Tag Archives: failed Iran terror plot

Prophecy: Iranian Misfits Plotting Air Nuclear Attack on USA?


While in clear meditation at St. Paul’s Chapel, NYC–

which miraculously survived the 2001 collapse of the WTC Towers that had loomed almost overhead–

during the overnight labyrinth walk hours leading into September 11, 2011–

while as a volunteer I provided healing prayers for anyone who approached the main altar for help–

my clear, relaxed mind suddenly flashed repeatedly with these words:


At that, a gigantic iron, almost Teutonic-looking bird of prey slammed its claw down through St. Paul’s roof, down through the ceiling–

but couldn’t reach the floor’s beautiful labyrinth pattern laid out in canvas that people were walking in meditative journey.

Instead, its writhing claw got hopelessly stuck in the ceiling.

Next I heard:

“(The Persian War Bird) . . . cannot destroy the building.” (symbolizing America)

This “Persian War Bird” (of Iran) was replaced by a grim vision of Iran’s vast innocent multitudes, of her common folk and pro-democracy demonstrators looking fearfully up at the skies, pleading in terror with outstretched hands towards USA:

“Please do not destroy our nation!” the Iranian people cried (meaning, via nuclear or other military retaliation).

. . . Later, a possible area in USA sensed as the focal point of this Persian War Bird’s (aerial?) attack was New Jersey, which unfortunately does, by the way, house toxic nuclear reactors.

Later attunement indicated any attack probably would be a solitary attempt, “inspired” by 9/11 to try to wreak havoc from the air.

(We hope the NRC–the Nuclear Regulatory Commission–has been honest with us, that our nuclear power plants are in fact as safe & well-protected against terrorists as they claim.

We also hope EVERY nuclear power plant in USA gets DISMANTLED within 10 years. Replaced by a sane, healthy, unlimited fusion energy power plant, but that is another story.)

I’ve held back this unsolicited prediction for over a month, but now feel compelled to voice it.


Because during these last few weeks, Iran has been accused of plots to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington, D.C. and blow up cargo planes with dirty bombs, etc.

Also because the Pentagon is now wrestling with this tough question:

What would be an adequate, effective yet measured response against any further insane Iranian terrorist plans?

It appears that We the People of United States and the World possess unlimited power through focused meditation and prayer–

We are STRONG ENOUGH both to NEUTRALIZE any lunatics’ possible crazy terrorist plots against anyone, anywhere–

and to INFLUENCE the Pentagon’s warlords to act with relative calm and restraint in the name of human decency.

Please join me in meditating at least one minute, every day, for a PEACEFUL REVOLUTION–
for a peaceful MIRACLE–
for all mankind.

Thank you.

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. . . The last strong clairvoyant image I received heading into midnight of 9/11, was set in the year 2032:

I saw smiling young people peacefully tear down the walls of St. Paul’s Chapel. This heroic, historic church was replaced by a magnificent ornate palace.

Powerful symbolism?

2032 repeatedly comes up as a PIVOTAL CHANGE YEAR in the destiny of NYC & USA.

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Peace and Happiness to you,
–Rev. Scott Ufford,
Psychic Philosopher