . . I was inspired to write this meditation a few days after the quake struck. Other like-minded souls have been doing this exercise daily, with me. If you feel you want to, please try this.

Please share. Peace and love to all. Thank you!

“Switch your consciousness ON.
Believe in the power of MIND.

Believe this.

You are a being of energy.
A being of light. You are an energy transformer.

As a being of light and an energy transformer
(When you have an idea –-> you create something = energy transformer 😉 )

You can open your self at will
And make manifest with your mind.

Many people are suffering and you may be picking up on that energy.
Are you feeling yourself drawn to the suffering, or to the calm?
You are attempting to rebalance energies within your sensitive light body.

You can transform the negative energy
into positive love energy
which will help you
and everyone else in ways that you cannot imagine.

Try this.

Stand outside if possible. In daylight.
Breath in the dark, negative fears.

In your mind, see them circulate your heart and all around your body,
All transforming into positive love energy.
All transforming into pure, clear sunlight.
Clear transformation.

Breath this love energy out while holding a strong, clear image in your mind, mentally visualising something positive.

For example, crisis-healing images:

* A map of Japan being immersed in bright, golden love energy

* The reactor cooling, the problem subsiding, the weather assisting to take any dangerous toxins out over the sea for safer processing

* Shifting tectonic plates calming, slowing, settling, ceasing to move

* Injuries healing, pains easing, acceptance gently starting; fears, confusion, shock, anger subsiding, ebbing, dissolving

* Family and friends reconnecting

* Energy, water, medical supplies and food arriving in abundance

And anything else you feel will help.

Please try to do this as many times a day as you can. As often as feels good.
Feel the exercise heal you, as you release the bad energy through your base chakra back into the earth.

Feel the sun on the crown of your head as much as you can in a day.
Relax, breath, stretch, calm, calm, calm = Your daily voice/breath/movement mantra.
While doing this, practise being the embodiment of calm.

And never, EVER doubt the power of your MIND.

Together we are one.
No matter where you are in the world.
Our power is one.”

* * * * * * * * *

Peace and love from one to all.
Thank you again.
Jaq Kurio
Tateyama-Shi City,
Chiba Prefecture, Japan

Copyright 2011