Category Archives: True Prophecies

Prophet Isaiah Predicts One Cosmic Religion of All Worlds

What a contrast!

2,753 years ago in 8th century B.C. Jerusalem, celebrated Hebrew prophet Isaiah began to prophesy the destruction of Israel by the sprawling Assyrian empire because of the priestly ruling class’ faithless decadence.

Isaiah also predicted a messiah, later revealed as Christ Jesus, would come to console and lift Israel’s miserable poor from those who clenched the whip of brutal force.

But in this surprising 2007 prophecy–never before made public–Isaiah reappears to make a stunning new prediction about the spiritual revolution about to transform our modern world . . .

“A lot of fear is running around the Earth like a frightened child. Trying on many scary and foolish masks & wildly waving its hands; trying to convince people of the power of fear.

But don’t you be fooled! For fear is a fool, a superstition, a broken religion.

Anyone can see the illogic of fear in a place of Earth, where Heaven is coming to rest its feet, establish its kingdom, and refresh the human race and all extant species.

Fear is a fool’s gold, a pretender to importance.

Nothing can change or is willing to change your fears except for love itself.

Love is the primordial most established truth.

The truth is no longer willing to wait for world fears to put down the pretend scary masks, no longer convincing.

You must admit the errors of all human religions, as much as they grant “fear” the power of truth and a place at their table. Root out, dig out all fears and you will snare the tails and tales of all falsehoods–

for one God-given cosmic religion is coming to Earth, coming now,
to establish
truths without fears
and love without lies

into each and every religion still embraced in the hearts of man and woman.

Do not fear the end of fears. Do not fear the changing of your olden ways–

until now, all religions tried to point the way to the end of fear and the end of falsehood and the end of lack–

THE NEW COSMIC RELIGION coming to transform Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. is The Religion of All Worlds, The Cosmic Truth Breaking Reality into Every Religion and Spiritual Path.

You have nothing to fear but your own deeper, living, personal knowledge of God, joined with everyone else’s, changing the world and all religions into NO FEAR, NO LACK, NO LIES, NO INHUMANITY–

all the deceptions and inaccuracies of every human system must cease to exist in error.

You must accept the possibility and power of your own religion, being carved as a rough stone by truth and the divine power of love. Carved into the most precious gemstone–the Pure Diamond of Truth–

with the light of God in your eyes, reflected in the eyes of all human beings and wild animals, plants, oceans and skies alike.

Dig deeply into the ground. Planted seeds, divine seeds of truth are growing!

You are the roots of truth! You are the stalks, the stem, the leaves, the blossoms incredibly glittering. You are the honest blossom awaiting the dew of the new dawn.

Do not fear others in their fear. Do not suffer their fears, or yours, in silence. They have no more power over you than your beliefs permit. In truth, they do not control themselves–

they cannot control you, either–

watch in amazement as the human systems of earth are gradually transformed by trial and error into lands and peoples free of pain, freed from oppression, freed from brutalities and dying desperation of doomed, decayed lies.

Your future and your truth must rest strong, must grasp strongly this faith:

You are not abandoned by God here–you are embraced by the touch of God, not by squeeze of death and doom–the hand is gentle and strong that lifts you all up, protects and strengthens you, preserves humanity as its blind will fades and the pure power of

God in
Spirit in
Manhood and

reestablishes divine roots of grace upon this vaunted earth.

This is your and my destiny:

unavoidable truth:

you have nothing left to fear:

you are eternal beings.

You are blessed with truth.
Drink the cup slowly and gladly.

From your stresses and strains emerge
the calm,
the power,
the essence of being human
awake again!

Awake in love, peace, truth, joy, power,

And so it is.
–Prophet Isaiah”

Received April 9, 2007

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011

“New God” Invites You to the Religions of the Skies

PART 3 of “New God: The Beginning”, a series of eye-opening reports on New God’s first actions on Earth. “New God” is a simple name for the Divine Leader of our Aquarian Age who began His / Her rule of Earth in August 2011.
New God Promises to Revolutionize Every Earthly Religion

Your vital personal question:

“What’s New God doing as He / She starts reign on Earth?

Here’s how to find out!

Very profitably—most profitably—prepare yourselves—by a certain ceremony of initiating yourself & yourselves into a Welcome to His Higher Presence.

Welcome fully His new evolving ways as humanity’s situational history, karmic possibilities and evolutionary probabilities begin to take deeper root . . .

Express your Heart of Welcome to New God in this Advent Season of Newness made Newer, Meaning:

Our New Beginnings.

The “Past God” is of one logically concluded age of mankind. “Past God” or “Old God” passed this baton of mankind’s awareness, for a new level of God’s rulership over Earth to challenge and stimulate our civilization.

(Ed. note: Maybe someday soon we will be civilized!)

Welcome and revere New God. Place this heart of yours at complete joyful service to Him! Or if you prefer to say, to Her!

“I welcome New God. I welcome New God in (Jesus’) Name, Amen.

“I welcome infinite healing services for mankind. I welcome infinite new powers of awareness.

”I place my life’s purpose, my soul, my very being at New God’s feet in glad awareness.

“I welcome this New Divine Presence of Mastery to heal all religions, release all ignorance, error and corruption, and create one Divine Multi-Faceted Experience in their stead.

“Welcome New God, New Christ, New Buddhic Energies. Welcome these Higher Energies engendering familiarity of freedom in love for God, into each and every religion’s provenance.”

Why issue this welcome?

Because you can no more resist these advances of New God’s New Reign Upon Earth than you can resist breathing in new draughts of energized oxygen, no matter where in the world it sweeps down to you from!

Waste little time—pay little attention—to the old strictures as commonly expressed of these Earth-based religions of yours.

Why not?

Because here’s what’s coming now:

The Religions of the Skies.

Embracing every religion’s native, natural goodness. Discarding the “oldness”, as must be done.

Embracing the timelessness of any spiritual well being, as must be done. Seeing where all—where each and every religion—has fallen short—then changing it to complete mankind’s leap into the 5th dimension!

For the instant ending of global miseries occurring via mysteries beyond your control, declare you this day, this very factual truth:

“I am one with New God this day. New God and Old God are unified in Will for this well being of mankind’s freshness. Let all that takes place from this day forwards be for the honoring of God’s purposes upon Earth and for the well being of humanity. In The Most Sacred Name we pray, Amen.”

Pray for the continued efforts of mankind in favor of completed self healings.

Serious efforts—necessary tasks—remain for culmination of ages of darkness and for entrance into New Light Energies. Efforts are not to be ignored. Messy process–but results are to be honored. Magnificent in the long run!

An additional supercharged prayer for you:

“I pray for New God’s powerful healing of groups I am most intensely connected to, and have intimate knowledge of.

“I pray for and project this well being advance for us, in all necessary stages known only to God, as an integral part of mankind’s well being / wellness program.

“And so it is!”

Do these prayers. Use your own words if you like. You’ll feel an incredible connection to the Unified Will of Old God / New God as we accelerate into the positive energy vortex of 2012!

With loving regard,
Elder Spiritual Teachers of Mankind”

Don’t miss “Prophet Isaiah Predicts One Cosmic Religion of All Worlds” — this exciting 2007 prophecy is now public for the first time!

Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011

Do You Ask God Questions? Listen for Answers?

My Unusual Spiritual Experience Can Help You

One painful summer afternoon, I sat alone on a black wrought iron bench in the center of a monastery’s lush green lawn. I was determined to do what I had to do:

Talk to God. Ask tough questions. And hear the answers, like it or not.

I meditated, then wrote down my sincere questions in this Letter to Christ–and His Reply:

I didn’t demand a response, but a tingle inside told me I’d get one. I was ready. I’d been “almost ready” for too long.

A sleepy butterfly hovered over my hot bench while I waited. The sun beat down like a silent hammer, but I waited.

Finally the silence ended. Crisp words began to blow through me like gusts of fresh air in a worried sail. I wrote without censorship or fear–I had to record it exactly as I got it.

I just imagined that this was a wise old friend talking, who hadn’t visited me in ages. Every word of our conversation was precious for me to record.

As I wrote, the sun seemed to glow instead of shine. I felt a great comfortable warmth.

Later–as I still sat alone on the bench–I would second-guess myself. Maybe I wrote down certain words wrong? Would Christ, or would God, really say that? Hmmm. So I corrected myself and I fussed, and meditated. I crossed-out and uncrossed-out some words in a lengthy process until I was certain all was correct.

Then I realized: I’d “corrected” the transcript until it read exactly the way I’d first written it down!

…This brings the conversation back to YOU.

If you don’t try to get direct answers from God or Christ or whomever you pray to–why wait any longer?

Maybe you don’t think you deserve any answers? Or you couldn’t handle them? Or you might hear wrong?

It’s really okay. God allows us to be abundantly imperfect. This question-and-answer process is both possible and good.

You don’t need to write a Russian novel. God accepts postcards, and probably tweets too.

You can ask about anything. It’s your personal secret.

Maybe you fear that the answer you get might conflict with what religious leaders say is correct? Maybe the answer might not agree with what you are hoping to hear?

Relax. If this happens, remember we’re all here to learn and grow. Your Creator always supports you for trying. For caring!

No true religion will tell you that you don’t have the right to ask God questions–and get answers! Because the religions & the spiritual paths are for mankind’s help.

To prepare to receive your guidance, you can affirm, “I am loved by God. My Creator is my friend. I affirm this true relationship on a new and deeper level than ever before. I release all past experiences that deny this truth.”

“I have the right to ask. I have the right to listen. I have the right to know God cares–no matter what He says to me.”

Affirm this again and again. Pray that you be surrounded with Divine Love, Light and Protection. Pray that what you receive be only from God or from the highest servant of God available–be that an angel, a teacher of yours in Heaven or in the Spirit World.

Start to write when the feeling’s right. Then–listen with the same welcoming openness as you would to a long-lost friend of yours. Suddenly back in your life, standing in your doorway before you.

In my experience spiritually counseling so many people over the years, here’s the main reason why people don’t hear answers to their questions to God:

Because they forget to let their hearts listen. They try to judge whether every word is perfect, or perfectly acceptable, before they’ve even heard it!

Don’t worry if you get earth-shaking results or not. You might see colors or hear music or sense a couple words that stand out like an eagle silhouetted against a cloud. Any answer feels incredible.

Remember, God has every thing on Earth available to use to speak to you.

Your answer might not be heard right away. It might come to you from a commercial jingle on TV, or you might see a message on the side of a passing truck that suddenly makes unusual sense to you.

Your answer could come from kind or harsh words that someone you like–or dislike–speaks to you. Truth has its own strong integrity.

Your answer could come from the twisting shape of a playful cloud, or from a phrase in an inspirational book that leaps up at you as eagerly as your pet dog when you come home.

You could write it down in the form of a few scribbled words on a pad by your bed, when you jump up wide-awake from an unusual dream at 4 in the morning.

The key can be to grab hold of these honest words of Christ:
“I am your friend.”

Apply this fact to Whoever you believe in, or are trying to believe in. Imagine that all people, voices, guilts and fears that try to tell you differently are washed away in a pure, clean stream.

Remain open to your results. They will come. If not immediately, then sooner or later.

It’s promised.

Keep your faith my friend.

Let me know any way I can help you or any questions:
Rev. Scott Ufford,
Spiritualist minister
Copyright 2011