Tag Archives: Cosmic Christ

Know the Ancient Secrets to Your Happier Future

At last:
You can clearly understand mankind’s psychological history, to heal your own future.

Channeled Psychic Wisdom reveals these ancient secrets:

Positive emotions are expressions of unity with your soul.

Negative emotions are meant solely as reporting on the bodily conditions and environment.

As feedback.

When the human consciousness extruded down into physical dimension conditions, the positive emotions were meant as joyous affirmations of soul knowledge.

The negative emotions were meant as reporting on how the person in physical realms might be feeling and existing shy of those most desirable conditions.

But then the (beings of human) consciousness separated further down into physical than expected…

* * * * * * * * * *

Think what you can do with this secret understanding. Dig into it for real gems!

Peace and Happiness,
Rev Scott Ufford
Copyright 2011

PREDICTION SHOCKER: Beyond Teenage Sex “As We Know It”

by Rev. Scott Ufford

What I’m about to say to you is short.
Doesn’t have a lot of “normal rational” explanations.
And might strike you as completely absurd.

Because it’s a shocking glimpse into the interior reality of the human race.
Deeper than what we usually think sexual energy is “all about”.

Most important:
This prophecy creaks-open a tiny bit, the secret door of partnership between us and God.

It’s meant to stir up our emotions.
Force questions to pop up like corks into our minds.
Arouse our age- and sex-related prejudices, bitterness, fear, nostalgia, complacency.

Okay, it’s mostly meant to give us hope.

Of course, a few of you teenagers already know the truth of these words.
But doesn’t it feel good to see confirmation from the “Old World”?

This crystal-clear prophecy written down in total darkness, midnight:


Spontaneously, at the appointed time, the hand of God / Goddess moves the blocked mechanism inside primarily teenagers around the world.

Inducing group telepathic events and actions.

Experiencing telepathy, and transmutation of sexuality into super prana, changes all.

First, through isolated groups. Then waves of teenagers worldwide…
Cleansing all relationships.
Changing all institutions.

A simple challenge, my friends:
What you think about THAT?

UPDATE: See the followup story here!

Rev. Scott Ufford Copyright 2007, 2011

11 Spiritual Power Principles for Your Success in 2011

by Rev. Scott Ufford

Use these 11 spiritual power principles to build your happy success in 2011:

Give thanks now for all the good things in your life last year, 2010.

They comforted you, rewarded you, blessed you, healed you. Gave you so much to share. Because of them, they gave you ways & chances to help others and grow your dreams.

Give thanks now for all the pains in your life last year.

They taught you, challenged you, strengthened you. They purified your soul energy, cleansed your karma & your resolve to hear wisdom & follow your dreams.

Give thanks now for all the people who helped you & forgave you last year.

By their hands you were uplifted. You were encouraged to grow. By their forgiveness, whether known or not, you became less separate & more connected to other people, to your heart, and to God.

Give thanks now for all the people you helped & forgave last year.

By your hands others were uplifted. By your sacrifice & caring, you gave them hope. By forgiving them, you increased the good in the world, in your life—and in your future.

Give thanks now for all the new people in your life last year.

Could you imagine 2010 without the new people, new stimulation, struggles and gladness—but you had no idea they would show up? Do you sense higher purpose & possibilities within your life’s changes?

Give thanks now for all the people who left your life last year.

Did you know they would leave, or when or how? By leaving, they pushed you to feel the truth, weakness, happiness & love in your relationships. To value each moment. To learn by reflecting on love and loss.

Give thanks now for all the new people, opportunities & ideas who will enter your life this New Year.

Can you imagine the good unknowns coming your way? Why not magnify them? By focusing on your desires, helping others with their desires, and giving thanks in advance, you radiate energies of fulfillment.

Give thanks now for all the people’s lives & hopes you will enter this New Year.

Do you have any idea how important you are to your corner of the world? Can you imagine how the wrongs and rights you’ll do, will help others learn their lessons, fulfill their dreams & destinies–and change you?

Give thanks now for all the good & bad that will enter your life this New Year.

By giving thanks in advance for EVERYTHING, you really gain strength. How? You welcome the Higher Power that’s sustained and loved you through every event since your creation. You align yourself with trust in action.

Give thanks now for all the events that will enter the world this New Year.

Unknown are the blessings and pains of this year ahead. Unknown are the startling new struggles, setbacks, inventions and successes. Unknown are the necessary revolutions, sacrifices, losses and humble births. But known is that you will create this year with everyone else. Be glad you love the human family.

Give thanks now for the Higher Power pouring Its Reality into humanity’s dreamland this New Year.

Known to God is the clear and hidden good within the Higher Plan. Known to God is the best possible destiny of humanity taking shape through all our miseries and confusions. The more you decide to dream the powerful dream, to pray with purpose, to hear with your heart, to start the healing, the more you free your soul.

Give thanks now for the chance to give a little more than what’s expected in this New Year.

Do this for others, and life will do more for you than you expect. When you’re glad, you give and receive more without measure. You make room for miracles. You enjoy our world’s increasing power to reflect Divine possibilities.

A Conclusion and a Beginning:

By giving thanks for what was, what is, and what will be, you multiply everyone’s good in this New Year. So decide to wake up more. Be glad God makes this possible.

Be patient, be brave, and help make 2011 beautiful. Thank you.

Copyright Scott Ufford 2011