Tag Archives: Christ Consciousness

Breaking News: New God to Rule Earth–The Ancient of Days Completes His Reign

In a shocking, beautiful new development, our Deity known as “The Ancient of Days” is completing His / Her Earthly assignment and is leaving for Sacred Service elsewhere in the Universe.

His Sacred Replacement, called “The Youth of Ages” or “New God”, is seamlessly assuming the reins of global command for mankind’s new level of struggle to ascend back into our primeval kinship with God.

Thus begins our new spiritual revolution.

We are invited to welcome New God, to guide us into this new, so-far unknowable relationship with Sacred Purpose. We have every reason to joyfully celebrate His new tutelage of us.

We are also urged to give great inutterable thanks to “Old God” for His supreme loving devotion to us.

Our Ancient of Days sustained us for near-timeless generations, beyond any historical record. Without His every dedicated moment, humankind–as well as all Earthly life–would long ago have gasped its last breath and shriveled away.

Old God was handed the reins of responsibility by Even Older God, to sustain humanity through the worst of all possibilities we would encounter when we left the Garden of Eden, metaphorically speaking.

Though Even Older God knew full well our self-appointed meetings with painful confusion that loomed ahead, out of love He permitted our free will experiments with descent into games of lower dimensional reality.

Into levels distinctly below our naturally experienced stature as spiritual creatures and mini-co-creators.

Old God’s job has been to sustain us through these clumsy leaps of curiosity, through these ill-advised immersions into experiences that awaited outside The Law Of One.

The Law Of One is the Divine Decree that maintains all universal life explorations under the umbrella of Pure Loving Wisdom In Action.

The Christ Energy, Christ Force, Christ Presence has been that Wisdom In Action that periodically stirs the soup of our cultures’ complacent rot.

Endless is the effort to reawaken and uplift Earth, through every spiritual path, to bring us Sacred Guidance through Enlightened Leaders.


To bring us back up, step-by-difficult-step, from the rock-bottom results of our games of pretended separation from God.

Both “New God” and “Old God” are unified in the seamless transfer of power and purposeful direction change for humanity.

Also unified in this effort are the supremely universal levels of Divine Creator above our God, and the levels of Divine Command below God such as the angels, sub-deities, avatars, bodhisattvas, saints of every religion, and other awakened souls dedicated to human well being.

If you picture our Earthly regions as a vast omni-dimensional game board, with different ancient contests being grappled over between different interest groups, soul families, collectives of experimenters, etc., you are correct.

Understand, every game involves certain levels of capability required, certain challenges to overcome, certain other groups to struggle with for the highest scores–as well as certain rules, dangers and rewards…

Your progress as an individual depends upon what you have committed to, what good you have done, what insights you have learned, what your hopes for the future are. Most important: how much you care, and share!

Now that New God has arrived, He / She has tallied up the current global game scores, begun to measure the results and consider the New Level of Enactment of Divine Plan for Earth.

We are invited to welcome New God in this way:

“I welcome New God. I welcome New God in (your savior’s) Name, Amen.
I welcome infinite healing services for mankind.
I welcome infinite new powers of awareness.
I place my life’s purpose, my soul, my very being at His feet in glad awareness.
I welcome this New Divine Presence of Mastery to heal all religions and create one Divine Multi-Faceted Experience, in their stead.”

We are urged to declare this factual truth:

“I am one with New God, this day.
New God as well as Old God are unified in Will for this well being of mankind’s refreshment.
Let all that takes place from this day forward, be for the honoring of God’s purposes upon Earth–
and the well being of mankind.
In The Most Holy Name,

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011

What Will YOU Say About You When You’re Gone?

Whatever gets said about you in your eulogy is beyond your control-unless of course, you pay a very trusted, very healthy friend in advance to read from a script you write today.

But isn’t something far more important than what others say about you at your funeral?

After all–unless your spirit hovers around for the grand ceremony–you won’t hear a word of it. Whatever good your friendly eulogist reveals–and whatever ill he or she conceals–wont make a bit of difference to your future.

No matter what shocking secrets get told, those who love you are unlikely to love you any less–unless some really tawdry shocking scandal gets ripped from your closet and flung into your open casket.

Nor will florid gushing words of praise carry much weight with those who have scorned you all your life. (Though they might reserve final judgment until the reading of your will.)

No, in fact, the only worthwhile words to consider are:

What will YOU say about you when you’re gone?

I ask this tough question because really, yours is the only voice that counts.

But do you think God does the talking during your past life exam, at your final judgment? Do you think He asks you questions that you can concoct clever answers to? Do you think you can talk your way out of a rotten situation, or bluff your way into a cozier afterlife?

Forget about it. Because the secret is: God only listens.

How awkward is that?

Imagine: you are standing in the presence of Absolutely Relentless Truth–and Absolutely Relentless Love.

Instead of being asked anything, the Total Spiritually Honest Presence of that Absolutely Relentless Truth and Absolutely Relentless Love will simply open your naked soul to It–completely:

It will listen to your life. With you.

Look into your life. With you.

Let you completely feel, and reveal, all your soul secrets.

It will let you observe–for the first time, with COMPLETE PROTECTIVE UNDERSTANDING–the deep-down gritty meanings of every struggle, hope, care and mistake cradled inside you.

Why this crazy, naked, painful process?

Because at the end of this rigorous Absolutely Relentless Truth exam–no matter what your score, however high or low, or whether or not you miserably failed on almost all counts of what you knew was important to you before you birthed into this ignorant physical life:

For precious timeless moments–when you will be bared to God, at exam’s end–you will feel comforted by a whole-souled joyful wave of that sea of Absolutely Relentless Love.

Beyond relief, beyond gratitude, beyond a joyful splash of YES! Thank you! from your heart that any words can express–

you will remember how it feels to BE truly alive.

What happens next?

You can’t remain in God’s Presence, or that of Jesus, or Buddha, or Mother Mary, or Krishna, or Allah, for long.

Why not?

Because you have to continue evolving your soul at that level of quality, of subtle honesty, of refined virtue–that you yourself have EARNED.

You have to go about your naturally assigned level of experience in that brave new World of Spirit. You can only learn from where you are. For example, what use entering a scribbler of mental graffiti in the Master Painter class? Or, what benefit would come from forcing an emotional tightwad into Grad School for Generous Hearts?

Whatever great or humble initiations come to you, you must EARN them. You will pass or fail them by your whole-souled service to God Reality, which is your Soul, and Sole, Reality.

Others may help you–Jesus may help bring you forgiveness, for example–God knows this is a spiritual fact–and your Earthly deeds may help bring you cleansing.

But wherever you are inside yourself today–whatever private Truths your heart of hearts speaks aloud upon demand–that is your future.

We can be grateful that God is pushing us and our whole human civilization–the good and the bad of us, the rough-polished gems and the rotten tomatoes of us–

wisely, lovingly moving us into what the World Teacher Maitreya calls The Age of Spiritual Honesty.

Good news! Because the more Real, the more True, the more Honest our lives get while we’re still alive–the better for everyone’s survival. The better for everyone’s happiness!

Please listen to your True Inner Voice. Hear what you’ve said all your life. Hear what Clear New Messages await your attention.

Listen to your heart. Truly, you are worthy of this act of self love.

Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011

Your Soul Does Survive: A Psychic Message from Beyond the Grave

You’ll be inspired by this heart-felt spiritual poetry received from my family’s quirky 96-year old neighbor, RTG–

after his death.

He was a real character–

a cranky Theosophist metaphysician surviving “out in the sticks” who’d met the great Indian philosopher Krishnamurti–

and was far from a saint.

Please enjoy his poetic wisdom:

Survival of the Soul

Though the Sun may shine upon the Earth with the familiarity of a lover,
Though the Earth may cradle the four winds, rocking them gently like children,
Though the rocks of the Earth may cling together for dear survival,

I now have flown free of this Earth.

Vaulted over the stones that clutter my grave.

I have transcended Time and Space and all unreasoning doubts.
My soul now springs with feverish desire and burning inner peace
back towards my divine celestial home,
the home of all freed mankind:

The arms of the Holy Mother and the Holy Father await my arrival.
With patience and good cheer, they await the flap of my rusty wings.
I have taken flight, homeward-bound.

I glimpse so easily the Divine Home I once doubted I’d see, back when alive.

My flight home is the quiet sigh of a child in love.

O Bless the Earth’s children,
Divine Mother and Father.
O bind up their wounds,
O Celestial Mother.
O show them the way home,
O Celestial Father,
So that all mankind, living
Will cease to perish.

You have drawn in your breath with expectant wonder, O Divine Parents.

We are flying back home on this soft breeze of yours.
Back into your Bliss we surge,
by the billions.

I am amidst a great and humble family:
the Divine Children, all returning.

Just ahead, your warm light
Welcomes us home.”


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When RTG unexpectedly contacted me from his transition on The Other Side, he was caught up in a vast Christ Consciousness expansion.

Soon, his past life judgment would follow.

Thanks to the few clear-eyed souls who’ve “reported back to us” on their past life judgment, we know this climactic event pierces everyone’s heart to the quick.

Its purpose is NOT to punish us. Instead, it serves the Divine Will by awakening us to the deepest, toughest spiritual lessons of our newly ended life.

It serves as the culmination of our just-completed struggles. But why?

Because we have to INTEGRATE into our willful consciousness what we’ve done & experienced–with ALL of our delusions, ignorance and excuses REMOVED.

During this painful judgment we rediscover that, yes, God still LOVES US UNCONDITIONALLY.

If we think about that fact–honestly, considering our poor behavior–it’s incredible.

After gasping through our judgment–no matter how bad it was–we’re rewarded by experiencing massive relief at the fact we are still LOVED.

What happens next?

The Universe is an Ever-Practical Training School. So, we’re prepared for what we’ve earned as a new starting level of education and growth to experience while in the Spirit World or Heavens.

How do we learn and grow without our dense physical body?

We are given personal opportunities to serve the Divine Will that radiates through the Heavens around us like a Central Sun. Our “Work-Study Program” might take into account what we studied in our past life or might apply our special aptitudes to the situations at hand in the Heavens. It might be as simple as: over there’s a lost & confused soul newly arrived from Earth life, will you go try to help her?

There always exists an infinite number and variety of ever-changing ways to serve the Divine Will. To help others in their needs. Always, the degree we try to fill those needs in the moment with whatever love, competence and sincerity we can muster–that’s being re-taught to our reawakening minds as we go along–determines how much of that delightful Spiritual Sun from God we can refresh ourselves in.

This training and soul purging & cleansing lasts even through the evaluation where we prep for our next physical incarnation, no matter how near or far away that is in the physical world future.

We can see, there’s much to fear but far more to rejoice in about our judgment, eventually…

Have you ever wondered about the famous physicist Stephen Hawking’s claim that “Life after death is just a fairy tale”?

RTG’s words stand as stark poetic testament to the survival of your soul.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Blessings to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011