Category Archives: Spirit & Angel Photos

Letting Go of 9 / 11

In my heart I feel it’s time for us Americans to decide our most important ENERGY FOCUS to carry from past tragedies like 9/11 into our future:

Should we focus on the personal hurts, the torn families, the great damage to our national sense of stability and pride?

Can we find deep emotional and spiritual closure by dwelling on or suppressing the past?

Can we transcend the pain of our dreams and loves lost by daring for a revitalized brotherhood and sisterhood in our homes, our communities, our world?

Or should we continue obsessing over endlessly seeking vengeance on old enemies to the point that we endlessly create new ones?

Can we secure our country’s borders and our citizens’ liberties by letting our naturally spirited, free-speaking, free-acting, free-thinking people be treated as suspects by the endless motley parades of suspicious military, police and political bureaucrats who would “make our world safer for us”?

Isn’t it approaching time for us all to end mourning of the dead so the sparkling possibilities of today can emerge from their hiding places beneath the rocks of our guilt, anger, fear, habitual blindness?

Do I respect the dead? Do I respect those still in sorrow? Do I respect those who have sacrificed for our country and for a more peaceful world?

Yes, I most certainly do–
but I respect the claims of no man or woman, dead or alive, rich or famous, to chain me, you or any human being on Earth to any vision of our collective future that denies the great endless spiritual growth that is everyone’s sacred birthright.

No more excuses, my friends.

Your natural claim to a more joyful, peaceful, creatively sane existence is inextricably tied up in the fulfillment of every other human being’s very same birthright.

No matter how stifled or controlled by others in the past, this vital joy of our collective human birthright is meant to push up through the ashes of the Great Crusades, the Inquisition, the Black Plague, Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Bhopal, 9/11…

We’re to water with work and bright expectation the unseen seeds of an unknown harvest now germinating in the earth. These seeds now yearn inwards and reach outwards for Divine blessing to awaken their core potential.

How can we do anything but say YES to the opportunities for good that seek our patient attention through the tragedies inescapable to all human life?

I am honoring the dead of 9/11 and the newly born every day since by knowing and trying to live by this scientific fact:


Your life, my life, the actual existence of everyone’s spiritual beingness, simply never ends.

It only changes shape, changes focus, changes riverbed. Changes wind current, changes fragrance, changes intensity of awareness for our true hearts’ desires…

Peace, Blessings, Happiness and Solace to you and yours–
living, dead and yet to come–
on this good day of September 11, 2012.

Rev. Scott Ufford
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2012

More Photographic Proof: Angels in New York?!

Controversy rages around every bit of photographic evidence presented for our survival of death.

The problem is, many people who pride themselves on their “scientific open-mindedness” refuse to see & analyze things clearly–without a wheel of silent bias comfortably whirling in the cogs of their thinking.

For example, the latest research into authenticity of The Shroud of Turin: Does it really date from the 1st century? Is it a 13th century fake–an ancient version of “Photoshopped”? Or was a genuine image of Jesus’ face somehow “laser photo-burnt” into the shroud’s linen as his beaten body spiritualized to higher dimensional, heavenly vibration while in the tomb?

Then the “haters”–those who aren’t simply asking rational questions–get to the real point (their point): Isn’t Jesus life just a myth? Isn’t religion just a crutch? Won’t I just rot in the ground when I die?

Etc. People will do everything in their power to “slam” what they don’t dare hear the facts about.

How does this relate to my never-before-seen angel spirit photos taken outside historic Trinity Church in New York City? Let’s take a good look:

Two beautiful angel or spirit images? At historic Trinity Church, Broadway, New York by Scott Ufford

A rare glimpse of the intersection of physical & spiritual realms? Taken at Trinity Church on Broadway, New York City. Photographed with flash at 7:34 AM. The angelic-looking orbs or spirits weren’t visible to me when I photographed the church …

This close up of a pearlescent glowing being is so translucent, you can see details of the church & tree through it… (Click on the photos to magnify.)

Close-up of a remarkable image–of a pure, bright angelic entity? The brightest, fieriest image I’ve seen. Is this a guardian of the souls buried in Trinity’s famous cemetery–or for the many visitors from around the world who stream in its doors from dawn to dusk?
Highest magnification available of angel? spirit? at Trinity Church, Broadway, NYC by Scott Ufford

Taken seconds later without flash, in this photo you can see there’s no reflective surface or light source outside of the church that could have accidentally created the images.

These images aren’t dust, aren’t raindrops, aren’t snow, aren’t dirt on the camera lens. They aren’t image ghosting caused by the flash because you can see they possess vivid inner depth & outer detail.

Excellent technological advance:
I heard yesterday about a new app or plug-in that can show where an image has been Photoshopped. At last, honest images can be proven to doubters as not retouched.

Happy Conclusion:
I can admit to you my feelings of warmth and awe aroused when I first saw these lovely images, knowing they are REAL.

Don’t be afraid to invite your own sense of inner knowing, hope and joy to warm your life this beautiful holiday season. Your life with all its troubles is well worth living. Your soul is very real, and yes, survives your physical death. What’s worth living is worth giving God thanks for.

Tell me what you think of these pictures?
DO you have any you’d like to share?
Your thoughts are welcome!
Here are more of my popular Angel Photos in New York City.

Peace & Happiness,
Merry Christmas and
Happy Holy Days to you,
Rev. Scott Ufford
The Psychic Philosopher
Copyright 2011

9-11 Poem: A Remembrance in New York

A poem about loss, anger, healing, never shared before.

Written back on the 1st anniversary of the September 11, 2001 WTC disaster:

Remembrance in New York

Twin Towers of light
in wistful white
shine up against the shrouds
of twilight clouds.

Twin Towers of light
stab the night,
Tears blur my eyes
I search the skies.

Twin Towers of light
unveil this sight,
lost faces from the past
At peace at last.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Peace be with you,
Rev. Scott Ufford
The Psychic Philosopher
Copyright 2002, 2011
Copyright 2002