Tag Archives: meditation

On Your Surprising Discovery of Universal No-Time

By Scott Ufford

I almost feel too human, these head-spinning days.
Don’t you, too?
Too clumsy. Too confused. Just too busy?

I feel spun-around by Time as it blasts past face-first in endless orgies of self-birth. Self-love. Self-abandonment. Without even muttering an apology!

But sometimes a discovery slaps me out of this helpless self-hypnosis.
Make me remember to take a deeper breath. Lets me sigh with surprised relief, and lets me enjoy it.

You are free to look to the skies in your heart.

Breakthrough usually comes during those rare rests when I watch the night stars cartwheel like glistening gymnasts in the waters of The Invisible.

That’s what I call everything the stars are dancing in, but we can’t see:
The Invisible.

When I do this, sometimes something really ancient stirs in my heart.
As if I can almost remember who I really am, back before…

Back before It happened.
Yes, back before I,
just like you,

crash-landed down here on Earth.


Once I was a galaxy-cavorting bird on the wing–but now I’m flightless and Earth-bound with club feet for a soul:

And with every loud crunch of my boots over the vast tundra of my karma:

I’ve unblinkingly observed and suffered, for too many centuries, the strange limits of a planet that loves to splash cold proof of my blindness in my face.

I’ve had many lives to meditate on our human miseries. On our mysteries. And, on the Arctic Ocean of difference between our labored little breaths and the free-swirling dance of Worlds aloft in The Invisible:

Here’s my little discovery:

In the extravagant splurge of these great Universes, each with their own one sparkling predominant feature:

In their clearest reality:

There is no “before”.
There is no “after”.
There is only the immense creative ongoing reality of Right Now.

Surprising moment!
It’s holographically imprinted in the waves
of the waters
of the ever-increasing,
multiplicity of Universes swimming in The Invisible Right Now!

From their highest crests to their deepest undertows,
from their most indescribably tiny splashing moments, causes, effects, circulations of intensity and intention and rippling results:

Each and every single growing second of every Universe’s existence can not be subdivided.
Cannot be infinitely fractioned out of unity with the wave of itself.
Cannot be drained away from its mighty curving fractals of
evolution of
Unbreakable Moments
rising up like this one!

Cannot be made less than itself.
Cannot be sluiced out of its own heart, and be called separate.
Because, it is holy.
And it is awake.
And it is One.

Yes. This is correct.

Welcome to No-Time. You can never run out of No-Time.

Any time when you’re too busy scurrying around down here on Earth and you do frantically run out of Time, just remember:

You, too, can reach up into the skies of The Invisible, swimming in your heart and over your head.

You, too, can drink a great refreshing pitcher of No-Time, and feel release, once again.
For a short while. Or for longer.

Now that I’ve tasted it, I want to discover the secret powers and pleasures of No-Time.

Don’t you?

Copyright 2010 Scott Ufford

Maitreya the World Teacher’s Psychic Speech to Humanity, Part III of III

by Rev. Scott Ufford

Here’s the Powerful Conclusion to Maitreya the World Teacher’s Psychic Speech to Humanity:

“…From the most negative to the most positive aspects of everyone’s being, the truth dawns that everything, every bit of oneself, is poised in the gathering winds of complete change.

Complete shifting from focus upon death, to upon life, from upon fear, hatred and lack, to their absence, caused by focus on the Divine Power within.

No other resource at this time can transform your life more than simply knowing and admitting that great change now steps up to greet you. Let your responses be guided by your prayers to the Most High One and the Most Deep One, within yourself. Do this and you will be well.

As you transform yourself and yourselves, you transform your private inner world and lash together and melt together the raft of your spirit and consciousness to those of like-minded, like-hearted souls.

You do not need to destroy yourselves and your world. You do not need to fail miserably, to experience terrible pain, and to run back to the Heavenly Father for comfort.

Right now, as you declare this prayer:

“My world is peace.
My world is power.
My world is prayerfully guided.
My world is one of safety and plenty for myself and all people.
My world is one of harmony and community and a future of hope being born today as my eyes open”,

and right now,

as you declare the fact of your inner desire to follow The Higher Power, as best as you can, wherever it leads you, personally,

you set your mind, body and spirit free.

Free to play in the vast playground of changes happening into your earthly society.

Be peaceful and be strong in knowing that God is on your side, and God is on everybody’s side, as much as they pray this for others as for themselves.

What you say inside yourself today can make your life a heaven, when you decide that your desire is for win-win situations for everybody, as much as possible.

Trust that the divine transaction you make today of accepting greater honesty of insight into your real self will always pay you greatly. It will bring prayer and help to you from others who are transforming by their hearts’ directions in the same way as you.

The Age of Spiritual Honesty and True Insight is upon us. It is well underway. You are a charter member of this society of transformations, so give thanks to God that you exist today, and give thanks for your every today.

Maitreya, the World Teacher”

Let’s repeat Maitreya’s two wonderful prayers here. They can bring you revolutionary results, WHEN YOU USE THEM:

“My world is peace.
My world is power.
My world is prayerfully guided.
My world is one of safety and plenty for myself and all people.
My world is one of harmony and community and a future of hope being born today as my eyes open.”


“I declare the fact of my inner desire to follow The Higher Power as best I can, wherever it leads personally.”

Over the years, I’ve shared these prayers and been told of helpful changes–including a deeper peace and focused positive energy–coming to those who meditated upon them. Try them yourself. Say them before sleep or upon awakening– you’ll speak to the heart of yourself.

One last but very important note:

A natural firestorm of curiosity surrounds Benjamin Creme’s declarations & writings about Maitreya’s actual existence, identity, and intentions. Before sharing this psychic speech, I took great care to attune to my highest spiritual guides.

“Who is Maitreya really? What is his purpose?”

After long, focused listening came the surprising answers:

“Prince of Heavens.”
“Heavenly Assistant.”

Deep thoughts to consider!
Tell me your thoughts & feelings, please, and thank you for reading.
Peace and blessings to you!
Rev. Scott Ufford

Transcribed and Copyright Rev. Scott Ufford, 2003, 2010

Angelic Guides Welcome Us to the New Christ Energies, Part II of II

Angelic Messengers Say Our World is Entering the New Christ Energies, Part II of II

Here’s the stunning conclusion of my psychically channeled message from Teachers of Christ Wisdom:

“….Far better it is, and still the intended plan, that what is The Moment (ed: Moment of World Transformation) will be a peaceful Moment, a far more fully conscious moment, clad only in the triumphant vision of the future in the New Christ Heart Technologies, than that observed by civilizations of recent yesterdays who chose their Great Transformations clad in the stinking old clothes of deceit and destruction.

For one thing, it’s much simpler and with better immediate results, for the Christ Nature of ourselves to enter the 21st century clad in self-awareness, self-peace, a desire to know one’s self and the mercy to propel self through its portal, in a calmer, more peaceful manner.

You will surprise ourselves and yourselves by denying your yesterdays and your nonexistent attentions to your new futures, by “changing on a dime,” so to speak. Your Old Christ clothes (ed note: old limited fearful use of your Christ-aspiration energies) are ready to be shed. It is essential that you perform this disrobing on behalf of yourselves.

Again, you look ridiculous and slow down your momentum / alter your trajectory of the future (from tragedies to trajectories). Your New Christ clothes must be donned wholeheartedly in order for your desired future travel results.

As it is today, the Old Christ Energy uncomfortably accommodates these lingering tensions obsessed with yesterdays. Being forced to nursemaid yourselves by your not trusting your divine collective good natures, induces your repeated rejections of the attentions of your higher selves.

When you reject the good intentions of your authentic selves through collective fears and mental disturbances cast as a net of involvement into the fishing waters of deeper collective experiences, here’s what happens:

Instead of casting away the past, you haphazardly invoke your neural net that reduces greater reality’s invitations into a dull rote recital of the pasts.

Now, imagine your personal Spiritual Future:

Can you see how obsessions with your yesterdays, thrown as a cloak over your future todays, might blind yourselves as to your future potentials and enjoyment of self?

See how your momentum and direction and resulting experiences along this passageway, are dramatically influenced and enforced by your chosen vehicles of experience for passage.

Should you choose to enter the New Christ Energies through the back door, as a serf in denial that the feast in the grand restaurant is intended for yourselves? Must you be humbly ushered in under the cloak of past passageways of harsh experience?

If you choose the mantle of demise for your civilization, as in the past– your entrance into New Christ is much more difficult to behold and maintain the heightened frequencies.

Instead, here’s what we strongly recommend:


‘I say YES, a collective YES, to the New Christ Energies. I say YES that my entrance be conscious, safe, alert, well-informed. I desire the great soul power tools available during this initiation-doorway to those who are resolute in themselves.’

Choose to root your future experiences in a vision of collective security, sanctity, peaceful progression of power use and sharing. The entrance into your divine collective selves may be greatly enhanced and your race’s status be incalculably blessed, by awakening to release of your yesterdays and to embrace of your realities, tomorrow.

May your Constant Power Note (the musical note in humanity’s collective spheres of True Love and Light) be as vigilant, as awakened, as flowing in the New Christ Clothes, to transform your societies, selves and collective futures —

–NOW, AWAKEN. Pray for this.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

So concluded one of the most startling, profound documents I have ever received. I am very happy to finally share this with you. I consider this positive message to be inclusive of all religions and peoples.

(From this beginning in 2007 in near-total darkness, has sprouted many inspired talks and a series of New Christ Energies workshop meditations which I’m urged to offer online. Only the Teachers of Wisdom who brought this guidance know what comes next!)

What do you think, my brave reader? How does reading this two-part series make you feel?
Again, please consider the true message separate from the human flaws of the writer!

I’d love to hear from you, and thank you for your prayers of support.

Thank you for your attention, and bless you and yours in Christ’s Name!
Rev. Scott Ufford