Tag Archives: daily mantra

Authors from 5th Dimension Share Amazing Prayer to Transform Your Life!

Why experiment with saying this amazing Prayer of Pure Goal Words nightly?

Because it’s given to you and me by Ascended Masters who know exactly what EVERY human being on Earth wants and needs now:

A Sacred Prayer that fits every religion & spiritual path–
it’s infinitely useful.

A Sacred Prayer that invokes & opens for you and me–
for every person–
the Highest Powers that EXACTLY fit our private capacity to grow more fully and happily!

A Sacred Prayer that’s intimately personal, completely practical–
one that when you use it, will bring you remarkable results:


“Divine Master of All, Creator of Any and All — Sacred Creature of All Creation’s Power, Truth and Oneness, grant me this day, access to these educational tools suitably matched for my own highest soul growth today.

“Grant me this entrance tool into my own higher dimensional, highest destiny advancement phases in harmony within the sacred sphere of this Heavenly Earth.

“Grant me full access to any and all Divine Ray Influences most potently to be applied to my soul’s development at this time.

“Show me in this perfect Ray of spiritual advancement, what to do, how to live a purposeful life, how to awaken any destiny gifts you have prepared before me to accept in this powerful time for soul advancement.

“Make these and my soul families’ experience upon Earth be a fruitful gift of your love pouring into mine and all our lives as well as we can do.

“Guide these soul-ray-structure alignments within my conscious being, in harmonious accord with all other human beings upon this Earth at this very moment.

“Let us all be blessed in the common human goal of advancing love, light, peace, wisdom, prosperity upon this Holy Earth in your most Sacred Name, Amen.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Please put this Living Prayer into action tonight.
Do you dare to let revolutionary AND self-affirming changes enter your life?

You’re welcome to share your results.
Do you think this prayer is nonsense?
Genuinely inspired?

You’ll only know by doing.
Peace & Happiness to you.

Used with permission from The Crystalline Ones, higher-dimensional authors working to share revolutionary Divine Wisdom In Action. See their channeled documents, including the surprising 2011-2012 Divine Codes Update, at Divine Code Rule Number One.

Rev. Scott Ufford
Copyright 2011

Japanese Quake Survivor Shares Crisis-Healing Meditation

Surprise Guest Columnist:

I live in Japan, near Tokyo, due south of the nuclear disaster area . . . I was inspired to write this meditation a few days after the quake struck. Other like-minded souls have been doing this exercise daily, with me. If you feel you want to, please try this.

Please share. Peace and love to all. Thank you!

“Switch your consciousness ON.
Believe in the power of MIND.

Believe this.

You are a being of energy.
A being of light. You are an energy transformer.

As a being of light and an energy transformer
(When you have an idea –-> you create something = energy transformer 😉 )

You can open your self at will
And make manifest with your mind.

Many people are suffering and you may be picking up on that energy.
Are you feeling yourself drawn to the suffering, or to the calm?
You are attempting to rebalance energies within your sensitive light body.

You can transform the negative energy
into positive love energy
which will help you
and everyone else in ways that you cannot imagine.

Try this.

Stand outside if possible. In daylight.
Breath in the dark, negative fears.

In your mind, see them circulate your heart and all around your body,
All transforming into positive love energy.
All transforming into pure, clear sunlight.
Clear transformation.

Breath this love energy out while holding a strong, clear image in your mind, mentally visualising something positive.

For example, crisis-healing images:

* A map of Japan being immersed in bright, golden love energy

* The reactor cooling, the problem subsiding, the weather assisting to take any dangerous toxins out over the sea for safer processing

* Shifting tectonic plates calming, slowing, settling, ceasing to move

* Injuries healing, pains easing, acceptance gently starting; fears, confusion, shock, anger subsiding, ebbing, dissolving

* Family and friends reconnecting

* Energy, water, medical supplies and food arriving in abundance

And anything else you feel will help.

Please try to do this as many times a day as you can. As often as feels good.
Feel the exercise heal you, as you release the bad energy through your base chakra back into the earth.

Feel the sun on the crown of your head as much as you can in a day.
Relax, breath, stretch, calm, calm, calm = Your daily voice/breath/movement mantra.
While doing this, practise being the embodiment of calm.

And never, EVER doubt the power of your MIND.

Together we are one.
No matter where you are in the world.
Our power is one.”

* * * * * * * * *

Peace and love from one to all.
Thank you again.
Jaq Kurio
Tateyama-Shi City,
Chiba Prefecture, Japan

Copyright 2011