Category Archives: New Christ Energies

Thorny Questions About Jesus’ Crucifixion, Ascension & Return Down Here

Tough Easter questions for every Christian.
Also for every other-than-Christian:

Why was Jesus Christ resuscitated by angels
after His death on the cross, in a way He could return here with a super-spiritualized yet touchable physical body?

Hadn’t He gone through enough suffering?
Wasn’t God satisfied with how much He’d accomplished in one life already?
Wasn’t God satisfied with how much symbolic yet very bloody, very painful, very shattering penance He’d done on behalf of humanity?
Hadn’t Jesus earned the right to exit this earthly stage permanently? To “dwell up in Heaven at God’s right hand”?

What mission did He have left to accomplish in our gritty world?
He’d already preached with an infinite wisdom and sense of the value at stake in every situation in His earlier life.
He’d already healed enough impossibly sick people, raised the dead, and touched the hearts of enough Jewish people to reawaken them to God’s promises for them.
He’d already given every last drop of His strength.

So, why return?

I’ll suggest a possible answer by introducing another set of harsh questions:

Why, as the Scriptures say, did Jesus after returning here, then descend into the afterlife place known as Hell to preach to the dead?

If those fallen souls were in a place of total darkness and unconsciousness, why would God temporarily revive them just for Jesus’ inspirational speech?

If they were meant to be judged at some unknown future time, but upon death their soul’s consciousness had shifted from active to inactive, and their any further deeds (as if they could do anything “down there”) had shifted from having the new consequences and learning value natural to life, to having absolutely none–what good could He do?

If they were stuck in Hell for eternity as some misguided people believe, why would Jesus waste His energy teaching those unteachable souls, those unreachable souls, those unforgivable souls–stuck in an unalterable doom?

Since Jesus never uttered a negative word or wasted his breath–even His expressions of anger were rightfully aroused–surely He wasn’t in Hell to raise false hopes or mock those dead who supposedly were only conscious & free enough to suffer as painfully as Jesus had on His own cross?

Honestly, why would He return to the comparative hell of physical life after ascending to Heaven, only to descend into Hell beyond physical life again?

Let’s look at the parallels:

Humble Earthly existence could be seen as far below Heavenly existence, as Hell-bound existence could be seen as below Earthly existence.

Jesus having transcended the Earth, must have passed through a Great Mystic Initiation from God. Yet remember that years before His crucifixion, He’d already said that the greatest leader of all must be a servant of all.

Not being a man to waste words or time, Jesus must have come back here–to Earth and to Hell–out of devotion to one truth: SUPREME SERVICE CHANGES HEARTS, SOULS, and LIVES.

It must be that, though enmeshed in our own humble plane of life, we in the living flesh each can move towards our own higher level of mystic initiation. By returning to earth with greater Power and Fulfillment from God, Jesus then acted not only out of supreme compassion to ease our pangs, but also out of supreme desire to CHANGE us–to help bring us back up into more ACTIVE LIVING experience of our forgotten divine birthrights.

In that same light, by descending into Hell, Jesus then acted not only out of supreme compassion to ease the dead’s pangs, but also out of supreme desire to CHANGE them–to help them back up into a more ACTIVE LIVING experience in the direction of their forgotten divine birthrights.

He initiated both levels of humankind–the living and the dead–into waves of new, real, vital–and unexpected–HOPE.

He made clear that a REVOLUTIONARY ENERGY CHANGE had rocked Earth by His own Mystic Initiation. He above all desired to fulfill His new Initiation–by working to fulfill God’s desire for us to have our own uplifting Initiations.

Jesus demonstrated that EVERY ONGOING STEP of humanity’s UNBROKEN CYCLE of existence–whether within or without one’s fleshly body–holds intense potential for ACTIVE, LIVING CHANGE.

By giving REAL SERVICE to others.

Isn’t that worth coming back for?

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God bless you, Happy Easter & Beyond,
Make life a wonderful thing.
Do your very best & leave the rest to God!
Rev. Scott Ufford, Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011

The New Lord’s Prayer from Christ Jesus

This unique, startling version of The Lord’s Prayer was received from Christ Jesus in November 1984 by Gloria Grayson, the great psychic channel. (Later, during the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, ancient Atlantean masters in the Spirit World who also worked with Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, would bring through Gloria the marvelous Seven Healing Rays system):

“My brothers, my sisters,
You are all as flowers
ready to spring into blossom.
You are as rosebuds upon a single stem.

Each one of you is ready to burst open your petals. I am afraid once what you let into the world will be the more beautiful for the fact that it is together as one unit, that you will all give forth in the total sum of what you are.

Children of my father, know that the stem shall not wither and the blossoms shall unfold slowly, completely and the divine fragrance shall reach the throne of the Almighty God our Father.

The New Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who is in Heaven,
Whose Name is hallowed,
Whose Kingdom is coming,
Whose will is being done,
it is being done here on this
and in all the planets
as well as in the cosmos and in Heaven…

Who is giving all their needs each day.
Who forgives you as you forgive Him.
Yea, He too is in need of thy forgiveness,
and as you forgive your fellow man,
so do you forgive God and He in turn
returns it to you…

He leads you on every path which you go
and delivers you from the pitfalls,
the bitter path…

For His shall be all kingdoms
and always the power is in His hands
and the glory shall be forever and ever.

So I say unto you, dear ones, thou art healed. For thine hearts be pure
and filled with the radiance of Divine Love.
Peace be unto you.”

Christ Jesus

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Please note: I studied the Seven Healing Rays with Salahddin, whom the Atlantean Masters chose to spearhead its teaching. This enlightened healing discipline is simple, clear and very effective. I recommend it out of gratitude without reimbursement.

Rev. Scott Ufford,
Christian Spiritualist minister

Revolutionary Spiritual Facts according to Jesus Christ & Mahatma

Recorded by Rev. Scott Ufford

Together Jesus and another Great Soul identified only as Mahatma, spoke these revolutionary facts which cut to the essential truths of our spiritual reality.

Maybe you never thought of your inner relationship with God/ Higher Greater Source in this clear, focused way. If so, you’re in for an eye-opener that can help you disintegrate your fears:


“Fear is a form of worship.

Love is a form of equality.

A true love drives out the desire to fear and replaces it with the pleasure of healthy respect. Whether you like or care to associate further with that respected thing, or not.

You cannot respect any thing simply by observing its outside. By knowing that within this thing is actually some form and reality of godcreation, you move past fearing its outside.

Seeing only its outside can lead you to fear its unknown potential to harm you or to deny you your rightful loving experiences.

The aspect or quality of any thing which induces your fear is an aspect which you believe to be lacking or imbalanced within yourself.

What you fear encountering in yourself, you fear encountering in the world.

Since the world is physically much larger and more capable than your self, you can only remove your fear of the seen world by entering into awareness of the unseen world and the true, unseen reality within all things.

You cannot glimpse these fear-destroying laws of inner reality unless you believe that some wise and capable Source exists, greater than your current awareness of your self.

This Source must at heart be as actively motivated for your well being as It is for any other thing’s well being. The law of innate equality and value must exist for your self as well as for that feared thing.

All inequality is only the result of fear and misunderstanding of the real nature of oneself, as well as of the other.


If you believe that you are meant to remain limited and suffering from the greater aspects of other things, you will experience this until you stop enslaving your self to these fears.

The knowledge that:

You consciously exist, for infinity, in some way;

No physical self destruction can remove this eternal consciousness from you;

Consciousness by definition is always growing and changing and experiencing; and so

Your experience of that helpful, Greater Source self is also infinite;

leads to the constant capability for the progressive removal of your fears of your self, of other things and of that Greater Source.

As all things ease into realizing that everything simply IS, the removal of fear removes all reasons for physical sensations of fearful aggression and fearful victimhood.

The removal of supposed reasons for fears allows your own strengths to emerge from within your hidden unacknowledged self.

As you see and remove your fears, you acknowledge that your help in doing this comes from that Greater Source which is forever available to your self as well as to all others.

As you grow, you stop fearing the fact that you have fears about any given thing, including Greater Source and your self.

You do not need to compete for, qualify for or fear the lack of that help from that Higher Greater Source, since It has no fears of you whatsoever. It sees you perfectly clearly, or at least thinks It does.


You are free to continue seeing and experiencing a clearer and more helpful relationship with that Higher Source.

Any aspect of Higher Source which seems to mirror any of your fearful or unkind or blind characteristics is an aspect which you are free to see past.

Any aspect of Higher Source which seems unwilling to help or to understand, or to behave charitably towards your self, must be encouraged to behave towards your self and Itself in a way more like An Even Higher Source.

{This means you are free to talk to any aspect of higher reality which seems to fail to see you clearly or charitably.}

You are free to reach past these limiting aspects of Higher Source up to that which is good for you.

This way, whether those limiting aspects of Higher Source are only products of your own limited perception or are of Higher Source Itself, your respectful exploration of fear removal puts you in a growing state of awareness and into an inner reality of happiness and strength.

This state will manifest in your physical surroundings to some degree because a realized truth is realized everywhere in your existence.

You will learn to appreciate and enjoy the degree to which inner reality manifests in your outer life. This experience is another form of the loving respect, or at least respect, for your self and for all things—because this verifies that your fear removal is real and working for you.

This is true for the infinity that you and all things exist.

No saint or sage has found clear enlightenment within his fears. The light lurks around, beyond and before his fears. The trail of his fears is a trail of tears in the process of drying up and transmuting into tears of laughter.

You are free to emerge from fear, and so from worship, into love, which is a state of happy equality.

You are free to do this in your own time, at your own healthy pace, in your own unique and necessary way, without any fear of judgment.

All of the results of your efforts combine with all of the results of every other being’s efforts.

Together, you are changing your world and your reality in good ways.

This spiritual evolution is an absolute and revolutionary fact.”

—Jesus Christ / The Mahatma

recorded by Rev. Scott Ufford, 7-15-1997
Copyright 1997, 2010 Scott Ufford