The Svalbard Global Seed Vault sheltered in the Arctic Circle could prove as valuable to us as Noah’s Ark before The Flood.
It’s a great example of the value of international cooperation–
because human survival everywhere DEPENDS upon … plants!

Our food supply safety depends on our world maintaining MULTIPLE UNTAINTED (nonGMO) SPECIES, SEED SOURCES, and GROWTH & DISTRIBUTION systems.
That’s what Mother Nature intends with her massively varied, intricate & interdependent sets of local plants, animals & insect species in mini-biospheres around every nook & cranny of the world.
Historically, whenever any region or spot’s local fauna & flora became exhausted or wiped out, the (much smaller) human population could shift elsewhere, adjust to new growing conditions–
Either new plants & animals species gradually moved into the exhausted area, regenerated the soil & refreshed the ecology, or the few remaining genetic samples of the original foodstuffs got tougher, more resiliently adapted to that little region’s unique growing conditions & thrived again.
Or the region desertified (rested under sand) or was overrun by insects or pathogens whose own populations eventually peaked & collapsed because they fed on the other species–
But the vitality of the Earth’s biospheres or its humans AS A WHOLE was not threatened,
To radical climate change causing droughts, floods, ocean rising & land settling, earthquakes, hurricanes; overpopulation, topsoil loss, deforestation, oxygen-deprived & warmed waters,
Nuclear & “conventional” war & fuel supply systems & pollution destroying whole sets of species in a region at a gulp–
Reckless greed-driven use of GMOs (from the scurvied likes of Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer Crop Science, etc.) that irreversibly taint natural food species, weaken them to disease, infestation, & alter them from meshing with the ecology & animals of the lands & countries they thrive in & feed–
Call this “bioethnic cleansing” if you like–
But there’s no place left to hide from our responsibilities for our planet’s health & for our future survival above the most miserable pathetic conditions imaginable.
Imagine if all edible food species (except those secured in the Global Seed Vault) got tainted — weakened to disease & greedy careless “market forces” by the spread of GMOs–it’s HAPPENING. The winds, the weather, the movement of animals–nothing can contain GMOs from drifting into, tainting & poisoning local species & destroying local plants’ genetic vigor & resistance to disease.
Even worse, vile companies like Monsanto greedily embrace what’s called “Monster Mind” mentality. Their dream & strategic plan is to rope (force) all farmers and consumers (humans, like you and me) into a centralized pipeline so ALL seeds come from ONE source–like Monsanto.
Their GMO seeds are basically HALF-DEAD–meaning, sterile, non-self-reproducing, but bred to CARRY Monsanto NEUROTOXINS (increasing POISONOUS mixtures of pesticides) into their maturity, the surrounding soil & waters, & into YOUR BODY–
Globally, here’s the Monster Mind Big Game Plan:
EVERY YEAR, 75% of farmers across USA and more & more globally:
MUST replenish their expensive “NEUTERED/CASTRATED” seeds from ONE source–Monsanto & Pals–
Must buy expensive pesticides that Monsanto’s monocultural seeds (easily threatened by increasingly resistant insects & diseases–call them Monsanto’s Monster Insects & Monster Diseases) are BRED to ingest & CARRY from ONE source–Monsanto–
Must buy expensive fertilizers to replenish their unnaturally tainted & now nutritionally deprived soils–
Must plant BIGGER monocultural GMO crops yearly to pay for the expensive HALF-DEAD seeds plus the toxins & the inadequate fertilizers–
Must buy BIGGER machinery or surrender local small farming to giant “Monster Mind” agriCORPORATIONS to feed Monsanto’s profit margin–
Must suffer under local agricultural policies TAINTED by big $ “lobbying” to feed Monsanto’s Monster Mind plans–
Or if they don’t pay Monsanto’s price or the centralized distribution supply is cut off–
In worst case they could GO STARVE.
How big–how neo-Satanic–is the Monsanto Monster Mind mentality?
Judge for yourself this SHOCKING FACT:
A whistleblower’s reporting Monsanto’s insane PLANS to purposely DESTROY–to wipe out–NATIVE NATURAL BEE populations.
To replace them with GMO honeybees that would tolerate & pollinate Monsanto–and ONLY Monsanto–GMO crops!
How insane–how vicious–how Dr. STRANGELOVE is that?
Now do you see how precious this Global Seed Vault is?
Far more precious than oil or gold!
See how VITAL this solution is–
To work together unselfishly, locally & internationally–
To plan & share for the common good.
It’s the ONLY WAY to avoid a future Monster Mind kind of Hell on Earth.
And it’s the ONLY WAY of The Age of Spiritual Honesty–
now dawning on Earth as part of the Divine Plan.
Time for YOU to decide how YOU can help change the world–get started–you will find like-minded friends!
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Rev. Scott Ufford
Copyright 2012