Tag Archives: 2012 awakening

Picture Your Future as a Kind of Drug-Free Ecstacy…

Just imagine this picture’s antique wooden toys represent the homey, happy, bloody, crappy, triumphant peaceful nook of yours known as the 3rd dimension on good ol’ Mother Earth…

…Here on 3-D Earth is where all your battles seem to have been fought,

Where all your victories seem to have been won,

Where all your tears bitter and sweet seem to have been shed,

Where all your illusions seem to have been shattered,

Where all your courage seems to have been intensely tested,

Where all your slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune and
incredible heart-pounding hairs-breadth glad escapes
from sure doom,
death, extinction or worse
seem to have struck you,

Where all your brothers and sisters,
all your annoying, beloved, insane, ingenious,
delicious demented chuckling human family,

seems to have cursed and prayed itself into white-knuckled
red-cheeked existence,

Where all your loves seem to have sprung up with the urgency
of their sure and tender, thirsty roots,

Where you seem to have spent your entire ancient childhood in near-amnesia,
dreaming of the days you might someday,
spend more awake,
more alive and connected,
more free…

Imagine these wooden playthings seem to tell the special tale of your time-honored 3rd and 4th dimensional reality.

Here we are.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now, imagine if you will, that this next special picture invites you
into what seems like



Into what seems like your next peaceful nest
for exciting flights of initiation beyond simple sights and sounds,
where you can swoop into the heart and science of
Living Your True Soul…

You are so beautiful.
You are courageous.

Because despite what seems like any weakness to your wings
You do have the heart of the dove
You do have the eyes of the eagle.

You are remembering your desire to fly!

…When you help your neighbor,
you help your self.

When you help your self,
you help your world.

When you help your world,
you help all worlds.

Because your arrow of love that seems to fly in one direction here
pierces the Heart of the Universe
that beats profoundly into all directions.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Peace and happiness to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford
Copyright 2011

Authors from 5th Dimension Share Amazing Prayer to Transform Your Life!

Why experiment with saying this amazing Prayer of Pure Goal Words nightly?

Because it’s given to you and me by Ascended Masters who know exactly what EVERY human being on Earth wants and needs now:

A Sacred Prayer that fits every religion & spiritual path–
it’s infinitely useful.

A Sacred Prayer that invokes & opens for you and me–
for every person–
the Highest Powers that EXACTLY fit our private capacity to grow more fully and happily!

A Sacred Prayer that’s intimately personal, completely practical–
one that when you use it, will bring you remarkable results:


“Divine Master of All, Creator of Any and All — Sacred Creature of All Creation’s Power, Truth and Oneness, grant me this day, access to these educational tools suitably matched for my own highest soul growth today.

“Grant me this entrance tool into my own higher dimensional, highest destiny advancement phases in harmony within the sacred sphere of this Heavenly Earth.

“Grant me full access to any and all Divine Ray Influences most potently to be applied to my soul’s development at this time.

“Show me in this perfect Ray of spiritual advancement, what to do, how to live a purposeful life, how to awaken any destiny gifts you have prepared before me to accept in this powerful time for soul advancement.

“Make these and my soul families’ experience upon Earth be a fruitful gift of your love pouring into mine and all our lives as well as we can do.

“Guide these soul-ray-structure alignments within my conscious being, in harmonious accord with all other human beings upon this Earth at this very moment.

“Let us all be blessed in the common human goal of advancing love, light, peace, wisdom, prosperity upon this Holy Earth in your most Sacred Name, Amen.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Please put this Living Prayer into action tonight.
Do you dare to let revolutionary AND self-affirming changes enter your life?

You’re welcome to share your results.
Do you think this prayer is nonsense?
Genuinely inspired?

You’ll only know by doing.
Peace & Happiness to you.

Used with permission from The Crystalline Ones, higher-dimensional authors working to share revolutionary Divine Wisdom In Action. See their channeled documents, including the surprising 2011-2012 Divine Codes Update, at Divine Code Rule Number One.

Rev. Scott Ufford
Copyright 2011

Prophet Isaiah Predicts One Cosmic Religion of All Worlds

What a contrast!

2,753 years ago in 8th century B.C. Jerusalem, celebrated Hebrew prophet Isaiah began to prophesy the destruction of Israel by the sprawling Assyrian empire because of the priestly ruling class’ faithless decadence.

Isaiah also predicted a messiah, later revealed as Christ Jesus, would come to console and lift Israel’s miserable poor from those who clenched the whip of brutal force.

But in this surprising 2007 prophecy–never before made public–Isaiah reappears to make a stunning new prediction about the spiritual revolution about to transform our modern world . . .

“A lot of fear is running around the Earth like a frightened child. Trying on many scary and foolish masks & wildly waving its hands; trying to convince people of the power of fear.

But don’t you be fooled! For fear is a fool, a superstition, a broken religion.

Anyone can see the illogic of fear in a place of Earth, where Heaven is coming to rest its feet, establish its kingdom, and refresh the human race and all extant species.

Fear is a fool’s gold, a pretender to importance.

Nothing can change or is willing to change your fears except for love itself.

Love is the primordial most established truth.

The truth is no longer willing to wait for world fears to put down the pretend scary masks, no longer convincing.

You must admit the errors of all human religions, as much as they grant “fear” the power of truth and a place at their table. Root out, dig out all fears and you will snare the tails and tales of all falsehoods–

for one God-given cosmic religion is coming to Earth, coming now,
to establish
truths without fears
and love without lies

into each and every religion still embraced in the hearts of man and woman.

Do not fear the end of fears. Do not fear the changing of your olden ways–

until now, all religions tried to point the way to the end of fear and the end of falsehood and the end of lack–

THE NEW COSMIC RELIGION coming to transform Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. is The Religion of All Worlds, The Cosmic Truth Breaking Reality into Every Religion and Spiritual Path.

You have nothing to fear but your own deeper, living, personal knowledge of God, joined with everyone else’s, changing the world and all religions into NO FEAR, NO LACK, NO LIES, NO INHUMANITY–

all the deceptions and inaccuracies of every human system must cease to exist in error.

You must accept the possibility and power of your own religion, being carved as a rough stone by truth and the divine power of love. Carved into the most precious gemstone–the Pure Diamond of Truth–

with the light of God in your eyes, reflected in the eyes of all human beings and wild animals, plants, oceans and skies alike.

Dig deeply into the ground. Planted seeds, divine seeds of truth are growing!

You are the roots of truth! You are the stalks, the stem, the leaves, the blossoms incredibly glittering. You are the honest blossom awaiting the dew of the new dawn.

Do not fear others in their fear. Do not suffer their fears, or yours, in silence. They have no more power over you than your beliefs permit. In truth, they do not control themselves–

they cannot control you, either–

watch in amazement as the human systems of earth are gradually transformed by trial and error into lands and peoples free of pain, freed from oppression, freed from brutalities and dying desperation of doomed, decayed lies.

Your future and your truth must rest strong, must grasp strongly this faith:

You are not abandoned by God here–you are embraced by the touch of God, not by squeeze of death and doom–the hand is gentle and strong that lifts you all up, protects and strengthens you, preserves humanity as its blind will fades and the pure power of

God in
Spirit in
Manhood and

reestablishes divine roots of grace upon this vaunted earth.

This is your and my destiny:

unavoidable truth:

you have nothing left to fear:

you are eternal beings.

You are blessed with truth.
Drink the cup slowly and gladly.

From your stresses and strains emerge
the calm,
the power,
the essence of being human
awake again!

Awake in love, peace, truth, joy, power,

And so it is.
–Prophet Isaiah”

Received April 9, 2007

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011