Tag Archives: Chinese slave labor

Spiritual Politics: Chinese Worse Than Brutal Slave Masters on the Old Tibetan Negro Plantation

Imagine sane, good, peaceful people–
burning themselves alive–

Why would they?

Shocking self-immolations in the news, by Tibetans protesting Chinese enslavement since 1959–
since the illegal invasion of Tibet by Communist China–
as illegal as Hitler’s invasion of Poland 20 years earlier in 1939–
force us to see an ugly, shameful Chinese record:

Tibetans in their own traditional centuries-old country & culture brutally invaded, rounded up, slaughtered, abused, corralled & treated like third-class citizens.

Their peaceful temples and monasteries destroyed, except a half dozen turned into tourist spots & media show pieces where the religious people can be spied on & controlled..

Very recently, other peaceful new monasteries, once established, were repeatedly razed by the Chinese tyrants fearful of the unexpected thousands of Tibetan nuns & monks who flocked to re-establish their spiritual life.

Maybe you think the word “tyrant” is too harsh?

if the Chinese had allowed you to see–
you’d have seen THOUSANDS of peaceful monks & nuns, including the very young, the aged & infirm, kicked out into the freezing raw mountainsides & forests with no shelter, their monasteries burning to the ground behind them!

What would you call such dictators if they were running YOUR country & victimizing YOUR own family & neighbors?

To his credit, Tibet’s spiritual leader the Dalai Lama is world famous for advocating peaceful change in Tibet, and for emphasizing nonviolent spiritual protest in the manner of Gandhi. But the Chinese are fearful of the many local rebellions yearly in their OWN glued-together country…

Yes, here’s another deeper dark secret:

The Chinese are afraid of the Dalai Lama because if he returns to Tibet, the citizens of China might eventually grow inspired. Find they have their own spiritual leaders who would awaken, be roused to action & revolt against the extreme Chinese bureacratic controls over the Christians, Buddhists, & Falun Gong (peaceful traditional meditation & family values) practitioners.

The Chinese people, though mostly unaccustomed to democracy except in their village councils, do have a spiritual heart that the frankly atheistic and repressive (because they force their rejection of spirituality on others) Chinese leaders desperately FEAR.

The Chinese know they are in the ethical and spiritual WRONG for trying to destroy the Tibetan people & their spirit.

Where misery is enforced by tyranny, revolution for survival MUST follow.

Why do the Chinese rule Tibet like the Nazis in Germany before 1939, or the American slave owners on their old Southern plantations?

Because it’s a vast natural resources grab, plain & simple. They want to extract every possible resource from Tibet like a vampire wants to sucks all the blood from its victims.

It’s nothing personal.

…Back to the true story:

Tibetan people’s villages pillaged, their people forced to learn Chinese & not Tibetan language or culture in schools, and not to speak their own language in public dealings.

Since recent construction of the massive international railway & highway the Chinese Nazis, or slave masters–
for that’s what they’re becoming–
have swamped Tibet with Chinese immigrants, making real Tibetans an underemployed, disrespected, abused minority in their own land.

Simple unpleasant fact:

Greater desperation is seeping into the Chinese slave masters’ Tibetan plantations by their unceasing cruelty against their slaves.

Nobody burns himself to death in protest unless he & his community are forced beyond misery into utter hopelessness by an unyielding menace that responds only to extreme public acts!

When burning yourself to death becomes your only & strongest way to show your objection to intolerable abuse, and to rally your community to protest despite its impoverished weakness, that must mean you’re being pushed beyond desperation!

It’s a shocking, even astounding testament to the Tibetan peoples’ nature that they’d choose to harm themselves before retaliating against their cold-blooded oppressors with every weapon & paramilitary tactic they could get their hands on–

which is what we’d do here in USA!

(Tibetans bravely attempted defense of their country in 1959 but China’s massive war machine rolled over them like the waves of Nazi tanks did over Poland.)

Every statement here is based on clear facts found in the public record and through respected Tibetan support organizations who SEE and KNOW the real desperation in Tibet.

Let’s pray the Chinese slave masters moderate their cruelty to the great Tibetan people & allow them to freely breathe as the peaceful, good-hearted, deep-souled people they are.


Sure, America & the West are used to trading with the Chinese, & our incompetent politicians are addicted to borrowing from them to keep our global octopus economic system out of the toilet.

Maybe questioning China’s obscene behavior in Tibet nudges our national conscience to reconsider any of our own more questionable international deeds?


The bottom line is:

Will we let fear, complacency & the endless nature of the crime obscure the historical FACTS and unavoidable TRUTHS about China’s MASTER / SLAVE relationship with Tibet?

I hope not.

But the facts are the facts.

Because we are entering the Age of Spiritual Honesty.

No one–
no force–
no government–
no religion–
no corporation–
no tradition–
no blind habit or wrongful deed is exempt.

I’m comfortable with stating uncomfortable facts, as facts.

Please check out these important links:


What will you do about China’s abuse of Tibetans?
Think about it–
Tell the world.
Thank you.

Peace and Blessings to you, and all freedom-loving people everywhere.
Rev. Scott Ufford,
The Psychic Philosopher

Copyright 2012

Judgment Day$–Tests of Faith–Prophecies from May 21, 2011 to December 21, 2012

Breaking World Prophecy News:

In My Opinion:

“But what about the MONEY?”

Sincere, self-styled Biblical scholar, “Doomsday Prophet” Harold Camping, who’s reportedly whipped up quite a profitable frenzy of followers for his alleged $18 million business empire–

thanks in great part to his dire drumbeats of Judgment Day crashing the Earth’s current uneasy wedded bliss between that age-old bickering threesome named Hate, Ignorance & Greed, not to mention smudging the rosy futures of their all-too robust offspring, Faithlessness & Tomfoolery, on May 21, 2011–

faces another difficult test of his own faith:

If Camping really does believe the world faces a horrific 5-month Judgment Day period starting on May 21st (just 2 days away from this time of writing), during which would escalate a horrific degradation and destruction of the human race–or at least, naturally, of those not faithful to his sect’s version of Christianity–

what’s the most virtuous–not to mention pragmatic–thing to do with his wealthy organization?

Business decisions, decisions, decision$:

If he hangs onto his media empire, and Judgment Day DOES kick in on May 21st–won’t his business value crash?

Because, what with an unprecedented accelerating doom of the evildoers of the world (a category that seems to include most humans, but naturally not you or me, dear reader)–

won’t general mayhem incinerate global property values? Or crash our world’s vile economic and satellite communications systems?

Won’t Jesus Christ’s return under such inclement weather conditions trash the dollar’s value even more dramatically than the wildest misdeeds of “Helicopter Ben” Bernanke, who once famously jested–or not–that he’d throw greenbacks to the masses from helicopters if it’d save the U.S. economy?

Of course, if the world’s economy is destroyed–just for starters–Camping and his compatriots could provide invaluable assistance by selling their business properties now, & investing in seeds and plowshares to help later replant & rebuild a shattered planet.

But no, that would be a fatally unfaithful scheme.


Because–in Camping’s misguided zeal to prove the literal accuracy of the supremely spiritual & mystical Book of Revelations, he says God wont be satisfied with heckling, humiliating & slaughtering all the below-average-in-faith folk–

Instead, He’ll then completely smash the planet to smithereens like a petulant child tired of stacking his building blocks (wait–do any children still play with building blocks?)…

He’ll completely wipe the wheezy memory chip of our planet like a shaken Etch-A-Sketch (wait–do any kids still play with Etch-A-Sketches, either?)…

All the good people will survive. Of course, not many Muslims (too temperamental) or Buddhists (too blase) or Jews (they blew their shot) will sneak past God’s Praetorian Guard, because He has sharp eyes and, what with the Obama administration and Schwarzenegger’s follies, He’ll have completely run out of patience.

Which forces the inevitable first question:

If God says the ways of this world are hopelessly atrocious & doomed, what might be the new ways of His New Heaven and Earth?

After all, with no more destructive capitalism (no Walmart left to sell Jesus a cheap pair of flip-flops made by Chinese slave labor?);

no more militarism (no endless rotating list of mortal enemies left to attack or defend against, or to sell weapons to & then attack or defend against?);

no more sickness or death (them’s that’s gonna go, is already gone, and nobody’s who’s left is likely to give or get AIDS anyhow?);

no more greedy pharmaceutical industry (goodbye, AMA & your licensed pill pushers?);

no more ecological devastation and starving children (sorry, Monsanto, all Frankenfoods & Frankenfertilizers are banned; sorry Nestle, mothers’ milk will do just fine?);

no more tyrannical governments (not when God can run the world quite fairly & efficiently with His tried & tested Republican tribesmen?);

and perhaps most important, no more BAD cultural ideas (let me not be blamed for tainting your innocent imagination with any visualizable examples?)–

will we–sorry, THEY–be reborn again by God into a–gasp–COMMUNAL, PEACEFUL, BLISSFUL dimension of Earthly reality–that is, into the New Jerusalem (again, without those Arabs & Jews cluttering up the golden streets)?

Back to the point, more or less:

Does all this untidy change mean the value of Camping’s business, er, religious organization, will collapse once they leap into– (yes, you heard it here first) –the New Age?

The faithful Camping’s dilemma:

If he really believes his own Doomsday claims, why wouldn’t he sell his church’s business interests now, before May 21st, for top dollar? Distribute the proceeds to the poor of pocket & spirit in a last push to enlighten & save more souls?

(I’d buy it today, for a dozen silver dollars–not to sound Judas-like–just to show my faith in God & mankind)

On the other hand, what if the unthinkable does occur?

That is, what if May 21st, May 22nd, May 23rd, all meekly twitter past us, excuse me, tiptoe past us in a row, with no more than the usual recent horrific dosage of terrible earthquakes, tornadoes, nuclear meltdowns and Charlie Sheen revelations?

Will Camping’s group admit defeat? Disband? Pull a Rev. Jim Jones, Jonestown-style exit to avoid facing their embarrassment? (Let’s hope not!)

Or Heaven forbid, will they fall back to a new defensive goal line stand for their fearful Judgment Day scenarios–

“Excuse me, faithful flock, did you know the Mayan astrologers were actually the three Wise Men in disguise?? Onwards to December 12, 2012–let’s keep those donations rolling in for another great fear-mongering year!?”

In my opinion–and I mean no disrespect to Camping or his followers–what they suffer from is a nasty condition that afflicts us all, every human being, from the most faithful to the most hopeless:

Our common human dilemma:

Yes, we–the entire rabble of us–instinctively DO know the world is plunging into revolutionary–some would say calamitous–unpredictable dangers and opportunities.

But as our world pushes past the brink of what feels like tolerable changes, can we see a hopeful future–beyond our darkest visions of fear?

What New World do we want to invest ourselves into?

What imaginative new visions can we embrace?

Most importantly, how can we picture & work for a New World that’s not only defined by what’s gone–by no more war, no more hate, no more tyranny or taxes or terror–but BY WHAT GREAT VISION WE CAN SAY YES TO?

What YES will we freely, gladly give our resilient hearts, souls, beliefs & sweat to?

I trust that you who read this screed after May 21st–and there will be many–will not at your moment of literary breakthrough be sipping a sarsaparilla at the Pearly Gates, or gargling jalapena hotsauce in Hades. Instead, like all the prophets of Apocalypse and their followers, you’ll be wondering:


Bless you, your hopes, your prayers and your dreams.
May God guide you, and Camping’s followers, and our world, to reap the very best destiny we can possibly sow!
-Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011