Tag Archives: Cosmic Christ

Do Psychic Gifts Make You More Spiritual?

Do you think having psychic gifts makes you more spiritual?

Let’s face it:
On the one hand, plenty of saints of every religion have experienced what are called paranormal, near-miraculous or psychic gifts–yet nobody sane would claim that all psychics are saints.

Flying over the barn or the bar or the monastery will elevate your body but it wont guarantee you spiritual elevation. Turning water into wine might win the oohs and aahs of the media–and your thirstier friends–but it wont quench your spiritual thirst, or even prove your spiritual thirst.

In short, what you do for conscious gratification might not speak to your real needs.

No matter what direction you launch the arrows of your efforts, your inner intent will greatly decide what outer mark you’ll hit. Or miss.

Of course as an archer, you might not get the grand prize & mighty praise you think you seek, but you are guaranteed your emotional experience along the way.

Why is this important, you ask? After all, you seek real, measurable, worldly success. You want to smack the center of that bull’s eye! What good are fine intentions alone?

We do agree that intending to be an Olympic champion, no matter how noble your intent, wont get you far if you never pick up a bow. But you will reap the emotional result of happy daydreams along the way. Which, apparently, is what you’d really wanted–or you would have applied yourself to learning the art.

An important question, particularly for our Western culture readers:

Does your success or failure “at the end” determine the value to you “along the way”? Can you ever succeed at anything if you wont appreciate its value–and so your value–until after your moment-by-moment exploration, study, exercise, practice, trial-and-error refinement, over and over and over?

How can you be a success if you delay being that success until after you’ve succeeded or not?

Isn’t that really the intent of experiencing self restriction? Isn’t that the emotional experience of withholding your self approval and gladness at being alive? Remember, you do get the reward of emotional experience from everything you do–but does that aim really satisfy you?

Ask yourself:
What else can fulfill my strength except living my purpose?

What if your arrow–once released from your fingertips–refused to fling itself in full confidence of flight before it “knew” it would hit its mark? Why, that faithless arrow would shrivel up into a crooked stick. It’d bury its head in the ground at the soonest possible moment. Far short of any target.

But when you act with trust–that makes all the difference, doesn’t it? To set aside superficial ego chatter, just bend your bow. Focus your eyes and muscles into the distant target…

Though you might not hit the bull’s-eye you’ve been training for, you do gain benefit from your patient practice. The thrill of capably letting fly your dart. The timeless sense of inducing the birth, flight and descent of your arrow into its destined mark. Whether it’s a “hit” or a “miss”.

You are the archer.

It feels good.

The same way with any psychic powers you seek:
They feel good along the way–as long as you’re developing them with good intent.

But just as the same sharpened arrowhead can be used to kill a man in cold blood or to bring home supper to your hungry family, so your psychic powers–which are really spiritual powers awaiting recognition–can be used to harm or help.

We advise that even as the archery student meditate on the fulfillment of his or her art, so the psychic development student meditate on seeing hidden intent.

If you do glimpse a purpose in yourself that’s for less than spiritual good, for less than recognizing and honoring your own God-reflecting qualities, please set aside your psychic ambitions. No matter how well developed they are, stop to cleanse your intent through prayerful introspection.

Surround yourself with the golden Light of Christ. Ask it to uplift your mind. Let it.

It’s better to go thirsty than to drink waters stirred up with mud. Let your ego’s ambitions settle awhile. Let your inner vision clear before you take aim again.

Once you’re sure of your mark and desirous of spiritual success, bend your bow & arrow back to the psychic skies…

Once you do:
Your heart will meet its target.

Peace and blessings to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford

PS–Please let me know how I might help you reach your own bull’s-eye. I provide effective spiritual psychic counseling at relaxed rates. Thank you.

Copyright Scott Ufford 2011

A Hymn to Your Heart’s Home

Today is a beautiful day to begin in earnest.

You have but one life to live and this hour, alone, at a time ripe for contemplation.

You have sensed the powers of uprising within you.

You have sensed the military forces of awakening.

Bestirring your senses.

the fact of your enlightenment, in its baby steps and stages.

Do trust the slowly brightening dawn.

Do expect your inner senses, bedazzled by lights of unknown origins.

Do trust your senses delight in such small glimmerings of light.

Each and every increase is treasured!

Without your own inner light, what would be known of The Way?

Trust this:
Abandonment of your struggles,
of your polar treks,
of your very last physical breath,
would have occurred long ago–

had you no knowledge of the inner spirit lighting your nights with flickers from your spiritual origins.

This fact of “home”, ever-sturdy,
of home, ever-awaiting,
of home, ever-lightening you,
whose call reveals your own inner light:

This light is Truth.

Without the force of this inner call to scramble to life, where would you begin?

Would you not doubt this force more than ever, if it did not shine from within you?

What means, and what justifications, lead to higher actions–
unless they flow down from the same heights as those higher actions reach?

In future times, you may wonder:
How did I survive without this central impulse daily? How strong I was–and how confused–to have lived with this light only on the periphery?

Grace bless this action, on this very day:

May my actions and my meditations lead to this:

Knowledge of this truth:

My life is immersed in bliss. My life is immersed in divine light.

Mine eyes are awakening to this blessing. Through all confusions, stresses and strains:
The calm act of calling my heart reveals me.
Shines my light.
Clears my insight.

My life is worthy of giving thanks.

I have well reasons to begin to see freely.

Welcome this light!
Give thanks for this light!

Let the eyes of mine heart be cleansed–let them see and taste and revel in these sensations.

What is light in myself–enters my sensations!

Light graces life with sight–what is seen grows understood, and is good.

Bless you,
Rev. Scott Ufford

Copyright 2011

Seven Surefire Ways to Know You’re Clairvoyant, Not Crazy

By Rev. Scott Ufford
In this peculiar day and age, it feels good to reassure yourself that your growing clairvoyant gifts are real.

More to the point: that you’re probably not nuts.
(I say “probably” because if you get a borderline passing grade, you don’t quiz your teacher over specifics.)

Many brave psychic seekers over the years have asked me how they can be sure about their own sanity amidst amazing paranormal experiences.

To help out, here are 7 controversial but effective points to help you decide whether to teleport yourself into Fort Knox—or into a private stall at the funny farm.

If you’re clairvoyant, not crazy:

1. When you pray for peace, you can feel genuine love encircle the globe but you don’t expect the world to kiss your feet.

2. When you do your best “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” imitation before sleep, you know the floor actually will get mopped & the dishes washed before you wake up—and you’re right.

3. When your angels tell you you’re not crazy, they’re not wearing tinfoil hats.

4. When your teakettle whistles, you don’t spend more than five seconds wondering if it’s really a message you should decipher from the president of Alpha Centauri.

5. When you buy your lottery tickets, you already know you’re going to lose. Or, you know which friends & relatives you’ll probably lose when you win big.

6. When you step seamlessly into an alternate reality, you’re not paranoid about the spy who’s cleverly followed you by walking in front of you for the last twelve blocks.

7. When you find yourself staring at invisible friends under the sofa that even your cat can’t see. Or, when you find yourself jumping at red laser point dots on the wall even after your cat’s turned off the pointer and wandered over to her supper dish. (Whether these mean you’re sane or not, I don’t know. I suggest you ask your cat.)

Seriously my friend, just remember:

Don’t be anxious for strange and mystic experiences. What is real will prove itself, over time. What is false or temporary will crumble.

Don’t be too eager to enthrone or overthrow any person, belief or fantasy. Know you are exploring. Surround yourself with God’s light. Move wisely ahead.

Know that your intent determines much of your life’s content—particularly in the psychic spiritual realms. Seek to be the very best you can for yourself—and for others!

Also, no matter what storms you pass through in life, treasure your deepest sense of truth.

Daylight always comes in time to reveal the right way…

Want to share your unusual experiences or questions? I’m happy to listen.

Happiness and peace to you.
Rev. Scott L. Ufford

Copyright 2011