Tag Archives: Cosmic Christ

NEWSFLASH! Divine Code Rule Number One 2011-2012 Update Is Here

You’ll be excited to know the newest stunning version of Universal Divine Code Rule Number One is about to go public–you’ll be one of the first people on Earth to see it.

You’ll be a part of a history-making moment that promises greater personal power for you.

Not every historic revolution starts with a gunshot or press coverage.

Sometimes, like now, the revolution starts in the highest reaches of the Heavens. Quietly it pours down tier after tier of waterfalls until it anoints human hearts.

For us, Universal Divine Code Rule Number One is that Pure Water of the Soul.

Universal Divine Code Rule Number One, or “DCR1” or “the Code”, as it’s known throughout the Universe, is the original, surviving blueprint that forms around itself the exoskeleton of all religions and spiritual pathways.

DCR1 is the clear, delineated tool for mastery of your soul lessons and issues.

With this precise update–meant for Earth inspiration through the exciting early months of 2012–we discover how to easily grasp this powerful tool.

We invite you to invoke The Pledge of Pure Goal Words, your potent new prayer to God. You can find your Pledge of Pure Goal Words near the end of 2011’s updated DCR1.

We know that by speaking this Pledge aloud or in your heart, you will find amazing breakthroughs in your relationship with the Divine. No matter what your religion or spiritual path or personal history.

Why? Because you’re destined to hunger for more God Reality in your life, and God wants you to be well-fed and happy.

We’ll let you know as soon as the new 2011 version of DCR1 and its Welcome Introduction are ready for you. (ed note–It’s here now)

In the meantime, please spread the word around and always–always–keep your faith.

Peace and Blessings of Hope to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford

Copyright 2011

Seek Your River of Truth

Soul Seeker’s Diary:
I listen for bold original advice.


Eliminating false flows from your life makes room for resumed growth.

The pure channels of delight must exceed their riverbanks and flow to end all drought. They must starve into submission all starvation, by the powers of Divine Truth.

Nothing exceeds Truth which exceeds all deprivation.

The state of inactivity of soul known as drought, must drain into riverbanks of activity.

Nothing can exceed the certain state of soul known as “knowing beyond knowing”–and knowing deeper than all your beliefs.

Do not worry.

All desolation must end.

Nothing can exceed the reach of Divine Mind, measured out.

The states of Divine Mind far exceed all droughts.

All dryness must exceed no season.

What is true for expression exceeds only that which is less than its given possibilities.

The state of inactivity known as drought must itself dry up. It must be blown away by the winds of the onrushing waters of true life.

Find these waters. Give thanks, and drink.”

Peace and happiness to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford

Copyright 2011

A Prophecy as Parable: The Tibetan Deer and The Chinese Dragon

“The Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people are like innocent deer confronted by a cruel dragon in the same field, on the same mountainside.

The deer must not anger the dragon too much. And the deer must continue to feed their own souls, even though the dragon starves his own.

The day will come when the dragon’s hunger grows too great to deny.

…On that good day, the deer will teach him how and what is good to eat.

Great restraint is required for the deer to continue to feed their families’ souls while in the dragon’s midst.

Great courage is required for the deer to keep praying for the dragon’s true hunger to ripen.”

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Let us continue to plant seeds of whatever is true and good and of peace in this world. Let us be glad to grow it.

Whether honored or scorned by the powerful and the rich, True Food will someday feed all hungry hearts.


Because we are entering the Age of Spiritual Honesty. Soon, no one will even DESIRE to deny what is Good Food…The Infinity Prayer can help bring you and our world that goodness:

“Your Infinity Prayer

Let Infinite Good fill all the needs of all human beings and all sentient beings on Earth and on all planets, in Christ’s Name. Amen.”

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Divine Code Rule Number One best expresses The Infinity Prayer’s hope for our world’s complete transformation, secretly happening…

Once their spiritual desire ripens, few people of any religion will desire to avoid the breath-taking vision of Divine Code Rule Number One.


I received a vital update for Divine Code Rule Number One on January 7, 2011. This is a true breakthrough. Applicable through early 2012. I’ll make it available here and on FaceBook with its new Introduction & unexpected surprises.

Peace and happiness to you.
Rev. Scott Ufford
Copyright 2011