Tag Archives: spiritual enlightenment

Update: Are Angels Helping in Japan’s Earthquake Disasters?

Angry & worried questions I’m getting asked about angels–and Japan’s disasters:

Where are angels when terrible disasters like this strike innocent people?
If angels are real, why don’t they rescue everybody?
What good is an angel if usually nobody can see them except in photos like yours?


Angels–with perfect focused determination–race to help as many people in disasters as possible. They are God’s most perfectly loving, empowered race. Totally selfless in their obedience to Him. Serving human well being as purely as they can with every sparkling fiber of their beings.

Angels have no time for tears. They have no room or need for despair. They are the living essence of hope in action.

They know all people on Earth seek to fulfill their specific personal reasons for being born into this life–which includes the unfathomable reasons for why and when each of us is harmed or dies.

Angels know without asking, which souls are destined to leave Earth at this moment or that.

Whether this person is meant to die in the train wrecked or the boat swept away. Whether this child is meant to be rescued–sometimes only by divine help–or whether that beloved mother is meant to suffer the pains of her child’s grasp torn away forever by tsunami waves.

Angels know the stories of human suffering that will remain untold. They know the pains of the lonely soul that slowly dies unseen by anyone else in the building collapsed by night.

Angels also know the immense power of a pure human prayer. They know any soul crying out in any instant to God for help can perhaps pierce the encircling doom–can call to him or herself the highest help–and rescue–possible!

Yes–their prayers–and your prayers–can be that powerful instantly.

If you could see with psychic sight, you would’ve seen angelic armies amassing in Japan, telepathically inspiring all people who might listen to seek safe shelter.

You would see them guiding rescuers to outstretched hands pleading from the rubble that might otherwise be missed.

You would see them invisibly ministering to the tears of the injured. To the laments of those whose family is lost.

You would see them healing the souls of those suddenly, shockingly, dead without warning, who now pour through the portals of the Spirit World.

You would also see many ordinary human souls on the other side anxiously taking the angel’s cue to help who they can, however they can.

Here’s what the angels want you and me to understand today:
We are here on Earth to learn the angel’s work. As much as we open our hearts, we can learn from these Great Ones.

They urge us to open up to what we can do.

What can you do when you hear horrific news? Today you’re invited to learn by experience:

Rule Number One:
Listen to your heart at every opportunity.

Rule Number Two:
When you feel love stir in you for someone suffering, when you feel distress, when you feel despair & compassion burn you:

EXPRESS IT. Make that prayer–SEND that powerful beam of LOVE POWER–for Japan, for Egypt, for Libya, for Iran, for your unknown neighbor–KNOW angels & your higher self will focus your beam of supercharged good intent on exactly the right person in suffering, in the right place of calamity, upon the trembling baby in the rubble crying in their heart THIS SECOND, RIGHT NOW for an unseen rescuer….

BLESS you ALL. Bless this ONE EARTH. Bless this our ONE FAMILY.

Bless the good that you are. Why? Because you care so much.
Rev. Scott Ufford

Copyright 2011

Angels Do Exist in NYC: Photographic Proof

What might be more convincing proof to you that angels exist in New York City:

Photos taken by a Hollywood film wizard? Or randomly taken by a technological Luddite from 270 feet in the air (the 27th floor) during his grave-yard shift lunch break (at 4AM)?

As you look at these pix, I’ll let you guess which category I fall into.

These ethereal photos were taken in April 2009. What I saw at the time was a barge anchored next to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal buildings at New York City’s southernmost tip.

But what startling reality the camera saw on the roof, I didn’t–until later:

So far, people’s responses have ranged from “Really beautiful!” to “Is that a reflection or light leak?” to “Spooky!” to “Gives me a feeling of peace.”

What do you feel?

This photo, taken 7 minutes before, from my exact same perch at the exact same angle, clearly reveals no sign of any angelic-like being or any light leaks. No reflective objects appear on the roof, which is gray and featureless except for what by day look like a couple low curved steam vents or chimneys set far apart.

Experts say a real (non-manipulated image) reveals more details, not less, when it’s zoomed in on. Case in point:

This breath-taking photo was taken of the angelic image when magnified more than 2x on my monitor. (On your computer, you can also hold down the Control-Shift keys and press the “+” button several times.) You can see the vast luminous energy field, at least 12 feet in diameter, contains five or six sections that arc out like petals from three distinct orbs or centers.

“Almost like the soul of a butterfly,” one person said.

Another commented, “Looks like a giant Mickey Mouse!” (You’d have to imagine the two smaller points of light as his ears.)

I’m sure the spirit, or the butterfly soul, or the angelic being, would be amused by that last remark. When you decide to “go public,” you’re prepared for almost anything.

One level-headed friend asked, “Why would an angel just appear on a rooftop to you, in the middle of the night?”

Good question. Maybe because they knew I’d be looking. Also, who else do you know takes photos of New York Harbor from 270 feet up, at 4:10 am? Everyone else is napping, or partying, or busy making soon-to-be-regretted-purchases from late-night TV infomercials.

One person explained away the image, saying, “But you always attract these sorts of things.”

It’s true: as a Spiritualist minister and naturally somewhat clairvoyant, I’ve seen blissful lights and startling things that others haven’t. Or maybe Western culture has been so busy making money off trying to scare us from the unknown (depicting the subconscious as a dangerous Hell-like place, etc.), fear has hypnotized us into not consciously acknowledging what everyone’s brains do sense.

Such habituated blindness might keep anyone from noticing the evidence right in front of his or her face once it’s downloaded onto their computer. Or might lead them to mutter, “That’s a mistake”–and delete it without a second thought.

Either way, my collection of unusual photos includes brilliant spirit-lights at Trinity Church on Broadway, tiny glowing orbs at Bowling Green, solemn faces ascending jellyfish-like in the air near Verrazano Bridge in Brooklyn–and the unforgettable multiple moons moving over New York City. But this blue angel picture is perhaps my favorite.

Why? Because it’s like a doorway–and a reassurance.

For if one angelic being exists, many can–and they do according to the sacred scriptures of all spiritual paths from Christianity to Hinduism, to every indigenous culture on Earth.

Trust me, any sign of angelic presence is very welcome in New York City’s rough-and-tumble environment. This indicates that an angelic kind of caring–of help available–really does exist. Not just as a happy imagined source to bring us relief from mental or emotional stress.

It suggests there really is a purpose, a mission, one or more–and a spiritual hierarchy dedicated to well being of mankind and all creatures. Not just a race or species dwelling in its own separate, unimaginably glorious world, but interacting with ours–here in ours.

It says we’re not alone. No matter where we live. And that’s good.

Angelic being, cosmic butterfly, whoever you are–thank you for showing yourself to us. Thank you for the gift of this visible proof. And thank you for loving us.


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See more genuine Photographic Proof of Angels in NYC!

Peace and happiness,
Rev. Scott Ufford

Copyright 2011

Why Not Write a New Chapter in Your Life?

A new chapter of your life begs to be born. Can’t you feel it?

Haven’t you gone through a lot of struggles lately? Everybody else has. The challenges of these upward-leaning times means that no matter what your struggle, you’re not alone.

But you have to decide…

You know your aching heart feels like this:

You just can’t give any more!

You’ve spilled all the ink of sorrow you can possibly pour into one aging chapter. Its pages sag under this crusted crimson ink. These same pages of tired text, repeatedly thumbed back and forth through, pondered, praised, scorned, rewritten, crossed out, scribbled around, edited and agonized over and over throughout this age, could collapse with any more…

Enough of the time-worn blood of this same old chapter.

Worries, misgivings, goals, prayers, dreams–fought over, sweated & schemed for. Some battles lost, some battles won, some permanently on hold like an anchor dragged behind a boat that’s trying to set sail…

Don’t you want to start a new chapter?

Don’t you deserve to write it? Or would you rather hand the pen of responsibility to someone else? Do you really want to waste precious pages of your life, settling for whatever themes and plot twists–and climax–someone else writes?

Be they sad or sweet words–why would you want to surrender the power of your story?

Instead, it really is time to turn the page my friend. Time to bundle up the last of the harvest you’ve gleaned, throw away the chaff–and move ahead.

I do have great trust in you.

Your angels have complete trust in you.

Your immaculate, untainted, undiscovered Heart has total trust in you: when it’s time to turn the page to the new chapter, when it’s time to pour out the fire of your love–you’ll do it with ease.

You’ll do it with prayerful, strong intent.

You’ll do it because you have to.

Because you want to.

Because you are you.

Because you hold the pen of power.

Begin to dream the next new pages of your life. Daily, nightly, make the effort. This way, you plant the seeds of the virtues you will harvest.

Benefits sprout up day by day, as you write–as you act–in trust.

Be glad for this new chapter of you. With each newly considered word, you propagate a new species of trust in yourself.

Just start to write with a lighter heart.

Don’t imagine that past chapters’ mistakes define you. Instead, if you let yourself learn, your victories will spring triumphant from your failures.

Do not fear–never fear–that you might run out of good words. Create with greater confidence in the well being of your story. Give thanks for whatever harvest will be yours, and be at peace.


Because the same unmistakable mysterious power that urges you to plant wiser seeds, to grow beyond old limits, to aim for a higher healthier harvest–that same power today drives our whole world to complete the past, to reach for the future, to take a mighty upwards leap!

Trust: your bravery will bring seeds of wisdom from the higher source for all humanity. A fever-pitch of insights–sometimes in your dreams–will welcome your dawning imagination.

Soon you’ll be so glad, because no matter what the cost, no matter what the fears:

You dug deep into your soul. You listened in silence to your heart. You heard the word, and you obeyed.

You turned the new page. To the new chapter. To the new you.

You began to write.

We–your friends–your teachers–your unseen loving family–challenge you. We respect you. Most of all, we congratulate you in advance, for we know the good urges in your heart.

We welcome you to brave new words.

Peace and blessings,
Rev. Scott Ufford

Copyright 2011